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Any Opie and Anthony Fans on Here?


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Opie and Anthony are an amazing radio show which ran in the US from 94 to 14. If you are farmiliar with them they have pulled some pretty fucked up things. Just wondering if there are any fans on here. "Whackbag" the offical O&A forum no longer exists.


Edited by Dub Bag

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Was into them when I was in high school/early college. As soon as Obama was elected and Ant lost his mind the show went downhill. 

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Ant was crazy but otherwise he and Jim kept the show floating.

Edited by Dub Bag

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I listened to them in my younger days, alongside Loveline with Dr. Drew & Adam Corolla. it was good stuff while it lasted, but I drifted away from that years ago.

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Opie is the least funny human being I've ever listened to. He was the straight man, sure, but he's kind of an idiot. Seen his TikTok? A travesty. Anthony Cumia is naturally funny despite his old school persona frequently bubbling to the surface. He and Jim Norton--particularly when on the disgusting Chip Chipperson Podacast--is a wonderful guilty pleasure. I particularly like when Anthony indulges Chip's ghastly Uncle Paul stories. 

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On 9/9/2022 at 12:40 PM, Koko Ricky said:

Opie is the least funny human being I've ever listened to. He was the straight man, sure, but he's kind of an idiot. Seen his TikTok? A travesty. Anthony Cumia is naturally funny despite his old school persona frequently bubbling to the surface. He and Jim Norton--particularly when on the disgusting Chip Chipperson Podacast--is a wonderful guilty pleasure. I particularly like when Anthony indulges Chip's ghastly Uncle Paul stories. 

the best thing about Chip is seeing how annoyed Bob Kelly is when he comes on the Podacast

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On 9/8/2022 at 10:41 AM, sundog606 said:


Uncle Paul would like some words with you

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5 hours ago, Koko Ricky said:

Have you heard Chippa's Amish beard story? One of the funniest and most disgusting things ever. 

lol no I havent heard that one yet LOL. Can you link it? I cant find it. Also I think the best parts of the show is when Bob Kelly is on and just cant handle it lol and gets annoyed lol.

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