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Doom Mods and food.


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Basically am I the only person that gets reminded of a particular mod when eating a certain food, or having a tradition where you must have a certain food when playing a specific mod?


I'll start with a few...


Scythe = Subway

1Monster = Crispy Rolls and Coca Cola

Community Chest 2 = Chocolate Pop Tarts and Lucky Charms

Hell Revealed = Dominos Pizza (Formerly Pizza Gogo but changed due to moving)


I'm very interested in hearing if anyone else does/has the same.

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Yea can't say I do. That's pretty strange my dude.


Although with that said, I've drank Classic Coke specifically while playing PSX Doom before. Dunno why. Or maybe drink coffee while playing Coffee Break.

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i've played more doom 64 while eating little caesars than any other food/interactive media combo, but there is no significant correlation between the two aside from existence.

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I have the same mind set but not when it comes to food, but movies.


Back in the day, when I was in elementary school... I would play Doom 2 a lot. Once I get the Map12 (The Factory), I always have to watch Jack starring Robin Williams. I honestly don't know why. And it's only that one map. Any other map I don't get that way. lol

Edited by Bass Slapper '89

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9 minutes ago, Lucius Wooding said:

Cool idea. I'm willing to take food pairing suggestions for my next 2: HDoom and Kama Sutra.

Kama Sutra happens to have one on my end; Spicy hot wings from a takeaway. Hard to imagine without it.

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i have more drink associations in my head i think?


some examples:
room temperature unsweetened chai tea and don_e2m1.wad
ginger beer and lilith.pk3
fluoridated tap water and knee deep in the dead

black cold brew and btsx e1

sugar free red bull and ancient aliens
warm black coffee and the shores of hell
peach rings g fuel and sonic robo blast 2

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2 hours ago, Salahmander2 said:

It is very strange for sure. It could be the autistic side of me with these kind of traditions haha. I did have a feeling I'd be the only one.


It doesn't seem common, sure, but obviously at some point your brain made the association that this level plus that food equals good vibes. Just roll with it?

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22 minutes ago, Daytime Waitress said:


It doesn't seem common, sure, but obviously at some point your brain made the association that this level plus that food equals good vibes. Just roll with it?

I'm not complaining at it. It makes the food taste better surprisingly.

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I made a thread about it a long while ago but the seasons of the year often determine what I'm playing. For example, early to mid summer is Scythe season while early to mid fall is Scythe 2. Weird.

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43 minutes ago, Spineapple tea said:

I made a thread about it a long while ago but the seasons of the year often determine what I'm playing. For example, early to mid summer is Scythe season while early to mid fall is Scythe 2. Weird.


Yeah I'm much more this than food.  Autumn always gives me those TNT vibes, probably because that's when I played through the entire thing many years ago.

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Map18 in Doom 2 is like that one dish or sweet you remember from your childhood.


Map19 in Doom 2 is spaghetti with ketchup.


Map21 in Doom 2 is beans (do not ask why)

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17 hours ago, Salahmander2 said:

Basically am I the only person that gets reminded of a particular mod when eating a certain food, or having a tradition where you must have a certain food when playing a specific mod?


I'll start with a few...


Scythe = Subway

1Monster = Crispy Rolls and Coca Cola

Community Chest 2 = Chocolate Pop Tarts and Lucky Charms

Hell Revealed = Dominos Pizza (Formerly Pizza Gogo but changed due to moving)


I'm very interested in hearing if anyone else does/has the same.


On a totally non-related note:



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I mean, I guess I remember playing TFC on 2fort and eating a turkey sandwich on toasted wheat bread, with a dollop of mayonnaise, some freshly sliced tomatoes and a piece of American cheese. People said tomatoes were gross, turkey was gross. People were toxic back in 1999. We won that round, if I recall. And it was a really good sandwich.


That's really the only food memory that I associate with a game. Well, I guess when Red Dead Redemption came out I did get a bottle of Wild Turkey to drink while I played it. (For that authentic Old West feel)

Edited by Jello

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