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3 hours ago, Edward850 said:

Unity itself is known to be plagued by weird frame timing issues, especially in older versions, that may be the crux of the issue, manifesting for some users. 


Updating Unity however is no small feat. 

That's damning to read. I'll factory reset my base Xbox One at some point, though I'm not hopeful it'll help. I'm very much in the same boat as Mr. Death - but again, on PS4 it perfectly fine

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  • 1 month later...

If  @sponge ends up viewing this thread again in time, I hope you are well and the team is well also.

The Unity Port from a Speedrunning perspective, a full QA and Description of Community Suggestions from speedrunners.

 I am one of the Head moderators for the larger speedrunning scene for the unity port. I started the leaderboard on SRC. I wanted to help the team in listing a couple things here in the Unity mega thread, and by chance have the community here on Doom world able to see this also and give feedback also.


Hundreds of folks are running official WAD's and the added Community WAD's that are now all listed in 2,400+ categories across 2 leaderboards. The community on SRC has nearly 3,500 speedrun times among just over 500 players. Some have now set times in the unity port that have stood on DSDA since 2001, and we're becoming an active scene for new times and welcoming all kinds of players from around the world. The entire community has appreciated added milliseconds support on results screen, wide screen and FPS settings/customization. You guys have really increased the value of every little movement and optimization when it comes to the speedrunning sport with this addition for Individual Levels. 

Automatic SR50 is a god send for this particular version. You people did an incredible thing here. If you ever patch this, the speedrun scene will cease to exist. I'm not even kidding, please-please keep this in mind if there is any looming concern over 100% accuracy to the original game from any higher source or QA team report. We can't stress enough how useful this is in inviting folks to gather times in a much more constructed and fun manner, that would take years of time in comparison to optimizations with playing traditional source port running.


We've been referring to Classic source port SR50 as "Manual SR50", with Auto becoming a welcoming things for all folks checking out the Unity port for the first time. Unity port now homes faster existing times that have broken 20 year old records thanks to this being possible. With this being patched, there would be a 100% chance of unobtainable times at this point, and unfortunately it would deter even the active player pool from wanting to improve a time that in theory can never be topped, if this change were ever made.



 \/ I'm sure some of these problems are on your radar. Not my main focus, but common in survey\/

We've run into a few different bugs, and features that could result in a better speedrunning experience for the runner.


-The "Are you sure you want to quit?" Menu displays at launch after the initial splash screens, and will appear every time the player pushes Escape. This has become an issue for many players who play both Doom 1 and Doom II unity, and switch between the two games in the time they are doing a speedrun. A glitch like this has had its time ending runs that stretch into an hour+ into the run.

-The menu at times can appear to highlight 2 options with the difficulty selections. Making the area each menu selection, and cheat selection, larger in the menu would be ideal. Sometimes it feels like the slightest movement of the mouse will drag the selection in the cheat menu too high or too low.

-At the end of a section, while watching the credits leading into the menu, the mouse at times will become unable to display, or respond to inputs. This can catch a player off guard, and loose time during an attempt trying to fix the mouse, or switch to the slower option with keyboard.

-The game has trouble running on some hardware as CPU climbs above 40%. A community wide test has not been done in-depth in this regard. But its been a discussion how frames can have issue with choppy effects, as demand is asked of the rig your playing on. At times I find myself having nothing else open while streaming to keep the CPU as low as possible while playing so my inputs and visual timing are getting the best response possible.

-At times the mouse can be very sensitive in selecting menu options. Sometimes the mouse will disappear entirely, but will have the ability to scroll up and down the menu as you move the mouse forward and backward. This all happens without seeing the mouse visually on screen, and can result in time loss in the speedrun that isn't in the players control.



These next two points I'd direct you to in mind for a speedrun verification process. The moderation team has been curious of these possibilities in future updates.


Quality of life options in verifying the legitimacy of speedruns.

This could be in either a visual reading in game, or an internal reading listed in a file. To help prevent illegitimate runs from taking place, I highlight these 2 points because they would help the sport in the future.

- An option for an Overlay that appears on the game to help not only timing runs, but what should also keep 100% accuracy in its animations timing to find illegitimate runs that are cut together from best segments.

This overlay could be used to help detect any split in footage. Perhaps a sprite with low opacity, that plays a sequence, or shines (like a health orb you can barely see) in a rhythm.

