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Need advice, is zdoom\zscript capable of implementing my idea?


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I wanted to write this on zdoom forums, but my account is deactivated due to inactivity, so I thought about asking it here.


So, the idea is that you control one character from group of characters, switching between them at will (for example a button press). Each one should have its own health\ammo, weapons, hud, characteristics like speed, max health etc. And other characters that you do not control atm are following you. When you switching between them you are switching your pov with desired character, and everyone stays at the place they were (imagine spectating but with full control)


Is it possible with zscript at all, or should i try more flexible game engine? I can handle zscript i believe, but modifying and compiling the engine will be too much for me i'm afraid. Maybe there is a zdoom-like alternative for it?

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First: you dont compile anything while using zscript. When writing in zscript, you are not modifying engine. Zscript just allows users to access/modify things that were before parts of engine. Just imagine it as a much more advanced decorate mixed with acs.

Second: I think this could be achieved with zscript, but I don't know how to do it.

Edited by ramon.dexter

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1 hour ago, ramon.dexter said:

First: you dont compile anything while using zscript. When writing in zscript, you are not modifying engine. Zscript just allows users to access/modify things that were before parts of engine. Just imagine it as a much more advanced decorate mixed with acs.


Yeah, i know that, just phrased it weirdly :\ I was talking about modifying (g\l)zdoom source code to achieve this


1 hour ago, ramon.dexter said:

Second: I think this could be achieved with zscript, but I don't know how to do it.


Ok, i then will try just that, and will hope that it will not be a clustermess :p


If anyone did something similiar or got any tips on possible implementation of this, it will be super helpful for me

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