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PUSS XX: Hell Yeah (Event Thread)

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Map Name: Moonder
Author: Lineman
Music: Sunder map20 - Racharacharach by Ribbiks. I made some slight edits.
Sky: MUNSKY06 from mechadon's box o' skies
Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: Plasma rifle replaced with BFG below UV
Gimmicks Used: 
- No hitscan
- Musical mapping
Build Time: 1h 4m for layout and functionality; ~30 min spent texturing and setting up lights
Comments: This map came on a CD containing a bootleg of doom 2




Edited by Lina
I forgot to upload the link

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Map Name: Always a Bigger Fish
Author: Ravendesk

Music: "The Hungry Ones" from Ecco: The Tides of Time

AFAIK original music composers are Attila Dobos, András Magyari, David Javelosa and Andy Armer.

Sky: SKYHX3D from 32in24-15_tex_v2

Format: Boom

Difficulty Settings: No
Gimmicks Used:

1. Beach Map

2. A Pirate Ship or Boat

(this is the worst pirate boat in the history of doom mapping, I'm so sorry)

3. Map Inspired by its music selection

Build Time: 1 hour and 10 minutes.

I then spent almost an hour playtesting it, but no changes to layout or the fight ideas, only balancing and bugfixing. 95% of that time was spent in the game, not in the editor.



Attempted to make a normal map this time. Turns out avoiding complex voodoo doll closets and platforming sections saves so much time for other things... 


Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_rutL2UyrKwPgrin62mzUwhdBZ0sLmBc/view?usp=sharing






Edited by Ravendesk
completely forgot to attach a screenshot

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Map Name: And Then He Returned...
Author: Savarin

Music: "And Then, To Coda" from Soaltorobo: Red the Hunter

Sky: INTSKY02 from from Mek's Box 'o Skies

Format: boom - complevel 9

Difficulty Settings: No
Gimmicks Used:

- 13 monsters

- “Reality” map, where you can die in one hit

- Scrolling Trap Floor over Damaging Liquid


Build Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes


Comments: This is actually similar to a map I wanted to make for another community project months ago, decided it should exist as a quick little speedmap. Uhh have fun rushing the fuck out of it by the way lol


>> download <<






Edited by Savarin

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Map Name: uh oh! you found the toothpaste?!

Author: Luleta

Music: Starlight Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog (got the midi from vgmusic)

Sky: the e1 sky from the 64kb challenge vanilla edition

Format: boom

Difficulty Settings: nope

Gimmicks Used: 
+A Skullgate that requires the Blue Skull Key to Exit
+A House with multiple points on entry
+Something Doomcute


Build time: 1 hour and like 30-ish minutes. and a whiiile to try to get the custom sky to work :/


Comments: doomguy is gonna take a bath in someone's garden with his lil blue inflatable pool, but he doesn't have any soap. so he enters their house and steals their blue skull shaped soap. uhhh and also, you brush someone's teeth :^)








Edited by Luleta

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5 hours ago, Ravendesk said:

(this is the worst pirate boat in the history of doom mapping, I'm so sorry)

is that a challenge?

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Map Name: Vulcanico
Author: Savarin

Music: Boss - Plok

Sky: none needed

Format: boom - complevel 9

Difficulty Settings: better gear in lower diffs (better health and armor)
Gimmicks Used:

- Hellish Setting

- Only Doom 1 Bestiary and No Super Shotgun

- A Bunch of Crushers

Build Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes (stupid goddamn teleporters took a while to fix)

Comments: just tried a standard map this time, with a slight gimmick at the end but nothing too crazy.


>> download <<






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Map Name: ugly ships
Author: Luleta
Music: Gang Plank Galleon from Donkey Kong Country 
Sky: SKYHX3 from 32in24-15tex.wad 
Format: boom
Difficulty Settings: nope
Gimmicks Used: 
+city full of zombies
+a pirate ship

Build time: 1 hour and 10 mins + like 30 mins of bugfixing :P

Comments: garbage open map that's like a city getting invaded by revenant pirates. it sucks, enjoy





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Map Name: Slough of Extra-Potent Despair
Author: Horselessheadsman
Music: Donna to the Rescue by Bobby Prince
Sky: Ultimate Doom Episode 3 sky
Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: Not yet
Gimmicks Used: Hellish Setting, Another id level remake
Build Time: 1 hour, eight minutes
Comments: You look around with trepidation. Surely there will be fewer boneheads this time, right?




