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NaNoWADMo 2022 - The month-long mapping challenge!

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2 hours ago, granggg said:


I've not used a custom texture in a map before.  How can I include one of the nano images in my map?  Thanks!


Try this if your map is in ZDoom format:

1) Download SLADE
2) Open your map in SLADE
3) click on ENDMAP and press CTRL-N or the New Entry button
4) Name it PP_START and press create
5) press CTRL-N again and add a PP_END Entry
6) Click on the PP_START entry and press CTRL-SHIFT-I or the import files button
7) Doubleclick on the texture file you've downloaded here or ctrl-click to select multiple files

The most important thing is that all custom graphics files are between the PP_START and PP_END markers

8) select all the texture files you've just imported and rightclick => graphic => Add to TEXTUREx
9) Say yes and click on ZDoom (TEXTURES) and Create New (Empty). An entry named TEXTURE1 will be added
10) select all the texture files you've just imported and rightclick => graphic => Add to TEXTUREx. Yes, you have to do this again or your textures won't be added to the TEXTURE1 file.
11) select TEXTURE1 and click the blue arrow to put the entry on top of your entry list.
12) Save everything. You can also remove S3DUMMY by now. Your list should look like in the screenshot.
13) Close SLADE and open your map in your map editor of choice. The textures should be in the menu.
14) Enjoy using the custom textures!

In other formats you might need to select Doom (TEXTURE1 + PNAMES) and also need to add textures to the PNAMES patch table, but honestly I don't exactly know how to do that for I never bothered with it before. So see if above method works for you :)



Edited by A Handsome Fridge

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4 minutes ago, A Handsome Fridge said:


Try this if your map is in ZDoom format:

1) Download SLADE
2) Open your map in SLADE
3) click on ENDMAP and press CTRL-N or the New Entry button
4) Name it PP_START and press create
5) press CTRL-N again and add a PP_END Entry
6) Click on the PP_START entry and press CTRL-SHIFT-I or the import files button
7) Doubleclick on the texture file you've downloaded here or ctrl-click to select multiple files

The most important thing is that all custom graphics files are between the PP_START and PP_END markers

8) select all the texture files you've just imported and rightclick => graphic => Add to TEXTUREx
9) Say yes and click on ZDoom (TEXTURES) and Create New (Empty). An entry named TEXTURE1 will be added
10) select all the texture files you've just imported and rightclick => graphic => Add to TEXTUREx. Yes, you have to do this again or your textures won't be added to the TEXTURE1 file.
11) select TEXTURE1 and click the blue arrow to put the entry on top of your entry list.
12) Save everything. You can also remove S3DUMMY by now. Your list should look like in the screenshot.
13) Close SLADE and open your map in your map editor of choice. The textures should be in the menu.
14) Enjoy using the custom textures!

In other formats you might need to select Doom (TEXTURE1 + PNAMES) and also need to add textures to the PNAMES patch table, but honestly I don't exactly know how to do that for I never bothered with it before. So see if above method works for you :)





thanks a ton!  i'll try it out!

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@A Handsome Fridge


As you can see, it works wonders! I think I'll hide this texture in each map I can finish till the 31st as one of the secrets.


That said, is it possible to just have the transparent disc/sphere saying "NaNoWADMo 2022"? I wish I could stapple it on any type of texture without any tech background to fit it in any other texture fitting the level, please? :}


That'd be really cool!





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27 minutes ago, Zhaojue said:

@A Handsome Fridge


As you can see, it works wonders! I think I'll hide this texture in each map I can finish till the 31st as one of the secrets.


That said, is it possible to just have the transparent disc/sphere saying "NaNoWADMo 2022"? I wish I could stapple it on any type of texture without any tech background to fit it in any other texture fitting the level, please? :}


That'd be really cool!





Awesome, glad you like it! I'll see what I can do with the disc thingie, should be easy enough

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I don't know how this works but I guess I can give an update for my project from last year's NaNoWADMo. It went through a long hiatus but I've recently picked it back up and I'm now working on the sixth map (I designed three maps last year). It's still probably gonna take a while to make but NostraDM is hopefully coming soon!






