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I need people who are not only passionate about modding and texture designing, but I need people of MY OWN AGE. I don't wanna sit around managing schedules with people who have more freedom than me. I need high-school aged people like me who care about making a good megawad together. If you fit this description and are interested in making a Boom megawad with me, I would be happy to interview you. Just message me for an interview, show me some of your work, and I'll let you know if you made it in! I can't promise that work will begin immediately; some things are still being figured out, but I'm ready to get this team started with your help!

Below is some of my work:

+A video of one of my levels played by Decino


Edited by Skullhacker
Please forget this ever happened

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2 hours ago, Skullhacker said:

show me some of your work


How about you show some of your work first?

Edited by boris

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You're going about this the wrong way. You need to market yourself to others if you want anyone to join your team, not the other way around. No-one is just going to want to work with you, especially if they have to be interviewed of all things.


Perhaps actually come up with your megawad idea first, make a start on it, and then use that as a way of advertising yourself to others. Then, maybe, people might be willing to join up with you.

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8 hours ago, Bauul said:

You're going about this the wrong way. You need to market yourself to others if you want anyone to join your team, not the other way around. No-one is just going to want to work with you, especially if they have to be interviewed of all things.

Thanks, I'll remember that. I have plenty of ideas for a megawad, but I just didn't do this in the best way possible. I'll be more selective next time.

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On 9/5/2022 at 11:10 AM, Skullhacker said:

I would be happy to interview you. Just message me for an interview, show me some of your work, and I'll let you know if you made it in!

What is this job bullshit?


Just make some friends to work with instead, damn.

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On 9/5/2022 at 11:10 AM, Skullhacker said:

I need high-school aged people like me who care about making a good megawad together.

I didn't feel like commenting at first, but something about this irks me to the point where I feel like lifting a finger or two...


You want to assemble a team of people to create a megaWAD - so far so good, but why would anyone be interested in participating, really..?


The only "concept" you seem to have is that it's gonna be boom format, and the fact of the matter is that nobody needs to join your "team" if they feel like creating "just any boom map they damn well please". If you had some manner of unique concept for this WAD that you want to "produce", and perhaps interesting resources as far as textures go, and maybe even a decent, playable "sample map" on top of all that... Then you might have had a realistic chance to get capable, and dependable mappers hooked...


Another problem is that, what your screenshots show... It's slightly bland, if we're being honest here. Make no mistake, nobody is going to expect a cacoward-worthy map. However, annual community projects like for example the MAYhem series are definitely a cut above what you're showing. If you want my advice, then I would suggest you join a community project as a mapper instead of trying to lead one yourself - not only is the position of a project lead more exhausting and time-consuming than you might expect, it's also way easier to actually get better at what you're doing, if you're working with an experienced project-lead.


Last but not least: What you're showing off here doesn't justify your "bossy" tone. You're not running a company that happens to produce something so super-special that people will stand in line for a shot at "working" with you. In other words: Being part of your "team" isn't as huge a privilege as you would like to make it sound.

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32 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

I think they got the point already...

Indeed but we can't have a thread like this without the obligatory hostile comment it seem.

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Thanks for all your comments, I'll try something else. Forget this ever happened.


For all of you who are so interested in what it is specifically that I wanted help with, I simply wanted to make a retro-style, challenging megawad reminiscent of Doom 1. Admittedly nothing special at all, but I just wanted to see who might be interested. I'm glad you guys were able to point me in the right direction, but I'm finished with this thread.

Edited by Skullhacker

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