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What was the first map you played that completely broke your will to live?


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Sunlust's Go Fuck Yourself.


More specifically, the arch-vile carousel room.


This was both expertly ingenious and completely infuriating. This room alone took me over 40 minutes to finally beat.

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DOOM 2 Map 13. It's not that it's a hard map or anything, but it's just brutal navigating. In fact, I still have yet to beat the map. To any person who beat that map without a tutorial, I salute you. 


Every other map in DOOM 2 is fine though :)

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  • 3 months later...

Gonna come back to this one, since now that I'm better versed in Doom WADS. Inverti In Darkness/MAP20 Sunlust.

This shit made me go INSANE. I just kept dying, over and over again, I had like 15 separate save files, I kept trying to beat it but I just kept dying.

It was so difficult that eventually I just stopped playing SL. That's how hard it was. And the music made me feel like I was about to lose my marbles.

Just the same notes, over and over and over and over. Literally a descent into madness.

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On 9/25/2022 at 11:55 AM, Endless said:

Honorable mention to MAP29: Citadel at the Edge of Eternity (Community Chest). Shittiest map ever. Not the hardest, nor the longest, yet is the most tedious, overbearing experience ever. I have never ''finished it'' cleanly. I just nocliped the crap out of it when I lost all my patience trying to find the exit. It is a testament to its cryptic nature that the UV-MAX run takes more than 1 hour, and for a first blind play, it probably takes as much as playing from MAP01 to that point.

I'm not gonna lie when I say I'm actually glad that I beat this one. Granted it was continuous and with saves, but I did beat it without cheating on UV. I think it was four (?) hours - took me two sittings. But I think it was worth it. Definitely just a dragon to slay, and I really felt like St. George when I did so. A tired St. George, but a dragon slayer nonetheless. That said, it is a hopeless and impossible existence. It's not too bad overall until you get to the room with all the unlocking METAL2 crates full of monsters. Tedium kills. 

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7 hours ago, arrotive said:

Gonna come back to this one, since now that I'm better versed in Doom WADS. Inverti In Darkness/MAP20 Sunlust.

This shit made me go INSANE. I just kept dying, over and over again, I had like 15 separate save files, I kept trying to beat it but I just kept dying.

It was so difficult that eventually I just stopped playing SL. That's how hard it was. And the music made me feel like I was about to lose my marbles.

Just the same notes, over and over and over and over. Literally a descent into madness.

I’m currently playing Sunlust myself, and indeed: Inverti in Darkness is easily the hardest of the bunch so far, and I’ve just completed MAP27. Maybe MAP24 (forgot the name already… Dying on Cue?) is a contender for the hardest spot. The good news is, the maps after Inverti are definitely easier.


(Feels silly to state it, but I play SL on HMP with saves).

Edited by RHhe82

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The plutonia experiment map 12: Speed

That map made me leave plutonia for months, now and then giving a try and failing miserably... even took a screenshot when i beated it on UV to celebrate. After that, plutonia has been pretty enjoyable and not so grindy as that map is, god i hate that map and how awkward it is

Edited by SilverHurling

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Scythe's final map was the first map that made me feel like i was bashing my head against the wall, but i did eventually manage to power through and beat it (took me like 2 hours to do it.) But map 17 of NOVA was the first that i just straight up skipped over. I was so sick of how awkward and long fights seemed to be, that when i got to that bridge section and died to the pop-up cybie i just thought "you know what, I'm just not gonna waste my time on this anymore", and skipped to the next map

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2 hours ago, Jacek Bourne said:


Nah. If something is trying to get on my nerves and I'm not having fun anymore, I quit. If it's a run, and I'm just having a bad day, I'm gonna be back tomorrow. If something is just retarded, then fuck it, even though haven't really find anything like this, because I try to cherry pick what I play, meaning I have at least a rough idea of what I'm getting myself into.


Mind you, practicing some hard trick or a slaughter map is not in this category; if I keep dying at one place or another, I look for a solution. Either it's some thinking time, or a perfect occasion to look for a demo/YT video. Or if it is not particularly entertaining, at all, then I put it on the 'someday' shelf, since decreasing the difficulty is not an option. This way it doesn't 'break' me, just helps me getting better.


