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What was the first map you played that completely broke your will to live?


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I'd say either Nuts.wad because of my addiction period, Core Infection because I hate it (Hell Revealed surprise surprise), E3M5 except for the primitive doomcute booths, and also Metal from TNT (map 8 iirc)



fuck I need to beat tnt still




P.S. Metal is a bad hitscan hell, Stronghold is an amazing hitscan hell, Stronghold is an amazing map overall.

Edited by Codename_Delta

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Deus Vult, the full MAP05 nightmare version. I mean it's a fantastic achievement, but trying to do that whole thing in one go? Insanity.

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Think it was Sunlust map 29 go fuck yourself granted i was playing with BD which makes it much harder than vanilla as i found vanilla easier 

Edited by Nightmare2989

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When I first played Plutonia as a complete Doom-noob, MAP04 (Caged) made me throw my mouse across the room, breaking against the wall and shattering into chunks of plastic. I never rage in video games, but for some reason this time just made me lose it.

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Extermination day map 06 nuclear power plant with bd 20b could not go through Wad because  gzdoom   which I downloaded was Corrupted and Don't Save All Progress and then I had a butthurt by him I deleted it (.

Edited by Wad overdose

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Alien Vendetta MAP 13, very aptly named Suicidal Tendencies. Probably the first level I've ever played with a monster count of more than 400.

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Alien Vendetta MAP26 was a wake up call that slapped me across the face twice. Luckily, back then (almost ten years ago) I had much more patience to play slaughtermaps, and the map is relatively manageable once you get beyond the initial area.


The one that really fucking broke was MAP23 of Scythe 2. I played it for the first time when I did a 24-hour Doom marathon, and god it was such a torment. I did managed to finish it, but not on my own. I had to look up for a guide on Youtube. The level was just too much after constantly dying and dying in every single room. It is quite the challenge that you start right into the hot zone and must keep moving or die, and every meter you gain has to be really fucking earned. After that I just managed to play 3-4 more maps and gave up with Scythe 2 all together lol.


Honorable mention to MAP29: Citadel at the Edge of Eternity (Community Chest). Shittiest map ever. Not the hardest, nor the longest, yet is the most tedious, overbearing experience ever. I have never ''finished it'' cleanly. I just nocliped the crap out of it when I lost all my patience trying to find the exit. It is a testament to its cryptic nature that the UV-MAX run takes more than 1 hour, and for a first blind play, it probably takes as much as playing from MAP01 to that point.

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I don't think any one map has had that effect on me. However, If I had to nominate one map, it'd be a short one with a low monster count as well. Namely Scythe's MAP28 'RunFrom It'. I gave an hour or two worth of attemps on UV, ragequitting a couple of times, and finally doing it on a lower difficulty. Maybe it's for the better, for Fire & Ice didn't have to break my spirit, I'd submit willingly and switch to lower difficulty straight away there.


Honorable mention to Alien Vendetta MAP27. Two previous maps were relentless slaughter, but Stench of Evil I had the most miserable time playing.

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8 minutes ago, Endless said:

is the most tedious, overbearing experience ever


Literally the same reasons why I love it. The beauty of differing taste.

For me, Sunlust map28 was a big roadblock in my return to Doom last year. Before that, back in the day, I remember Refueling Base giving me lots of grief.

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Scythe 2's Maps 23, 24, and 27. Whispering Winds, Gaia's Temple, and Afterlife II on HMP difficulty back when I first played it in 2019. Erik Alm really made some ballbusters in this megawad and ohhh boy those revenant ambushes gave me conniptions. So is my sense of direction... fun times. I was a bit more ready on UV with the DAKKA mod.

Edited by FlakTaryd

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I don't remember the first one, but I remember when I was doing a saveless uv-max of Sunlust MAP30: God Machine and died at the final pyramid archvile fight... twice


(This fight is like 1 hour into the map if you're playing at a casual speed like I was)


Edited by aika

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Demonic Hordes, AKA MAP 25 from Alien Vendetta was the first one to truly madden me, I recall several moments where I was legit exhausted, as Alien Vendetta was the second WAD I ever played after Sigil, so I had not played anything that was NEARLY as hard.

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3 hours ago, RHhe82 said:

Honorable mention to Alien Vendetta MAP27. Two previous maps were relentless slaughter, but Stench of Evil I had the most miserable time playing.

That seems to be a common sentiment. Demonic Hordes and Dark Dome, while very intimidating, are ultimately satisfying, while Stench of Evil, which seems to tone things down at first glance, well "manages to be more exhausting than either of them" to quote MtPain27. I felt the same way when I first went through Alien Vendetta.


Anyway, of all the maps to end my first attempt at beating Resurgence on HMP, it was Excavation Project that did it. Yes, the one that's supposed to be the sandbox breather. I mean... relatively speaking, since Resurgence only ever lets the player relax so much, which is a big part of its charm after all. Luckily I eventually went back and beat the whole megawad on UV, and had a blast doing so.


One that remains relevant: "Gear Up" from Sunlust. I just... I don't understand. Also Pale Monument from Sunder. If you know the map, you know the moment...


Dehydration from Eviternity has also tempered my motivation a few times, but with that one it's mostly for the wrong reasons. Luckily, I knew powering through the tedium would be worth it. 

Edited by Budoka

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E3M4 The Pools of Despair from The Lost Episodes of Doom. It wasn’t maybe the worst map I’ve ever played, but man oh man did it ravage my desire to be alive.

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Eviternity map 19


I told myself that I was going to finish that level with 10 minutes, believing that I was going to be like the others.


How wrong I was

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Back in 2015, I think, I stumbled upon some very bad obscure wad. That wad now seems to be gone. It had a similar premise to The Long Trek Back Home with Doomguy having to go back home after the end of Doom II, except bad, like really really bad. How would I describe this wad, imagine 1994 D!Zone garbage combined with bad 2000s slaughterwad, combined with a pretentious magnum opus with maps that are way too long, combined with awful platforming on par with hot garbage Mario Maker level, combined with game breaking glitches a la someone released a AAA game half a year too early.


Map 1 literally start with a room, that you can escape only by jumping at a random wall, and it goes down hill from there. Map 2 has a glich that defies explanation. Map 3 has a fight, that's impossible to beat without cheats, and the worst platforming ever put in any Doom wad. But it's map 4 that made me quit playing Doom for over a year. It's an unfair, broken, confusing mess. I couldn't find where to go, or what to do. No matter, where I tried to go, I always ended up in a softlock. I couldn't beat that level even with cheats. At that point I just had enough.

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POOGERS.wad, Map 29. Without a doubt.


Why, might you ask? Just look at the in-game time.



And I'm not even done yet...

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Alien Vendetta, Map 18, Lake Poison.


I was playing UV max at the time, and had been using saves more and more as I went through the wad. The maps had been starting to annoy me starting with the low double digits but I kept going because it was supposed to be the greatest wad ever. This map stood out in particular as having some of the most stupid, excessive and needlessly repetitive gameplay I've ever put up with. This led to a "WTF am I even doing?" moment after I slogged through it and I shelved the wad for good. As influential as it may be, most later mappers had the good taste to respect the player's time and don't fully follow its example.


I have very mixed feelings about the map. Part of me wants to drink all the poison, the other part wants to drown myself in the lake instead. 

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