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NaNoWADMo 2022 - The month-long mapping challenge!

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It's not quite October yet in my part of the world, but a lot of you are already in the midst of NaNoWADMo. Whether you've started mapping or not, good luck with your projects! NaNo 2022 begins!

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Dang, here we go! And work's been keeping me busy this year, so I'm glad I decided to aim for an 11-level set! I still have a bit of dehacked to do before I get started on the levels... luckily, this time it's of the "add more frames to an animation" variety, and not of the "achieve a bizarre technical feat that seems doable but has never been done before" variety. So no repeat of NaNo 2020 for me!




Here's a title pic, why not.

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Hey! Sorry to be a pain, I've only just caught this. Am I still able to participate? No worries if not, just thought it would be worth it to ask :)

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I've been putting off mapping for another project after I made my first map.  I think I'd like to participate as well if it's still a thing.  I just want to finish any kinda map, really.

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Good luck to everyone! I will attempt a small pack of several maps with an outdoor theme with a castle and arena type area waiting at the end, a mix of traditional run and gun with some tough slaughter bits later on. May be a bit much for one month but I'll aim to get as much done as I can amidst a bunch of other tasks! Looking forward to seeing everyone else's projects!

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Good Luck Everyone!

anyway to a update on mine so far XD

So far the whole of mine has been adding new weapons (though due to Zscript you need to play on GZdoom to get the full experience, even then to get new weapons you need Zdoom) music (most are my personal likings and I put the list of bands and songs in a text doc that I will put here when done if I finish) and soon new enemies I pretty much took this to a new level, if this is a problem I can remove the enemies and weapons.

Otherwise I'm intending for it yes to go outpost, city, hell, but also have a secret story underneath.
And I hope it goes well, though again I don't intend to sprite enemies I only intend to do most maps.

Edit: Nevermind about the Zscript thing I can now run it on Zandronum...

Edited by Rabbid

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Fir this year I'll be mainly focusing on making a proper episode .pk3 file containing the first four of my maps. Down In It will be split into three shorter maps so the Episodes will have six maps:

PROJECT: HANDSOME HELLSCAPES VOL. 1 A mapset of 6 containing my first few wads ever, all created in 2021


1) Unwelcome
2) Fish In A Barrel
3) Babelism

4) Down In It - Part 1 /3- The Ooze Facility
5) Down In It - Part 2/3 - Computer Says No
6) Down In It - Part 3/3 - Down In It

The maps are ready to be compiled, although I need to figure out a couple of issues along the road. Furthermore I want to do the complete thing, which means I'll need to do some .pk3 chores:
- Add all maps together in 1 pk3 file
- Make title screen
- Make credit screen
- Make intermission screen
- Make episode ending background
- Make intro music
- Make intermission music (maybe for each individual map?)
- Make episode ending music
- Add episode ending text

Also been working ahead on this project since I'm going away for a few days, so here's the title screen, (AI generated with Wombo Dream, based on a screenshot of Babelism), possible credit screen and possible intermission screen or endscreen teaser:

TITLEPICv2b copy.jpg

CREDIT copy.jpg

INTERPIC copy.jpg

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My project is just going to be a single map.  It'll be my second map finished if I manage to complete the project.  My first map is for a group project that hasn't been released yet.  I hope to unblock some of my creativity and so I can finally make another map.  Not being restricted to a theme may help.


I'm calling my map CONTAINMENT and I'm going to use the worn out cliche of a techbase with a hellthing in the middle.  Fight through the techbase to get the keys needed to access the area where the hellthing is contained.  Fight the jerks around the hellthing to complete the map.  I'm using Eureka for various reasons.


Spent about 20min tonight and this is as far as I've gotten.  I keep making holes in the map when I try to draw a sector inside a sector by making vertices so it's been really slow.  I'm not sure how to make sectors inside of sectors yet.



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Hi, I know I'm a little late but sign me up for this! I've been meaning to get myself back into mapping and this is a decent opportunity.

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First map in the pack will be a start in a dreary and eroded ravine-type environment, which opens up a little later into a tiny settlement. Experimenting with mixing different earthy textures, trying to make something that looks natural and has been under rough weather.







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Another pic for you all to guess what map this used to be. Edit: I'm a dumbass since it basically gives it away at the bottom.


Edited by rabidrage

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Edit: Eh, I haven't been able to really make something, so I'll say that I'm leaving this year's nanowadmo for good.

The idea was promising, but I couldn't make something with it and honestly, I feel dissapointed.


Sorry that I couldn't deliver on something and ended up with a failure of a project, even with how small it is.

Edited by LGmaire

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had a coffee break so i roughed out a little control room to foreshadow the main area of the map.  i'm taking everyone's advice and i'm gonna rough out the overall map *first* and then add detail later.






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I'm thinking about how mine will work and I think I got it now

Levels 1-5 will be called "The Loop" Its Inspired By Death Loop, Pretty much the Same Level Loops but each time it gets altered heavily, flipped, New Enemies and sometimes just creepy it will be different each loop and you probably won't see it as the same level.
Levels 6-10 will be called "Outposts?" its more or less a base Doom Outpost level set...
Levels 11-15 will be called "Rage" and will be more open yet base levels
Levels 31 and 32 will be called "Rabbid's Oldies" and isn't Canon to the mod at all.
Levels 16-20 will be called "The Same Old Portal Again?" another Deathloop Like one, but each time the level takes a slightly altered direction until it eventually finishes.
Levels 21-25 will be called "Hell" Because its just hell levels and
Levels 26-30 will be called "Slaugter" Due to the end being mostly slaughtermaps.
And well the Level Names might Be unknown for a while but I atleast know that Map 1 will be named "Back Again"

Btw I Should Say The Music Hints at the Player Character's Rage, and also hints at the enemy count (so sad/calm songs = The Player is calm the less delusions they would see, while a heavier song does the opposite.