Edited by Scorpius

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been super busy the last week and fell behind.  i hope to get some more time in on my map this week.  i need to figure out the best way to get the transitions between my rooms the way i like them and fix a sector that's gone wonky.  after that, i think i can get some doors in and start texturing.

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I need to pull out due to some unforeseen personal issues that have gotten in the way of me making any progress. Good luck to all of you who are still participating.

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Got a lot of shaping done in some of the major rooms and carved out others.  Posted in discord but I'm running into a weird problem:



this has happened to me before and i just basically deleted the sectors and redid them but using eureka, i run into a problem with doors sometimes.  i'll make the door, then when i get in game i press use on the door, it makes the door sound and the texture shifts down slightly.  then the door sound occurs again and the door texture shifts back up but you can't pass through the door.  any idea what i might be doing wrong?


i'm out of spare time for the day but i'll get some screenshots up soon.  trying to make up for lost time!


EDIT:  got that sorted.  had some floor/ceiling height issues causing the doors not to open.  i got in a flurry of work and a lot of it came together.  real pleased.  trying to stay in the challenge here!

Edited by granggg
quick update

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In case anyone following this is interested and not in the discord, this is my third attempt at NANO, and am close to finishing my project this time. I sketched out some maps, some from the top of my head, some from dungeon maps on my phone, using a blue crayon and printer paper one night by candlelight after my power died for 8 hours. I decided from the get-go to turn them into Heretic maps, and that's what I'm doing now. I sketched an entire episode and am now 6 out of 9 on first pass. Vanilla textures, running in Chocolate Heretic. Hoping to finish them before the end of the month to spend time refining and testing. It's my first real attempt beyond what I did for Heresy (which was UDMF), and I'm learning. The limitations have been fun, and not too challenging.

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had a little half hour flurry of activity tonight, shaped out some more of the rooms.  still got a lot to go and not much time left!!!  i want to get in some monster closets and shape out the rest of the rooms.  i don't think i'll do difficulty settings because i'm not real sure about setting up good combat so i'll just do what i can within the timeline.  i also worry that texturing will take a big chunk of time but we'll see.















Edited by granggg

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stayed up way too dang late to add some more shape to room and start putting in a little texture.  i also added a couple secrets and sort of finalized the flow of the level.  it's pretty small but i'm not super creative or ambitious and this is only my second map that'll ever be finished so i'm trying to take it easy.  october is already almost over and this has been a herculean effort for me.






Edited by granggg

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Got the texturing done for my level.... I think.  Placed a couple of items.  My creativity is totally shot for the night and this took me a long time.  I'm going to add monsters, health, and ammo. after a bit and call it good.
















Edited by granggg
spoiler big image dump

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Well sorry for the rapid posting but I had a second wind.  I just added the monsters and the rest of the items.  If anyone would like to test it out, it's at https://hobbsc.sdf-us.org/attic/CONTAINMENT-testbuild.wad


I was able to beat it both with and without secrets but I did favor one path through the map over the other.  I'll mention the current map in discord as well.


I had fun with this challenge so far.  This is only the second map I've ever completed (the first one isn't out yet, waiting on the project to finish).  This was really hard for me to make so I'm glad I got it to a playable state.  I'll try to make adjustments if anyone has recommendations.




I just realized I forgot to add an exit to the map... I'll fix that soon.



Edited by granggg

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Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to do more than one map this month. This one turned out a lot bigger than I was anticipating and I was spending Oct playing spooky games so that didn't help! I'll be sure to release it for you guys to try out (even though it's supposed to be a part of something larger), but I should do more testing. Here are a couple more screenshots in the meantime. Adding some lighting and finishing up the last area which has a tiny farmstead.






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I've kept the discord thread ticking over, but I might as well post some screenshots here; This is almost at the point where it is playable before the necessary tweaks.