There's no merit in pointless suffering, there's everyday life for that.

Edited by Fluuschoen

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Okay, I'm throwin' the Gantlet (sp?) down - anybody who can play DARKGATE or DARKGAT2* from start to finish, would be the Doomlord with the iron patience and baron-shotgunnin' skills.  This bastard (especially the last level) has stumped Tarnsman, Paul of Piece Of Pie Software, Kes of Kes Gaming, me, and most recently this guy. This has to be the most mind-numbingly sadistic episode ever created, and I wanna hear from somebody who has actually conquered it.  


*I think either one has it's own advantages, the converted DARKGAT2 has the benefit of the super-shotgun and (IIRC) some of the barons converted to hell knights, but of course there's cacos converted to PE's and the obligatory archvile in each level, also, the sector 666 tag doesn't work in this version (is there a workaround for that?)

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Vrack 2, a 700+ monster slaughter map I made the misfortune of attempting to play while needing to kill an hour. Instead of taking a slow methodical approach, as per my usual strategy, I attempted to brute force each encounter as I did not alot myself enough time to complete the level. This experience turned me off of slaughter wads for a few years which I am still not a fan of.

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I remember the first hurdle I came across in doom was "Refueling base" on UV.
I was playing on Xbox and I'm ashamed to admit it but it took me an hour to beat it.

Map26 of AV made me dedicate an entire day to beat it. But that's cause I was playing through with no saves and pistol start. It didn't make me rage really but I was definitely struggling pretty hard to beat it.

The first map that I played and quit was "Go Fuck Yourself". I played about half way through it and just gave up. Took another month to gain the courage to actually take time and beat it. Well worth it though. 

And recently its "Fire and Ice". Its definitely one of the hardest things I've played and I still need to beat it. But since it takes an hour to beat and I won't be using saves I'm kinda just waiting for the day I go and tackle it again.

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I'm not sure I agree with the way the question is posed, but if it's going about a map that I found extremely difficult, that would be Death in Excess' map 10: The Grand Hall.




Another great example is Italo Doom's map 01: Slice Me Nice.




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Easily Scythe MAP30, it's completely ridiculous placement in the map order killed me for two hours straight, afterwards literally making me noclip to the exit, I was that fed up.

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1 minute ago, EPICALLL said:

ridiculous placement in the map order killed me for two hours straight


How is the last map being the hardest ridiculous placement?

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1 hour ago, Jacek Bourne said:


How is the last map being the hardest ridiculous placement?

Think about it, when you stick to your rule of single-seg'ing all of scythe, the rest of the wad, even the nine maps before it being a bit of a breeze, and then THAT coming up?

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1 hour ago, EPICALLL said:

Think about it, when you stick to your rule of single-seg'ing all of scythe, the rest of the wad, even the nine maps before it being a bit of a breeze, and then THAT coming up?


It is much harder in the same way all of episode 3 before it is much harder than the rest of the wad before it. I'd personally say it's a good map and a good challenge to finalize things although I used to think differently a few years back.

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Fire and Ice CLEARLY should have been map 19, there's no excuse for putting the biggest and hardest map with the most kills at the end. Boy, I hope somebody got fired for that blunder. /s


Yeah honestly although I don't find it to be fun, it's way better than most WADs which have a shitty and uninspired map 30. Scythe 1 is a masterpiece because it has something for every player. Obviously map 30 is a very tough mountain to climb and it's a lot longer than most of the last episode so it certainly stands out. Also if you're playing continuous, the last 10 maps are all generally a lot easier, but in the case of map 30 it hardly matters whether you pistol start or not IMO. It's very much one that requires forethought and a lot of skill and patience unlike most of 20-29 that become way easier having weapons from the start.


Trying to single segment a WAD can be a tough self imposed challenge, but you knew going in there was a big difficulty spike at the end. Maybe practicing that map until you have it more or less down would be less torturous to yourself than replaying a few hours long run every time and then getting salty. I don't think too many players honestly have the skill to do a map like that at the end of a multi hour session with no saves and expect to beat it consistently. Anyone who did would probably spend 90% of their practice just on the last map and figure out every safe cheese they could.

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