The rhythm can be timed out to restart every 60 seconds from the point game play begins in a segment from Start to End. So from difficulty select, Up to the screen before the credits play, The entire point we consider for an RTA segment.

The accepted community standard of timing could be used for this visuals start and end point.

First Visible frame of the animation: The First frame of the difficulty selection text is no longer displayed

Last Visible frame of the animation: The first frame of the screen melting in the last level of the segment.


Two Ideal placements in the game to design this option to be sensitive in display during. The sprite can be a visual through out game play to determine if the footage is continuous, and would save the pain of Demo feature being a pain for the devs to develop to work in unity's UI. It would also only exist for the entire time we time our RTA segment, and will help to time runs 100% accurately for any player who understands how it works.

-Demo feature... I'm uncertain if this would be a pain, or more resources then the previously mentioned option??

But to be frank, if the thought above sounds unlikely, having an option to arm the game to start demos and continue to do so would be sweet. Demos would stop with quick saves. Demo saves to file in a new section of its own, in the main game menu. The Demo section holds demos that can be played back in the unity port. "Recent Demo's" and "Demo's by WAD" options are here. Select from Demo's by WAD, list of Demo's from said WAD displays. Recent WADs has most recent at top, descends down list of 10. 


^^ The future of 100% legitimate verification of speedruns in ease of access ways will be key to the communities continued growth. A team of volunteers verify runs, and can see over 200 submissions within a week. A tool to help time, and verify legitimacy of runs, would be very welcomed as a Visual or File inclusion. We still Do visual verification. We watch them. We've caught cheaters. We've denied runs who do not show the selection on UV and higher up difficulties.


A lot of players use hand cam or input displays in their runs, but the chance for nefarious means of progression of times can arise, and unfortunately this has happened many times before in the history of speedrunning as a sport, even in DSDA times. We just want to see a way for ease of mind in 100% confirming runs are submitted legitimately, and we have a direct method to confirm accuracy that is programmed in the game to help us do that job specifically, and casual players can pay it no mind and turn it off in the options. Demo's would allow for precise reading of inputs in the file. The overlay suggestion for the sprite adds a visual way to be able to weigh out any runs that may be subject to rejection if they are aided in anyway beside the player playing in real time.

Just food for thought what the speedrunning experts and folks watching hundreds of Unity segments every week are curious about seeing in the future to help the community as it grows wider in members.


Other Options the wider community has been curious about seeing, and would welcome. I've highlighted sections that stand out directly to me: 

-Having an option to display the IGT outside of the Map screen, while you are playing, and being able to turn this on and off in the pause options.

-The Game should remember in the level select what level the game was playing previously and Difficulty. We generally use this menu for IL's, but resetting IL's is tedious.

We require UV, UV+, & NM times to display this selection due to legitimacy check. But the issue becomes resetting the run, going to level select, having to scroll and scroll to get back to the level. Every. Single. Time.
This would be a massive quality of life option, as starting the game from the very beginning exists in the New game option. This would just be a quality of life option to players, as the result of requiring the difficulty inclusion has discouraged players from playing (resets and scrolling to select becomes tedious).


-Having an option in level select screen, after clicking left on the listing from ITYTD, an option exists for No Monsters. This alone would add over 300 new categories to the game, and would be welcomed for players of all skill.

-Cross hair customization would be welcomed in the options, like Quake III varieties as a base idea and how that game structured it. The cross hair is very useful on Icon of Sin, I recommend it to people who struggle with that section and it does wonders, but its lacking a bit in detail. Maybe keep the current one as an option with a listing of a few other options. There is no issue in placement on screen, its perfect for the icon of sin accuracy. 

-Having an option to toggle the credits. I know this sounds harsh,and we think you guys are brilliant... but maybe have the games first time opening settings to have credits on by default, and have the option to toggle off? The total time the credits sequence takes over an entire run is 4-6 seconds each time. If you play a 15 minutes time, its nearly 20 seconds of time. Over an anthology time, runs have lost time in comparison to sourceport classic as a result of added time for credits display (this whole point is all depending on CPU% and how well the credits load in seems to be related to this in study). The credits can also at times contribute to the mouse glitch happening more often as runners spam use keys on both keyboard and mouse to skip them as fast as possible. Having this option will ease stress of this often cited glitch, as less spamming would be needed with a direct exit from the "story line" screen, to the menu.

