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Doom 64 weapons in Classic Doom

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This is a mod that recreates the weapons from Doom 64 into classic Doom using DeHacked. As far as I know, it only works on limit-removing source ports. Do keep in mind that its obviously nowhere near accurate to the original game's weapons. To play it, just run the DeHacked and WAD file on the port of your choice (a few ways to run them are by dragging them to the executable, using the "-file" and "-deh" perameters in the command line, and using a launcher), and play!

File info


d64weapons.deh: The main file. Includes all the stuff needed to get the mod working.

d64weapons.wad: The second file. Includes the sprites (converted to the doom color palette) to make the mod look as intended. Not using this will just make most of the weapons look weird.

d64weaponsHD.wad: A wad that serves as an alternative to the main sprites wad. its the same wad, but not converted to the doom palette. Only works on source ports that support sprites and graphics that are in the .png format.



Changed some stuff in the post

Fixed an issue in the txt file.
Changed the chaingun's fire speed from 4 tics to 3.
Fixed the chaingun's muzzle flash offset.

Fixed a few issues in the txt fiile.
Added projectiles and projectile hit sprites for the BFG-9000, Plasma Gun, and Rocket Launcher.
Fixed the description.


Edited by DoodlesGDX
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