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Do you have hotkeys for weapons?


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In new Doom, having hotkeys is useful for quick weapon switching. In Classic, since weapon switching is slower, there is really no point. Or there is? Do you have hotkeys for weapons? What are they? 

Bonus question, if you don't, where on the keyboard do you switch the weapons?

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I just map it to my scroll wheel on the mouse and call it a day. Using the number keys requires too much godlike skill for me. I keep my controls pretty minimal where I can since I'm not primarily a big PC gamer.

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There are plenty of reasons to have quick access to specific weapons (in any missing slots combination) in a variety of wads. And no, it doesn't mean super-duper-god-tier-only combat puzzles - even relatively tame wads can have those "SSG->Plasma nopenopenope" or "how about today we don't panic facerocket->SSG" moments.

The missing slots situation makes multi-inputs on prev/next button during down state unreliable at best compared to just key muscle memory.


I use 1-5+E/Q, never next/previous weapon keys of any kind. Was pure vanilla 1-7 (and hold run key, as an aside) for a very long time, but 6/7 is just too far, especially for the types of stressful situations where these slots are most likely to be urgently called upon. Arguably there's worth in swapping 2<->5, but I'm not quite ready to cross that muscle memory bridge :)

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Check out this thread:


I personally use 1234 + R for rocket launcher, F for plasma and Z for bfg. Scroll wheel is not even bound to weapon switch, because weapon switch in Doom is so slow I find it just unbearable to waste even more time on it.


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It's simple enough for classic Doom, since there aren't many bindings necessary. I don't usually play WADs with things like reloading or inventory cycling. I use: 1 - 4 for the defaults, R for the rocket launcher, Q for the plasma rifle, F for the BFG, V for the Unmaker. I set things up similarly in Doom 3, incidentally.

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Personally surprised by the amount of speedrunners/challenge runners who still use 1-7 weapon binds. You'd think there comes a point where having to reach to the 7 key to switch to BFG is a liability. But I guess it's not worth the hassle of switching over and relearning keybinds - that's why I still haven't revamped my binds lol, plus it helps that I have very long fingers


I use Q/E for turning and R for 180 turn, maybe I could have BFG on F and squeeze RL/plasma into the bottom row 🤔

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45 minutes ago, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

Pistol - Mouse 4

I find this bind fascinating, typically I bind my mouse side buttons to something reflexive in a game (melee usually), or something movement based if it isn't a double bind on space/shift (hookshot in xonotic, dashing maybe). Is there any reason you went with this or did you just do it one day and stuck with it?

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Ever since about 6-8 years ago I’ve just had so much fun putting binds on mice with multiple buttons, everything’s on there besides my melee and BFG which are Q and F respectively.


The only weird parts are my scroll wheel binds: Wheeling up is for the pistol, wheeling down is for the plasma.

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1, 2, 3 - as is

Chaingun - F

Rocket Launcher - C

Plasma - Q



I used to have the chaingun on RMB because it served as my fallback weapon for all occasions back then but i rebound it to F when i moved from GZDoom to PrBoom-Plus because PrBoom at the time didn't allow weapons to be bound to mouse keys; i stuck with this layout ever since.


When i play Hexen or Heretic, i put the activate item key on the RMB, item scrolling on the mouse wheel, and fly up & down on shift and alt, respectively.


I also have several cheats and shortcuts (like restart and next map) bound to keys on the numpad. And i always put mouselook on crtl.

Edited by Gregor

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7 hours ago, Maribo said:

Is there any reason you went with this or did you just do it one day and stuck with it?


Since the pistol is suck-ass, I want it easily accessible, but far away from my other weapon binds so I don't accidentally switch to it when in an intense situation.

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Default. Every weapon has to have its own key so mouse wheel is not an option since you can't swap weapons willy-nilly in Doom. Especially since I don't even use a mouse when Dooming :P


But it has to be said that I vastly prefer longer weapon swap times in general over the "just immediately replace the weapon model lol" approach. Makes weapon swapping a tactical element you have to actively think about. Sadly, the instant/near instant swap speed seems to be the more popular one....

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I have been playing this game for nearly 30 years. If I tried to change the default weapon number binds, my game would degenerate into farce. Trying to override nearly 3 decades of muscle memory would get old really quick. Hell, I will often rebind keys in other games to match Doom as closely as possible.

Edited by Murdoch

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I never even thought about moving the plasma and BFG closer to WASD. Honestly, the annoying stretch is a fun part of the difficulty for me. In real life it probably would feel pretty awkward to pull a heavy firearm out of your ass while running.

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i play using esdf instead of wasd, so that the number 3 is just a single key away and 4567 are overall closer - really good once you get that muscle memory in.


also, I used to do this (not anymore), but setting the fist to mouse3 (or mouse4/5 if you have a super cool gaming mouse) is sometimes useful with berserk.

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The only special hotkeys I have are the BFG on mouse-4 and the rocket launcher on mouse-5. I normally use scroll wheel to switch weapons so these binds are only to get out of sticky situations without blindly trying to reach 5 or 7 on my keyboard. At first I thought about binding a button for the SSG but it's easy to reach so I left it as is

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I was using the default numkey binds up to last year, when I started really noticing how badly the long reach to 6 and 7 was screwing me over in harder WADs. Switching to the plasma or BFG would always force me to reposition my fingers -- I'd have to stretch my index finger over while shifting my fingers out of WASD positioning momentarily and thus halting any movement. Emergency switching to the "oh shit" weapons was basically a no-go. Another movement cluster would probably help, but there's always a long stretch somewhere on the numkey row.

My solution was

1-4 Pistol to Chaingun

Z,X,C Rocket, Plasma, BFG


Q and E would work as well, but E is my use key and I like to keep the keys together.

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I actually dont have custom keybinds for classic Doom. I dont play enough sweaty wads to care about weapon switching. I just use mousewheel and number keys. In Doom Eternal I have the weapons set up similar to the number keys in Doom 2, I still just use the weapon wheel more often.

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For DOOM II and custom wads I use:

First - middle mouse button

pistol - 2

shotgun / SSG - e

chaingun - q

Rocket launcher - r

Plasma - c 

BFG - F (for "fuck off")


Pretty much the same for DOOM Eternal, except I use the mouse wheel up and down to quick swap between ballista and SSG. 


It actually works amazingly well and means I can get to whatever weapon I want with ease. My hands are smallish, so the number keys mean I have to take my hands off WSAD, which is a problem in DOOM.

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I have bad hand-eye coordination and issues with finger independence, so hotkeys are difficult for me to use, especially number hotkeys. So I just stick to using scrollwheel most of the time, or the weapon wheel in the new games.

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I actually tried setting up some hotkeys for myself alongside switching to ESDF, a little while back. Unfortunately, I couldn't get used to the new layout, even with the added comfort for my hands, so I swapped back to using the number keys for weapons and WASD for movement. Maybe at some point I'll try it again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, sure I do!


1-4 Are fist, pistol, shotgun/super/chaingun.

R - Rocket Launcher

F- Plasma Gun

Space - BFG 9000


WASD - Movement

Q - Automap

E - Use

Right Mouse Button - Run

Mouse Wheel Down - Quick Turn (If available)

Edited by Piper Maru

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