(We are aware the credits can be deleted in the files to have them not appear, but console players do not have access to this method as an option. We decided runs will require this to match in fairness, unless the option was added specifically in the menus).

-Have an Option in Doom II to skip the Enemy Roll Call.
In the games current state, you are forced to have every enemy show its death animation in this sequence, before the credits roll, and take you to the main menu. Have an option to skip this sequence (click Escape?). The reason this becomes an issue is for anthology speedruns. Doom II is always required to be last in the line up for a complete series speedrun, due to the time loss from watching this complete sequence.


A bunch of folks in the Unity Port Community on SRC have gotten together to create a 32 map megawad called "Project: Unity". It is nearing completion in time also, and has been designed 100% by speedrunners.

All of these players have a combined total into playing the unity port well over a 500 hour window of time in under 2 years. The Unity port compatibility is being kept in mind with all approaches to running this set of maps also, and a lot of folks are looking forward to running it as it becomes the first unofficial Unity speedrun WAD we will be tracking on SRC. First time in the leaderboards history that we will track a set of maps that isn't directly added by you guys!

We were curious if there is some form of process for seeing this WAD added in the listing for future updates? We don't expect compensation of any kind, and would love to be able to share the WAD made by some of the players who have put more time then anyone into the port optimizing all the levels there are to offer. All speedrunning aspects have been in mind during the complete process of developing this series of maps also.

Its a Hell theme, with tricks, traps, and an incredible mass of enemies and level design, brought out for a brutal set of maps. We were wondering if perhaps there is a way to have a listing of WAD's that meet a certain standard the devs can let us know of if any adjustments needed to be made? Can we see the WAD added by you guys if we met the standard? It would be a great thing for the community, and this particular version of the game that helped foster these minds together, and create this monster series of maps.

The unity port has helped to start the next generation of easily accessible doom speedrunning scene. The September 2020 update was a beyond revival to the speedrun, and it continues to grow to this day. A lot of people have been running lately, easily seeing nearly 150 different runs a week on average, even more as gold rush times and discoveries continue to happen in the community and get shared via community discord server. It will really take some expert play in these areas to survive a full run of Project: Unity. Veteran players will have some fun times dissecting the maps for better times as IL's. We've even had some of the best runners in the world from both the Unity port and Classic DSDA scene give feedback in play testing the levels. I think it will be a great set to run through for anyone looking for some crazy maps, and a legitimate, but possible, challenge.  

We are also gathering for a tournament in time soon to have some of the best players face off. I'll have another thread by Doomworld soon discussing that further, as I have already written a complete novel here at 8AM in the morning... I started this post Yesterday and had to keep restructuring and coming back to be sure I had covered all that I could here. The hope is you folks working in the background on the next update, get a perspective from the people playing the game for very long periods of time. We want to give constructive feedback and things we are suggesting as quality of life for future patches as we spend hundreds of more hours playing in our life times. I myself have been playing since launch day, and I don't see me slowing down playing it. I'm having too much fun, and its helped in the times of the Pandemic to have a hobby like this that is such a rabbit hole of thousands of possible runs to do. The community really pulled together during these times and pushed the game lower in a shorter span as a result.

If you do end up seeing this while browsing, I really hope I don't sound "complainy" with this post.


Don't think that pls. I have the world's fastest time in Doom GBA, that version is a joke compared to this port for performance.. lol. 

This port is always my go to recommendation to anyone who has never played classic Doom before. Have been able to share these ports with new fans of the series, and will continue to support it. For 5 bucks each, its an incredible value! The rabbit hole of thousands of possible speedruns to play that the community is hosting, and a new history of times and achievements happening all the time to this very day. I really think the next generation is looking great for Unity port. But some polish on the surface is still a welcomed thing every once in a while in some of these areas, and we're all awaiting the team or Id, Nerve, anyone for updates in the future.

This whole novel of a post is just a perspective of Unity port from the larger speedrunning side of the community. A written overview of what the future of this version still has to offer in the speedrunners mind. I don't mean to seem like I'm demanding for things to be added, and I hope this doesn't approach that angle, it was not the intention.

