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Crouch sliding in ACS... Need help


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So here we some code cobbled together from other ACS code as an experiment to make crouch sliding possible


As you can see, I made a ultrakill style sliding system that when a certain cvar is set, switches to a nomal slide, and that's where the problem is..


The code beneath this:


if(GetCVAR("Slide") == 0  & (GetActorProperty(0, APROP_HEALTH) >= 1))


Should do a regular slide that won't happen again until the player stands up and presses crouch again. But it doesn't do that for some reason... Any ideas on how to make it work correctly?

#library "Slide"
#include "zcommon.acs"

script "ultraslide" enter
	int x, y, ang;
	while( true )
	if(getplayerinput(0, INPUT_BUTTONS) & BT_CROUCH)
	if(GetCVAR("Slide") == 1  & (GetActorProperty(0, APROP_HEALTH) >= 1))
		x = GetPlayerInput(-1, INPUT_FORWARDMOVE);
		y = -GetPlayerInput(-1, INPUT_SIDEMOVE);
		ang = getactorangle(0)+vectorangle(x, y);
		if(x || y) ThrustThing (ang>>8, 24, 1, 0);
		ThrustThingZ(0, -30, 0, 0);
	if(GetCVAR("Slide") == 0  & (GetActorProperty(0, APROP_HEALTH) >= 1))
		ang = getactorangle(0);
		ThrustThing (getactorangle(0)/256, 24, 1, 0);
		ThrustThingZ(0, -30, 0, 0);


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