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My first midis

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So, like last week I made my first midi, untitled at the time (sounded like 90's crap) but since like earlier, I decided to have another jab at it, and learnt some new tricks (and traps ^_^), and this second midi (of which I have named both now) is better and flows good unlike the first one that flowed like your average Jokewad.



So, what are they called?



The old one: Blood Ocean 


The new one: The March Of The Cybruisers (You can see why)


Here's a DL too, feel free to use them (why would you) and modify them if you want, just make sure to credit me if you modify either or both.


[Post-Mortem for these things? They kinda suck, if you want good mids, turn to someone like @DiR]


Edited by Codename_Delta

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So I have a few questions just based on what I am hearing and seeing:

What software are you using? The MIDI is formatted weirdly and there are things like random tempo change events that don't change the tempo, instrument and drum notes on the same track, and instruments split across multiple tracks.

What is your general knowledge of music theory, and do you play an instrument? There's a lot of semitone movement in both MIDIs which can be fine but usually it's in a harmonic context that grounds it and the arrangement on these is mostly single note or rhythmically unison lines so the harmonic intent isn't always clear. In addition, the harmonic relationship between different segments seems a bit more meandering than deliberate.

I am aware you didn't ask for a critique so if your response to all this is "Buzz off," that's fine.

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4 minutes ago, TheHambourgeois said:

So I have a few questions just based on what I am hearing and seeing:

What software are you using? The MIDI is formatted weirdly and there are things like random tempo change events that don't change the tempo, instrument and drum notes on the same track, and instruments split across multiple tracks.

What is your general knowledge of music theory, and do you play an instrument? There's a lot of semitone movement in both MIDIs which can be fine but usually it's in a harmonic context that grounds it and the arrangement on these is mostly single note or rhythmically unison lines so the harmonic intent isn't always clear. In addition, the harmonic relationship between different segments seems a bit more meandering than deliberate.

I am aware you didn't ask for a critique so if your response to all this is "Buzz off," that's fine.

pretty much learning as I went, and I used midieditor as I already had it,


but yeah, for my next one I should pay attention to stuff like this.


Thanks for the feedback! :D

Edited by Codename_Delta

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