But what can I say after hundreds of hours playing? Wanted to leave a few QA points from my own experience, and others I have gathered from other top players. I'd imagine you guys had a similar time before the game drops with the QA team leaving reports daily, and maybe something like this will help the games life 20 years from now. I hope this post helps the team out, if you guys see this and have some good energy and goals to pass around the team. It would be great to have new fixes, added options, and I'd imagine you are doing something great that I haven't even described above. I believe one of you is working on something currently that will leave me impressed, as it has before!

There are people in the community who appreciate what the team has pulled this port together into.


The support life for this game post launch is really something we as players have grown to appreciate over time, but we're fearful that you guys as developers will eventually run into the window of time in the games lifespan where other projects call, the team working on updates is a smaller crew of resource as lifespan goes on. The core player base that's putting hundreds of hours into the game would really appreciate seeing even just a few of the things above being adjusted/fixed or added in the next year or two. The community for the game continues to grow, and will continue to go for the next generation of lowest times in every level you guys add via the new additions! Keep up the great work, we're looking forward to some more maps soon. You guys have us waiting, Doom Zero was great!

Thanks Sponge and the Team!

Doomworlder's, give me some feedback also. I'm curious what you guys think of the speedrunners perspective for this version?? Have you folks tried some runs of your own? 

Edited by Alexo

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4 hours ago, Alexo said:

Automatic SR50 is a god send for this particular version. You people did an incredible thing here. If you ever patch this, the speedrun scene will cease to exist. I'm not even kidding, please-please keep this in mind if there is any looming concern over 100% accuracy to the original game from any higher source or QA team report. We can't stress enough how useful this is in inviting folks to gather times in a much more constructed and fun manner, that would take years of time in comparison to optimizations with playing traditional source port running.

that alone makes the game 1000% more aprochable to new players truly i change to the best

if they have concerns regarding accuracy it would be better if they made it a option in the menus to turn it off (not on) so we can have the best of both worlds

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  • 3 weeks later...

It’s been quite a while since the last new WAD was added to the Unity ports. Does anybody think there will be more added?


If they are done adding content I can’t really complain. These ports definitely over delivered. Being a console guy I never would’ve gotten to play cool stuff like Sigil or Doom Zero without them

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56 minutes ago, jamman39 said:

It’s been quite a while since the last new WAD was added to the Unity ports. Does anybody think there will be more added?


If they are done adding content I can’t really complain. These ports definitely over delivered. Being a console guy I never would’ve gotten to play cool stuff like Sigil or Doom Zero without them

Probably things are still a little convulted since Microsoft adquired Bethesda, so maybe when things calm a little more, new content may find it way into the official add-ons.

Lurking around the forums i found that, at least, there are two mapsets that may have the chance of making it big.
Earthless by Jimmy, a vanilla wip mapset.

and Bourgeois DM by Doomkid, Decay and Razgriz.


Hope the dev team of the Doomnity port come with an idea for implementing deathmatch, as it a crucial part of the Doom experience since it first appeared.

I hear its hard as the method use backthen is not compatible with modern PCs, but i think there could be a separate port bundled with the Doomnity port that facilitates the deathmatching and cooperative play.

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1 hour ago, P41R47 said:

Probably things are still a little convulted since Microsoft adquired Bethesda, so maybe when things calm a little more, new content may find it way into the official add-ons.

Lurking around the forums i found that, at least, there are two mapsets that may have the chance of making it big.
Earthless by Jimmy, a vanilla wip mapset.

and Bourgeois DM by Doomkid, Decay and Razgriz.


Hope the dev team of the Doomnity port come with an idea for implementing deathmatch, as it a crucial part of the Doom experience since it first appeared.

I hear its hard as the method use backthen is not compatible with modern PCs, but i think there could be a separate port bundled with the Doomnity port that facilitates the deathmatching and cooperative play.

I wondered about this. Since I’ve never been a PC guy it’s too far outside my wheelhouse. 

Do the WADs they add have to be more or less vanilla? I’ve heard of WADs they require GZDoom, so are those impossible to run on the Unity ports or do they require extra work?


Also I think the $5 price tag of the ports was probably meant to lower people’s expectations around getting multiplayer or any other complicated extras. I wonder if ID could’ve gotten away with having DOOM 1 & 2 deathmatch included in Eternal or if people would’ve complained bc Eternal doesn’t have its own Deathmatch

Edited by jamman39

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54 minutes ago, jamman39 said:

Do the WADs they add have to be more or less vanilla? I’ve heard of WADs they require GZDoom, so are those impossible to run on the Unity ports or do they require extra work? 

