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Full Moon 2 (32 BOOM Community Speedmaps) (Now on idgames!)

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SOO happy to see this come out finally! I am honored by the community for this. Thank you all so much for years of support. Videos will start coming tomorrow.

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I had a go at a continuous playthrough and made it to map13 before unceremoniously dying while looking for secrets. It's a bit on me though, probably should have checked the automap first.


These were lots of fun. Short, fast paced maps, with varied combat. I was going for 100% kills and secrets, so there is a bit of me wandering around aimlessly hunting things out. Although intended for pistol starts, these play nicely continuously. The tight ammo balance in some maps means that I was still having to conserve ammo at some points. A few notes from my playthrough:

  • The exit for map04 caught me off guard a bit, it's not marked as an exit and I hadn't noticed I did have full kills/secrets.
  • I gave up on finding the secret in map07, but otherwise found them all. 
  • In map12 the chaingunners can fall off the platforms (not sure if that is intentional). I also spent way too long on this map trying to figure out how to get the barred off area, before giving up on the 100% kills idea only to find that the exit teleport took me there.


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Really happy to see this release! This was the first project focused on speedmapping I ever participated in. It made me way more inspired to try more speedmapping.

Major props to Death Bear for picking up the lead! I wish now I could have contributed more overall, but my measly map will have to do.

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Tore through more than half of this megawad in an hour up to the secret map slots, had a blast!  Really fun, rapid variety show that never bogged down.  No major issues in this episode that I can remember but hopefully there's some useful feedback in there.  Too many people to tag here but rest assured there are chapters for everything so skip ahead to your map if you made one.  Thanks and the last 2 episodes should be up soon!



edit: issue with map 11 vegan puke by gabirupee (lol), you can get the secret ssg from the ledge in the starting room.  not sure it's even a bump, it seemed easy to get

Edited by sandwedge

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Had a great time with this as the levels got spicier. Map 16-24.



Edited by sandwedge

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Hi, I'm new to both doom wads and doomworld. This is the first wad I'm attempting to play all the way through. I'm having a lot of fun with these maps! Also, just wanted to point out a softlock in map16 after teleporting back of the long slow elevator arena. I got stuck behind the raised elevator with no way to get out.


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Hello there,


just in case you wondered how it looks like playing these maps with 15+ players and beefed up difficulty to compensate we're going to play the wad for Thursday Night Survival today.

The session starts at 19:00 BST/14:00 EDT and you expect it to be fairly active for 4+ hours using various crazy modes as we go through the maps multiple times.

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  On 9/20/2022 at 10:08 PM, DryKneeSkin said:

Hi, I'm new to both doom wads and doomworld. This is the first wad I'm attempting to play all the way through. I'm having a lot of fun with these maps! Also, just wanted to point out a softlock in map16 after teleporting back of the long slow elevator arena. I got stuck behind the raised elevator with no way to get out.



I am surprised I never noticed or thought about that, and looking back it was so obvious that I made an oopsie. But never fear, a fix is here.
(Basically I have a door close behind you in that area so you wont get softlocked)


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  On 9/22/2022 at 9:38 PM, Kuro_mahoh said:

I am surprised I never noticed or thought about that, and looking back it was so obvious that I made an oopsie. But never fear, a fix is here.
(Basically I have a door close behind you in that area so you wont get softlocked)



Thanks Kuro. I’ll add it for the next update.

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  On 9/22/2022 at 7:37 AM, Keyboard_Doomer said:

Hello there,


just in case you wondered how it looks like playing these maps with 15+ players and beefed up difficulty to compensate we're going to play the wad for Thursday Night Survival today.

The session starts at 19:00 BST/14:00 EDT and you expect it to be fairly active for 4+ hours using various crazy modes as we go through the maps multiple times.


This session was epic fun to join and even gave me a reason to download Zdaemon!

Since some people in the server have also mentioned the softlock now, that I hastily "fixed" in the time limit with a non-obvious tunnel that destroys the entire point of locking you into the final room until you get the blue key anyway, I'm going to fix it properly.
Likely by removing the lowering door and requiring the blue key to exit the final room itself instead, and also moving the blue key closer so you don't have to risk dying to the final cybers if you need to backtrack... Or maybe I'll just remove the BK and not bother with locking you in at all.

Will do that later today, but I've just been busy updating my 2 Monster map based on feedback, and it's already 7AM, so I must sleep! :^|

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  On 9/24/2022 at 1:08 AM, Death Bear said:

Cool @knifeworld. Ping me when you get a chance to update.


BLEDMOON Updated 24092022.zip

-Softlock generating stone door changed to just... stone ceiling.
-The final room entrance door locks instead.
-BK is now closer to the entrance of the final room on a platform that lowers via a switch, the lock-in is dangerous but survivable if you have decent armor and grab the BFG.
-Some minor texture jank fixed.
-Block lines added to stop chaingunners from shooting eachother off their cliff.
-Tunnel "workaround" for the softlock is kept because it's actually useful if you get crowded near the end of the moon canyon.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I wanted to update my entry, but i forgot about it, well it doesn't matter now. 


Congratulations on the idgames release!

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