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GTA 6 Just Got Leaked


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it looks pretty decent honestly, the game looks like a remastered GTA 5 to me for some reason. From what I've heard, this build is from 2019, and if that's true, well I guess can't die until 2045. it's not like I'm gonna play it, since my specs still stuck on mid 2000s, lol.


in the meantime, I'll go back to my cave and try to open Doom Builder for more than 15 minutes.

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This isn't a leak, this is an entire flooding.


And honestly, with how much has actually leaked, I can see Rockstar either postponing development indefinitely or outright cancelling GTA 6. Especially considering how the source code for GTA 5 and 6 has (allegedly) been sold or at least been made available for bidding, as so I've heard.

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We want to thank everyone for their ongoing support through this situation.


OK that's just melodramatic. Nobody died! 

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This reminds me I have to finish San Andreas. I stopped playing when the game told me I needed more swimming skills or something.

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19 minutes ago, unerxai said:

This reminds me I have to finish San Andreas. I stopped playing when the game told me I needed more swimming skills or something.

That only takes about 20 minutes to fix. Just practice holding your breath underwater.

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Since it seems that we're gonna be returning to Vice City, I'm pretty excited. VC was my first GTA game I played, lot of fond memories of it, and we haven't been to that city since 2002.


Couple of things that I'm particularly interested in with GTA 6. For one, having a female protagonist. Given GTAs poor history with female characters generally, I'm hoping that they really put in the effort to make her more fleshed-out and interesting. I'm also hoping that's there's more to do outside of the main missions; GTA 5's version of San Andreas lacked in many interesting things to do outside of some side missions, and there weren't as many cool activities to do. I'm hoping there'll be more of those this time around.


I'm also hoping that this GTA improves in the story department and just characters in general. The story in GTA 5, while fun a lot of the time, didn't feel particularly strong or cohesive, and pretty much everyone in the game was just utterly insufferable to deal with. I know it's GTA, but I'd like at least a few likeable people in there somewhere.


And GTA Online... well I couldn't really care less, as long as the singleplayer is good I'll be happy.

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if it is indeed set in an approximation of the hell peninsula of the united states, it would be a complete disservice to not have a swamp tweaker give you such riveting missions like "my neighbor stole my gator, so now you must wrestle both my neighbor and my gator" no cash reward for it, just respect (and remember, respect is everything!)

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I want to see a mission where you get paid in crypto, only for the value to immediately tank by the time the mission ends. 

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22 minutes ago, Mr. Freeze said:

I want to see a mission where you get paid in crypto, only for the value to immediately tank by the time the mission ends. 


This was done several times on Borderlands, but it would be a lot funnier in a more 'dead serious' game. That said, GTA5 was already full of missions where you got fuck all for completing missions, was extremely frustrating.

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5 hours ago, unerxai said:

This reminds me I have to finish San Andreas. I stopped playing when the game told me I needed more swimming skills or something.


I liked San Andreas a lot. Even though I only played it through once back when it first came out, I still distinctly recall having a blast with it. Probably my biggest gripe with the game was that I do recall at one point losing most or all of the gang territories I had spent hours reclaiming, simply because the progression of the story dictated that I should.


Anyway. Speaking more generally about the leak, I have this to say: while I feel bad for the GTA VI dev team and whatever unforeseen consequences they may have to deal with as a result of this, I feel very little sympathy towards Rockstar itself. I probably would sympathize with them more if their trajectory over the last decade didn't paint such a picture of complacency and arrogance. They've been milking GTA V across three different console generations and releasing updated/anniversary editions of their other IPs in the meantime---let's not even talk about the nightmare of the Definitive GTA Trilogy release. Red Dead Redemption 2 was over 5 years after GTA V, and they waited until February 2022(3 1/2 years after Red Dead 2) to even *announce* they were working on a new GTA game. I'm sure there's probably things behind the scenes I'm not aware of here, but to me, nothing about that portrays a company that feels pressure to complete games in a timely manner, or to communicate respectably with its fanbase.

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5 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:

I want to see a mission where you get paid in crypto, only for the value to immediately tank by the time the mission ends. 

that's your payment for babysitting the gator you rescued for the swamp tweaker. for the gator babysitting mission, you must sit in a living room and watch as the reptile crawls around the house for at least 4 in-game hours. some folks come by in the middle of that mission looking for the swamp tweaker, but the player character has to constantly reinforce that they are, in fact not the swamp tweaker, through a long series of dialogue options.

later it will be revealed that the swamp tweaker owed x amount in crypto to those people, and ended up giving you that value(?) instead under the guise of large reptile babysitting.

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5 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:

I want to see a mission where you get paid in crypto, only for the value to immediately tank by the time the mission ends. 

There's no way they don't make fun of crypto shit in this game, especially given the game only really seemed to have started development a few years ago. I have no doubt there'll be a side mission involving crypto bros in some way.

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I get that leaking is ultimately bad because the content was accessed and leaked illegally, but honestly leaks can be seen as a good thing. It allows us to see the work they are doing. Constructive criticisms. Critiques. Build up the hype. I don't get why it's such a "nightmare" for developers. It's obviously unfinished, but even still it looks solid. Not encouraging leaks, but rather saying when they do happen, consider what it means. Room for improvement and showing off the work they've done.

