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What was the first map you played that completely broke your will to live?


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BLOODSTAIN, MAP29: Ov Fire and the Void, on the UV difficulty setting.

Haven't beaten it yet, and thus, haven't beaten BLOODSTAIN.

MAP27: Slaughterworks was where I started to buckle.

I barely limped through that and MAP28: Descent Into Madness, that level really messed with my head and made me sick.

MAP29 of Bloodstain on UV is just the standing limit of my toughness at this point, it's an I CAN'T DO IT for the present.

I don't think any DOOM level has ever spat me back out the way it has, maybe MAPS 27,28 and 29 of Bloodstain are just a triple combo I can't yet take.

Well, either I tough/smart up enough to beat these levels someday or I don't. It is sorta in the back of my mind whenever I play now.

Like no matter how much DOOM I play, I'm asking myself if I'm conditioned up to try it again yet.

It's not a question I enjoy pondering.

Edited by ColdBrew

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On 2/10/2023 at 1:51 AM, RHhe82 said:

I’m currently playing Sunlust myself, and indeed: Inverti in Darkness is easily the hardest of the bunch so far, and I’ve just completed MAP27. Maybe MAP24 (forgot the name already… Dying on Cue?) is a contender for the hardest spot. The good news is, the maps after Inverti are definitely easier.


(Feels silly to state it, but I play SL on HMP with saves).

OK, that's a relief, but that map made me kinda quit SL all together, but no, you're not silly for playing on HMP with saves, did the exact same thing, and I'm pretty sure lots of other people did too, it's EXTREMELY difficult

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On 2/22/2023 at 4:00 AM, TheEyeOfStone said:

BLOODSTAIN, MAP29: Ov Fire and the Void, on the UV difficulty setting.

Haven't beaten it yet, and thus, haven't beaten BLOODSTAIN.

MAP27: Slaughterworks was where I started to buckle.

I barely limped through that and MAP28: Descent Into Madness, that level really messed with my head and made me sick.

MAP29 of Bloodstain on UV is just the standing limit of my toughness at this point, it's an I CAN'T DO IT for the present.

I don't think any DOOM level has ever spat me back out the way it has, maybe MAPS 27,28 and 29 of Bloodstain are just a triple combo I can't yet take.

Well, either I tough/smart up enough to beat these levels someday or I don't. It is sorta in the back of my mind whenever I play now.

Like no matter how much DOOM I play, I'm asking myself if I'm conditioned up to try it again yet.

It's not a question I enjoy pondering.

Are you pistol starting? I tried it sometimes ago and it's probably the most unbalanced and unfun map from that set... lol

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