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Best Tyson maps?

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What are some of y'all's favorite Tyson maps? I've only played one map explicitly made to be a Tyson map so far (to my knowledge), Going Down MAP21 - "Indigestion" (great map and great WAD, by the way, you need to play it if you haven't), so I guess that one's my favorite by default. I'm not very well-versed in the concept, but it interests me a lot and I was wondering what the community thought were the best of the best.

Edited by finnaboing

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MAP 12: King Arena from Kama Sutra sets the bar for great Tyson maps, in my opinion. 

MAP 06: Punchline from Vanguard is solid...also it has one of the most literal Tyson maps in existence in the 13 slot but I won't spoil that.

MAP03: Crawl Space and MAP 21: Indigestion Going Down are also standout examples of Tyson gameplay.

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ohhhhh right I forgot about GD MAP03, that counts doesn't it, didn't consider that

it didn't really feel like a Tyson map to me, but yeah it totally is, that one's good too (though not one of my personal favorites from that set)


I also really need to play Vanguard at some point

Edited by finnaboing

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46 minutes ago, finnaboing said:

damn I just realized this should've gone in "WAD Discussion" lol, whoops

I'll try to do a better job of that in the future


It's okay. People should worry less about where good threads go and more about starting more good threads. ;)


Anyway I tend to like Tyson maps that are not explicitly Tyson maps but can be played that way, especially for someone comfortable with punching bulkier mid-tiers like mancs and figuring out how to get peskier ones (like arachs or turrets) into deleterious infights that they normally lose. I'd have to think about it more but BTSX e1m1 and Speed of Doom map02 come to mind.


Here's a quick "demo reel" style playthrough of SoD 02 that depicts why I find it so fun. (It's not that harsh of a map this way with saves and actually remembering that there's a blue armor.)



It has a cool mix of "you're supposed to Tyson this and it's fun to do that" and "you're not supposed to but it's fun and rewarding to figure out how." 90 monsters, so that you can really feel progress with every kill, is pretty sweet. It has beneficial infights but is not horde-infight based, which I think works a lot worse in Tyson; it's cool when you can name who is infighting rather than just waiting for a crowd to die somehow. Oh yeah that's Bob and Karl, going at it again. :P 


Imo the 'zerk feels really good to use when you're on the backfoot and can figure out how to use it powerfully -- punching feels even more powerful when it's not really supposed to work -- so this sort of Tyson map suits me better than the typical  "intended Tyson" map. Also love Containment Area, so it's not that simple though.

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Not really full tyson but you will need to punch out a lot of things anyway:

Stardate20x7 Map04

Sunlust Map23 (Including old Map21)

Scythe 2 Map06, Map21, Map22, Map26

Crumpets maps (Some of them)



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"The Classic Episode" E2M4 is fun to fool around with chainsaw half of the time. I don't mind that it's slower and static at times, like at all, if I want to cut a few barons in half I will do it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just found this thread and still somewhat recent.


Joshy also has a couple good semi-Tyson levels I'm quite a fan of. Resurgence Map21 (maybe also Map12 slightly) and BTSXE2 Map01 stand out and also have some of the better visuals and atmosphere I've seen in a Tyson map.


Speed of DooM Map21 is heavy on Tyson too, but I'm not so much a fan.

Edited by FrancisT218

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