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What is your favorite texture from classic doom?


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Either a wall or a flat texture, out of the 4 Iwads (Those being Ultimate Doom, Doom2, Plutonia, and TNT) which texture is your favorite?

Out of all of them I've always had an affinity for this texture, just something about the oddly pleasant color makes it perfect for rugged outdoor terrain. 


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A lot of the textures can be used so greatly and can look absolutely amazing, but I gotta give credit where credit is due, too many great and iconic maps made up of mostly:



As for flats, here the former is just so versatile and great to use as floors or ceilings for gray textures, the latter is just a texture I've really liked using recently. Again, a lot of cool flats in the iwads.




Edited by KineticBeverage

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2 hours ago, StarSpun5000 said:

Out of all of them I've always had an affinity for this texture, just something about the oddly pleasant color makes it perfect for rugged outdoor terrain. 


Obviously it was also popular with id Software because it originally came from Wolfenstein 3D, but then was reused in Doom and even in Quake!

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The last third of the BRICK family, BRICKLIT, BSTONE family, the STAR family, ASHWALL2 and 4, TEKGREN family when it's either brown or gray rather than green, CEMENT family, WOODMET family, WOOD6-9, SUPPORT3, METAL family, MID family SKINSYMB, SP_DUDE6, the two useful ZZFACE textures everyone uses, SP_DUDE6, TEKWALL4, any FALL textures Plutonia's bricks, Plutonia's SKY1, Doom's SKY1 and SKY4


SP_FACE1 and FIREBLU if I'm feeling memey.


As for flats:

F_SKY1, FLAT14, FLAT10, FLAT19, FLAT4, FLAT5_4 and 5, FLAT5_7 and 8, CEIL1_2, CEIL5_1 and 2, FLOOR0_1-3, FLOOR1_6, FLOOR4_8, FLOOR5_1, FLOOR 6_1 and 2, FLOOR7_1, GATE family, SLIME14 and 15, RROCK11-13, RROCK19 and 20, MFLR8_2, GRASS1 and 2, GRNROCK, RROCK03


any animated liquids for both textures and flats

Edited by Xyzzy01

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7 minutes ago, Arsinikk said:

FIREBLU is unironically a good texture.

fireblu1 to a flat14 floor is a top tier combo. one of the best computer generated carpets

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As FIRBLU was already mentioned, I'll share my number two:

Although I never use it and I see it seldom used I really like this one:




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Either the ICKWALLs or SP_FACE6 (the baron one)


Then there's the CEMENTs and in 4th there's FIREBLU.


Oh yeah, don't forget about METAL2 and it's variants, and all of the SHAWNs and SILVERs.

Edited by Codename_Delta

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1 hour ago, AdNauseam said:




This video represents some of the faces I make when I see FIREBLU outed as the greatest texture in the history of Doom level design.

As to my favorite Doom 1 textures.


CrzezUI.png DYbByiu.png 8TpJCKx.png IaDshyP.png


FLAT5_4 CEIL5_2 CEIL5_1 FLOOR7_1 (Honorary mentions to FLAT1 and FLAT4 - the plain gray and plain blue flats)


These are the real MVP textures in Doom1. The more mapping I do, the more I appreciate how amazing these guys are. They are plain, yet still have enough contrast to not look dull. They make other textures look great. These are the heavy lifters, the tireless office workers, the unnoticed flats that allow the more unusual, 'highlight' textures to really shine. If FIREBLU is the cocaine snorting rock star of the Doom texture set, these guys are the roadies.


Edited by Kyka

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Man, two of my faves have already been mentioned; faces and 

3 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:




so that leaves me with ROCKRED1 (Im a sucker for that. Quartz-under-microscope vibes); and TEKWALL(s)... 

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