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[Tutorial for very beginners] Some tips to not screw your first map


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27 minutes ago, Roofi said:

So we have to be mentally prepared for the possibility that our map will not be played and will not necessarily find its audience (even if it is good!). This should not discourage us.


Good post, a lot of things I am learning/have learned the hard way!


In regards to the quoted part, especially for new modders, it's better to think of yourself as the target audience. Keep a post going to log your work, but genuinely don't care or be offended if others aren't immediately interested also. Right now, your focus is making something YOU find enjoyable.

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Great stuff here. I'd really like to emphasize point number six, testing your map in different ways. It's very easy to have a 'scripted' fight or section that you could spend a ton of time on only to see someone completely cheese the whole thing just by playing a different way. Either try finding some friends to playtest and give feedback, or just actively break away from your playstyle while testing. Even something as simple as backtracking when you often don't could reveal a bug or exploit you never noticed before.

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On 9/4/2022 at 3:54 PM, Roofi said:

Advice n°9 : Don't go straight for something very ambitious


Some mappers, like Huy Pham with his famous Deus Vult or skepticist with SkePLand, made a very strong impression with their first maps, which were great and had real concepts. But you have to keep in mind that these are exceptional cases, these people knew exactly what they were doing. In general, a mapper's first map is not great, because the mapper is learning the tool, because the mapper has to find his or her own style, and because the mapper doesn't yet have the maturity and technical expertise to do something really exceptional from the start.




On the other hand, imitating is good. It's even recommended! 

You should imitate the mappers you like.


Great pieces of advice Roofi (and @WH-Wilou84)! These are definitely things that new mappers should remember.


The only thing I saw missing was an extension of these two points (from No. 9 and No. 10), which is: as a new mapper, don't compare yourself to other mappers. Everyone has been there: you see something incredible and it makes you want to make a map, but when you try, your result generally doesn't look as good as the map that inspired you. As a result, you may get discouraged, and you may lament that you'll never be that good. What you need to remember about these mappers that churn out these incredible creations is:

  1. They generally have loads of experience. They may not have released many maps, but they almost always have years of mapping experience.
  2. They generally put a lot of effort into their maps. If you can find a stream of one of your favorite mappers making one of those incredible maps, you will find that they didn't just start a new map and then, a few hours later, saved out their masterpiece. They spent a lot of time making those maps. Are they faster than you? Probably, but that is due to their greater experience.
  3. They were once just like you. Every great mapper started out in the same place that you are now, trying to figure out how to make something in the editor. With effort, and patience, they built up their abilities into what they have today.

There is no shortcut to be taken that will get you from novice to mapping master quickly. It takes time and effort. As a result, you shouldn't look at your work and negatively compare it to the latest creation from another mapper. If you look at the work of someone who has spent years at their craft and become dejected when you put it besides your own work, stop, and consider the three points above.

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