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Project Warlock Big Box Set

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Project Warlock @ Romero.com

I'll keep it super short. John Romero, co-creator of all of our favorite game DOOM, is co-publishing our game I did the music for and I guess it's safe to say I'm still shxtting my pants... Congrats to Cuba and the rest of the gang, and thanks to my partner in crime Luke Wilson!!!


Here is the commercial on twitter: 


Edited by dybbuk81

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I'm not sure if I can plug the soundtrack here since, that would probably feel even more like spam. I mean it's John Romero related right? Its on bandcamp. My name is Jerry Lehr. I have two accounts that both have it. The soundtrack ALSO is completely free with the game too. Steam and Gog both carry it, and Epic Games. And I mean... romero.com


It's a wolfenstein clone

Part II, in the works, is the Doom and Quake clone. I know we don't call them these anymore but it's a 90's throwback so hey. Fuck it.

Edited by dybbuk81

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