Edited by cannonball

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5 hours ago, cannonball said:

I've kept the discord thread ticking over, but I might as well post some screenshots here; This is almost at the point where it is playable before the necessary tweaks.


Very pretty, the purple and green look nice together here.


37 minutes ago, A2Rob said:

Here's an image of every goddamn map I've made this month.




Holy crap, that's an impressive amount of maps for just this month! Not just that but they even look somewhat complex from here. You planning on releasing these in a pack?

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7 hours ago, Fidchell said:

Holy crap, that's an impressive amount of maps for just this month! Not just that but they even look somewhat complex from here. You planning on releasing these in a pack?


Considering the scope of the project, i might hold off releasing it at the end of the month until I have a proper 32 map megawad. We shall see.

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I have been working on a small set of limit removing maps that have been an absolute blast to make.

Not sure if I'll release them this month but definitely intend to post the completed project when its 'done.'

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Alright! I've decided that I want to end progress on this specific map. I've fallen into the trap of putting more time into making the map look pretty rather than having good, nicely flowing gameplay. Turns out for me making a more classic type of level where you roam around is a lot tougher for me than the more arena-type of map I did for my first outing! This has taught me how important it is for me to plan a level ahead of time, so thanks for hosting this event, Scwiba!


I'll leave the WAD here for anyone who is interested, but I'm not terribly proud of it. I'm still very willing to hear any feedback anyone has even with its clear flaws. It's Boom-compatible with implemented difficulties, tested in DSDA-Doom and GZDoom.



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@Fidchell Here's a demo of your map. I see your point about the combat though I did kind of like the clifftop battle next to the shed. The first two secrets were crap but watch me stumble right into the last one! Would you mind listing the midi?




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6 minutes ago, LadyMistDragon said:

@Fidchell Here's a demo of your map. I see your point about the combat though I did kind of like the clifftop battle next to the shed. The first two secrets were crap but watch me stumble right into the last one! Would you mind listing the midi?




The MIDI is a rendition of Mother Zone from Megaman Legends 2. If you want the MIDI itself, you can pull it out of the WAD with Slade.

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Finished first pass of "By Candlelight", a full 9-map episode for Heretic. Stock textures, targeting Chocolate Heretic. More to do, but the first part of my quest is complete: After 3 attempts, I finally was able to finish what I set out to do for NANOWADMO this year. HELL TO THE YEAH! I learned a lot and was challenged by not relying on texture packs and limit removing-ness. I'll be working on it some more, getting it tested, and slating for a January release with some custom graphics.  


By Candlelight: A Heretic Mapping Quest by Death Bear
E1M1 Hideaway Harbor (10/1) - Docked In by Viscra Maelstorm
E1M2 Canyon Keep (10/13) - Schilder's Ladder by Dial Up for Murder
E1M3 Halls of the Harrowed (10/14) - All is Lost by Puck
E1M4 Silent Sanctuary (10/15) - Gravelord's Lullaby by AD_79
E1M5 Atrophied Altar (10/16) - Fort Rot by Bimmy and Jimmy
E1M6 Torchlight Tunnels (10/16) - Avenger's Spirit by Viscra Maelstrom
E1M7 Spires of Fire (10/23) - Liquidation by Viscra Maelstrom
E1M8 The Umbramarsh (10/25) - Die for Parthoris by Dragonfly and Jimmy
E1M9 Scribe's Sanctum (10/25) - Crushed Spirits by pcorf


Edited by Death Bear

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Hiya, everyone - I figure I should post in the thread since I've only been talking about my project in the discord. Me and @Yumheart have been working on a megawad for this year's NaNoWADMo, called "Doomed: By the Hour". It's filled with 31 speedmaps that were made in just 1 hour (and sometime's a little more :P), with a variety of different themes and gimmicks. There's only Map30 left to make, and difficulty settings to add in, so I'm hoping to release the set on the 1st of November! 




(I can't take credit for the excellent M_DOOM, that's Yumheart's design!)

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