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Our birthday party continues through the weekend, concluding late on the 25th! That gives you today and tomorrow! We have a glorious 45 maps, currently! Map it up!!!

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Map Name: Copypasta Factory
Author: Muumi
Music: A Chrome Hoof In Your Face by Muddy
Sky: BUB3SK05 from Mek box of skies
Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: none
Gimmicks Used:
- Only Doom 1 Bestiary and No Super Shotgun
- A Bunch of Crushers

Build time: 1h and 2 minutes
Comments: Big map



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Download: PUSSXX_RedBoule.zip


Map Name: The Great Dying
Author: RedBoule

Music: Reginald by Stewboy from Plutonia Revisited Community Project

Sky: RSKY1 from Speed Of Doom

Format: Boom

Difficulty Settings: None
Gimmicks Used: 6 Secrets, A Bone Closet in a Trick Door

Build Time: 1h10 (+ quite some time to balance the map)

Comments: Small slaughtermap:) I didn't expect it, but this map actually really fun to play. I'm quite happy about how it turned out. Don't try to play it without saves, it's brutal.




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5 Maps by Death Bear
Boom Format, No Difficulties, No Sky Yet

Map Name: Pond of Despond
Music: Going to Hell by The Pretty Reckless
Gimmicks: Hellish Theme, 13 Monsters
Time: 42 mins

Map Name: Lair of the Father of Bones
Music: Praetorian by Psyrus
Gimmicks: Hellish Theme, 13 Monsters
Time: 35 mins

Map Name: Ripped
Music: Cave Dwellers by Tristan Clark
Gimmicks: Hellish Theme, 13 Monsters
Time: 32 mins

Map Name: Torn
Music: Thanatos by Tristan Clark
Gimmicks: Hellish Theme, Pinky Horde
Time: 45 mins

Map Name: Fires of the Vilified
Music: The Eternal Emptiness by Myrgharok
Gimmicks: Hellish Theme, Pinky Horde (kinda), Inspired by PUSS map (Nightmare in Sandy's City, that one fight), No Hitscan
Time: 50 mins

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Another one.
Map Name: Shuffling From Evil

Author: Death Bear

Music: Hit the Overdrive by James Paddock

Sky: None

Format: Boom

Difficulty: None

Time: 1 hour and some fixing

Gimmicks: Doom 1 Stuff, Something Doomcute (low effort lol)

Edited by Death Bear

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Map Name: Philxima

Author: Peccatum Mihzamiz

Music: SA-X Arrival theme from Metroid Fusion (From Sunder MAP11)

Sky: none

Format: Boom

Difficulty Settings: none

Gimmicks Used:

- Spooky Library

- Pac-Man teleporters on either side of the map




Philxima by Peccatum Mihzamiz


Edited by Peccatum Mihzamiz

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Map Name: Undersmolls
Author: Muumi
Music: Arrival by AD_79
Sky: no sky
Format: Boom
Difficulty Settings: none
Gimmicks Used:
- Another goddamn id level remake
- Bone closet behind trick door

Build time: 1h and few minutes for balancing
Comments: I made underhalls from memory, but I kinda forgot all of it.




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Yeaaaa boiii

managed to get one extra map out HELL YEAH


Map Name: The Final PUSS Town

Author: Savarin

Music: The Final Countdown - Europe

Sky: NEBSKY10 from (you guessed it) Mek's Box 'o Skies

Format: boom (pretty much vanilla but clevel 9 to make sure)

Difficulty Settings: nope

Gimmicks Used:

- A Bone Closet in a Trick Door

- 2 Boss Battles

- City Full of Funny Zombies


Build Time: 1 hour and 25 minutes...