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Here's a highly compressed video of my effort today.  Sorry for the link, I'm not sure how to post a .webm file (or if I can):




I got the main rooms kind of roughed out with some transitions by way of stairs.  I don't intend for the big long staircase to remain that way.  Might also change the stairs on the left of the start to be a lift.  I'll also lower the ceilings and perhaps some of the floors.  It'll all take shape once I start moving those heights around and adding doors, decorations, etc.  Most of those spaces will be broken up into individual rooms.  I hope I can add some fun fights.  Will probably go power-fantasy with this one and provide plenty of ammo.


It's a very small map but it'll be my second completed map and I find creativity to be challenging so I'm just doing what I think I can for this challenge while still stretching myself.  Mapping is quite difficult for me but I'm really enjoying Eureka.  Tonight I found out how to do 120 degree arcs in it and got side-tracked from the project while tinkering with that.  I need to make myself a cheat sheet for it because there are various commands I've read about in different places that have all been very useful.

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Some more screens! I doubt I'll finish this pack by the end of this month with this pace, but I'll try to at least get a couple done.



The gorge will eventually open up into a larger valley like environment.






Then a dive into some more spooky caves to progress.




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Things sure are occuring, I made 1 out of 11 maps and started another!



What I like about my new project's MAP01 is that it uses 62 tags. Only two maps in Three Is A Crowd have more tags than this, MAP18 with 71 tags (15 of them in one corridor) and the new MAP31 with 101 tags.

Edited by Scypek2

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No images today but I forgot to tinker with my map so instead of going to bed I went ahead and lowered some ceilings, removed some stairs, and added a door to one of the areas.  I quit messing with it when I got stuck with the door "track" moving in-game even though I've got both sides' linedef set to lower unpegged.  I'm not sure what's going on there.


I also noticed that in Eureka on this map, I don't have a "Gen" button for linedef types, only a "Choose" option.  I suspect that might be because this is using the vanilla source port and my previous map used boom.  I might change over to boom because I test everything with prboom+ anyway.

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Greetings! :}


I started this map a little less than 2 hours for this year's NaNoWADMo.

The WAD itself will be a near direct continuation of the events of DOOM II. After the Icon of Sin was destroyed and the DOOMGuy left to fight other demons or so, there's an entity that starts to more and be conscious where the Icon of Sin died. This entity is you. You'll have to fight in Hell and then in the human realm to survive.


The demons want to kill the Icon of Sin's Spawn, you, because the huge demon were controlling them and forced them to do as it pleased because of how powerful it was. The human survivors are still fighting the remaining demons roaming on Earth ; Because not everyone could escape when they fleed into space thanks to the DOOMGuy.

The Earth maps will be Based on real cities' Google Maps footage with extra twists to make them actual levels. And, later, there will be a fellowship system that I won't disclose too much here because that's far from the scope.




That said, my objectives for the NaNoWADMo is to map the Hell episode levels from DOOM II (From Map30 where you start, to Map21 where you will go to Earth), but my real challenge is at most starting 7 of those maps, finishing completely 3 of them and at least have most environment done on the others.


It's a big challenge, yes, but there's no requirement to fulfil it. I will already be happy to complete "only" one or even have worked on them regularly all that second half of the month :}






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All I can say is that you guys are all doing better stuff than me.  I have very little time, but I feel that my map is coming along.  It's nice to have a deadline, in a way, to force me to think!


Props to you all for the awesome screenshots and the work you're doing.

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21 minutes ago, rabidrage said:

All I can say is that you guys are all doing better stuff than me.  I have very little time, but I feel that my map is coming along.  It's nice to have a deadline, in a way, to force me to think!


Props to you all for the awesome screenshots and the work you're doing.


No worries! My earthling friend Sonia actually likes to take more time to do her stuff.


To be fair, We reuse the general level designs of the original DOOM II, so this helps greatly. Sonia got many many years of experience observing the environments in any games (especially FPSes) and she did some game dev and level design all throughout her life as hobbies. From RPG Maker XP to Ultimate DOOM Builder, with some Blender experience, the level editors of the early Tomb Raiders, the one with the first Red Faction and many more sandboxes games like Minecraft (creative), Scrap Mechanic, Starship EVO and so much others.


Anyways, I'm not only sending this message to "resumee-dump" x} It's just that before comparing "skill levels", you have to take into account the amount of time put in those sort of exercises.
And also we like details a lot. In maps and models.


If we can give you a tool or a method that can help you level design is that, nearly always, we start from a detail or a quick idea, then we iterate between steps of putting general shapes, then refining them until satisfaction is reached.

It's like "Detail" => "Generral Element" => "Detail" => "General Element" => "Detail", rince and repeat!



Also, small update on my MAP30: We added a vision blocker to prevent enemies from noticing the player right away. We also noticed, as seen in the third screenshot just provided, that there's a weird pixel (I guess missing?) on the texture we chose. I guess now we have to change it x}






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My project is making progress as planned, will update about that in this thread at a later stage. But first, here's some fan art textures I've made for both NaNo and RAMP projects. They look good ingame and the midtextures work well. Feel free to use them to your liking! They are slightly on the large size though (128x128), you might want to scale them down a bit (or not).







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47 minutes ago, A Handsome Fridge said:

My project is making progress as planned, will update about that in this thread at a later stage. But first, here's some fan art textures I've made for both NaNo and RAMP projects. They look good ingame and the midtextures work well. Feel free to use them to your liking! They are slightly on the large size though (128x128), you might want to scale them down a bit (or not).








I've not used a custom texture in a map before.  How can I include one of the nano images in my map?  Thanks!

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