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On 9/18/2022 at 12:38 PM, The BMFG said:

it might also be taking place in vice city judging by this screenshot


Welp, that was obvious. They announced before the leak that the game takes place in a city based on Miami.

Anyway, I lost interest in GTA since Chinatown Wars (The last good GTA IMO), and since this one doesn't have the Scarface references...

I will stick with Saints Row, but it seems that the reboot is complete trainwreck. Damn.

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10 hours ago, Herr Dethnout said:

Anyway, I lost interest in GTA since Chinatown Wars (The last good GTA IMO), and since this one doesn't have the Scarface references...

"Tell us you don't like GTA 5 without telling us you don't like GTA 5."

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On 9/19/2022 at 11:50 PM, Nevander said:

I get that leaking is ultimately bad because the content was accessed and leaked illegally, but honestly leaks can be seen as a good thing. It allows us to see the work they are doing. Constructive criticisms. Critiques. Build up the hype. I don't get why it's such a "nightmare" for developers. It's obviously unfinished, but even still it looks solid. Not encouraging leaks, but rather saying when they do happen, consider what it means. Room for improvement and showing off the work they've done.

In a way, the entertainment industry's obsession with spoilers has become most unhealthy. I know there are also concerns about the competition, but that also strikes me as unhealthy at the end of the day. Besides, it is GTA we are talking about here: it is not like there is much in the way of competition these days. Cyberpunk 2077 was a disaster upon launch and the new Saints Row does not appear to be doing very well.

Edited by Rudolph

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4 hours ago, Kes Gaming YT said:

"Tell us you don't like GTA 5 without telling us you don't like GTA 5."


GTA IV*** (Though the expansions were good)

Edited by Herr Dethnout

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17 hours ago, Rudolph said:

In a way, the entertainment industry's obsession with spoilers has become most unhealthy. I know there are also concerns about the competition, but that also strikes me as unhealthy at the end of the day. Besides, it is GTA we are talking about here: it is not like there is much in the way of competition these days. Cyberpunk 2077 was a disaster upon launch and the new Saints Row do not appear to be doing very well.

Couldn't agree more.

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On 9/18/2022 at 12:01 PM, Ghostly_Pops said:

iv'e come to think all GTA 6 leaks are fake, but this..... idk man starting to get me thinking

Kinda reminds me of that Sernandoe video where he lied about GTA 6 by using a fake unboxing and test.


also he did use a scratched up copy of The Smurfs (2011) and used a fan made cover and disc to trick viewers.


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On 9/18/2022 at 11:58 AM, Rudolph said:

In Vice City again, huh? Shame. Washington D.C. (or however it is called in Grand Theft Auto) under lockdown due to both the pandemic and the Capitol Hill riots would have been clever and bold, although it might be for the best, as Rockstar clearly lacks the courage and maturity to tackle those topics.


Oh well.

Awesome take, unironically

EDIT: I was kidding hehe

Edited by cracky-bracky

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On 9/21/2022 at 9:11 AM, Kes Gaming YT said:

Couldn't agree more.

To be fair, I hear Cyberpunk 2077 is seeing some sort of resurgence recently. That being said, I am not sure it has reached the point where it can be considered as serious contender to Grand Theft Auto's throne.

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1 hour ago, Rudolph said:

To be fair, I hear Cyberpunk 2077 is seeing some sort of resurgence recently. That being said, I am not sure it has reached the point where it can be considered as serious contender to Grand Theft Auto's throne.

I'd guess that a lot of CP2077's revival is down to Edgerunners, in the same way Witcher 3 got a bump from the Netflix show. TBH I haven't played it since launch, but it always struck me as more of a Far Cry clone than GTA.

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The game is also getting an expansion, apparently, Phantom Fury Liberty.


I am inclined to view all sandbox games set in a vast, living urban center as GTA clones. As such, I view Cyberpunk 2077 as one despite it being a first-person shooter. The Far Cry franchise post-Far Cry 2 is a tricky one: in many ways, it shares many similarities to Grand Theft Auto (open-world sandbox, vehicle driving, mini-games, quests that require you to travel to specific locations on the map, etc.), but it always seems to be taking place in remote, lawless settings where pretty much everything and everyone is out to get you.

Edited by Rudolph

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On 9/25/2022 at 7:41 PM, Rudolph said:

To be fair, I hear Cyberpunk 2077 is seeing some sort of resurgence recently. That being said, I am not sure it has reached the point where it can be considered as serious contender to Grand Theft Auto's throne.

As far as open world sandbox games go GTA has had that crown on it’s own throne in it’s own fortress for about 25 years now.


It will take something extraordinary to dethrone it. 

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On 9/18/2022 at 11:16 PM, Rudolph said:

Plus the early days of the pandemic are full of anecdotes that would make for fun satirical quests, like getting in fights over paper towels, dealing with hoarders and driving snakes oil salespersons out of town; it would have been an interesting chance of pace from the usual crime stuff.


Why would you drive out snakeoil salesmen in a GTA game? If anything you'd do errands for them to get a cut of their action, GTA protagonists have historically been opportunistic lowlifes at their best, in a setting like that hoarding and scalping would be a minigame or side activity to make money and unlock stuff.

Edited by ChopBlock223

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Makes more sense to have a GTA: CHAZ if you're going to go the real-world route anyway. 

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