Comments: Final map of my first ever PUSS contributions. I gotta get better at doing slaughter maps quickly maybe


>> download <<








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Map Name: SQRT2 It
Author: Lineman
Music: Run Like Smeg by Lee Jackson
Sky: Sky 3A from Plutonia
Format: boom, just to be safe
Difficulty Settings: N/A
Gimmicks Used:
- No hitscan
- 13 monsters
- ID level remake (?)
Build Time: ~50 minutes, plus ~15 spent looking at the original
Comments: I was watching doomkid's plutonia playthrough with mtpain and decided to pump this out ASAP





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Thank you to everyone who contributed and helped out! What a wonderful 2nd anniversary celebration of speedmapping! This has now become our event with the most submissions yet with 59 maps! 

And that’s it, y’all! Submissions are closed. You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here! 😂 But don’t go too far! Blue and I will be compiling and playtesting starting this week, so be on the lookout for that! We plan for RC1 to be here quickly!


Pineapple Under the Sea Studios will also be launching our October PUSS event soon, as well as a new quarterly series. Plenty of mapping to come! We’re also wrapping up a particularly stellar mapset that should be invading sooner than later. 

See you soon!

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  • 1 month later...

Bringing this thread back! 

Thanks again to everyone who participated. I'm slow with Doom stuff until mid-December, BUT I've officially managed to beat every map in this set, except MAP54, but our pal @muumi stepped up and was able to beat it handily. With that said, I have 28 videos of playthroughs of ~60 maps to scrounge through for youtube, but I'll have those up as soon as I can, with feedback. Again, I'm relegating feedback to impressions, "does it follow the rules?", and "Is it broken?"; no little nitpicks. I'll post the videos here once they're complete. Thanks again for making the Pineapple Under the Sea projects so fun! Really. Y'all are awesome!  

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  • 1 month later...

Bump just to pose a question:

Will there be a compiled wad incoming? I have quite a backlog so no rush, just being sure.

Looks like good stuff, cheers to all and happy holidays!

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Yes! There actually is one on my server, I just haven’t posted it here. Only thing I need to add are CWILV patches, an intro map, and a credits map. I’ve had my hands full with XXII, so I haven’t been focused on this. 

I’m gonna ping @Death Bear to add a link to pre release candidate of the wad to the OP. 

Edited by BluePineapple72

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  • 2 weeks later...


On 12/20/2022 at 3:52 PM, BluePineapple72 said:

Yes! There actually is one on my server, I just haven’t posted it here. Only thing I need to add are CWILV patches, an intro map, and a credits map. I’ve had my hands full with XXII, so I haven’t been focused on this. 

I’m gonna ping @Death Bear to add a link to pre release candidate of the wad to the OP. 

Played through the compilation, amazing stuff, I'm impressed how you people make such cool maps in just an hour :D

Can't wait for it to be finalized, want to run some of them.

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On 12/29/2022 at 7:09 PM, Ravendesk said:


Played through the compilation, amazing stuff, I'm impressed how you people make such cool maps in just an hour :D

Can't wait for it to be finalized, want to run some of them.

Thanks! And I agree! I should have the remaining playtest videos up soon, and then I’ll plan an update if there are any revisions. I only have a few maps to address bugs, but overall, we’re almost good to go. Waiting on an intro and credits map, as well.

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16 minutes ago, Death Bear said:

Thanks! And I agree! I should have the remaining playtest videos up soon, and then I’ll plan an update if there are any revisions. I only have a few maps to address bugs, but overall, we’re almost good to go. Waiting on an intro and credits map, as well.


No sweat, appreciate all the hard work! Happy New Year!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here we go. @BluePineapple72 has all but finished the wad. Here's the entire playthrough; it's mostly unedited, and I did not rewatch a lot of it because it's QUITE A BIT OF VIDEO. This does not include a few recordings where I struggled and came back later. Unless it's broken, it shouldn't need an update. Once the Title patches are done, I think we should be at RC. Enjoy!

MAPS 1-14



MAPS 15 - 24



MAPS 25-32



MAPS 33 - 42



MAPS 43 - 50



MAPS 51 - 60




Edited by Death Bear

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