As things stand now, the official engine is equivalent to what we call a limit-removing port. It supports DEHACKED and its own dialect of MAPINFO, which is how it can run a TC like REKKR. However, it does not support most of the other additional features that port developers have created along the way. Something that requires GZDoom will most likely not even load in the Unity port (what with most GZDoom modders using a different archive format, based on ZIP files, instead of WADs).


It is quite unlikely that the port will be further enhanced with support for more extra features, but  who knows? I didn't expect it to get DEHACKED support, and it did, so perhaps more surprises are in store... eventually. That said, it's professional development time that it takes, not hobbyist time; which means the programmers are paid to work on it, and so the work has to justify itself commercially. It'd make sense if they decided the engine was good enough as it is now and not to devote more time on it when that time could be spent on more important projects.

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2 hours ago, ChopBlock223 said:

If they added multiplayer deathmatch, or made a deathmatch version, that would be fantastic!

The Unity ports do have deathmatch. Local multiplayer only, though (or Steam remote play if you're on PC and feeling brave).

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35 minutes ago, Gez said:

As things stand now, the official engine is equivalent to what we call a limit-removing port. It supports DEHACKED and its own dialect of MAPINFO, which is how it can run a TC like REKKR. However, it does not support most of the other additional features that port developers have created along the way. Something that requires GZDoom will most likely not even load in the Unity port (what with most GZDoom modders using a different archive format, based on ZIP files, instead of WADs).


It is quite unlikely that the port will be further enhanced with support for more extra features, but  who knows? I didn't expect it to get DEHACKED support, and it did, so perhaps more surprises are in store... eventually. That said, it's professional development time that it takes, not hobbyist time; which means the programmers are paid to work on it, and so the work has to justify itself commercially. It'd make sense if they decided the engine was good enough as it is now and not to devote more time on it when that time could be spent on more important projects.

Just DeHacked alone is a huge thing for the port by itself. So many WADS rely on this, so having it in opens up doors.

Now, support for DEHEXTRA, that would be something else...


.... but ill settle for Boom support. :P

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6 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

.... but ill settle for Boom support. :P

Boom support is vastly more complicated then it looks. While the source is open, two of the relevant parties are Ty Halderman and Jim Flynn, so not people who can be contacted. Any Boom implementation would have to be completely clean-roomed.

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DeHacked Extra seems far more likely to me than any kind of Boom support, but I don't see them adding that because they seem to focus on Vanilla and Limit Removing.

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6 hours ago, sponge said:

Hi all! I've been keeping tabs on the thread, but don't have too much to add in terms of future plans. All the feedback is appreciated and acknowledged though. There are more add-ons planned, but the timing might not be as regular.

damn dude you guys rock really

you guys never needed to make the addons and stuff but im really happy that you got to go the extra mile to put some of the fanbase work on the consoles

now my question is will we see gameplay altering mods too? like doom 4 vanilla or some other dehacked mods that change either the gameplay or the visuals (like smooth doom deh)?

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It would be nice if we could get music midipacks, now that Master Levels, Plutonia and No Rest for the Living have community soundtracks, with a Doom 2 pack on the way, and an Ultimate doom one potentially on the way. Especially since one of the bigger complaints about Master Levels on the port is the endless D_RUNNIN. Would probably require all sorts of new systems to get it working though.

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Do you guys plan on adding the option of replacing the classic HUD bar with more modern HUD icons?
Also, is there any progress with the issue with main menu getting displayed during gameplay in switch port? If not, I can attempt to find 100% reproduction steps and record a proper video.

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On 3/26/2021 at 8:44 PM, sponge said:

Hi all! I've been keeping tabs on the thread, but don't have too much to add in terms of future plans.

I nag this a lot, but are there any plans to add the ability to customize your control scheme for the console versions?


For add-on content, I'm actually quite content. Though hypothetically, if you were interested in a work but the author passed away years back, would you consider asking their next of kin for permission, or would that not be enough?

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4 minutes ago, ChopBlock223 said:

For add-on content, I'm actually quite content. Though hypothetically, if you were interested in a work but the author passed away years back, would you consider asking their next of kin for permission, or would that not be enough?

I imagine that finding the legal next of kin for a Doom morder who passed “years back” would be an absolute logistical nightmare that wouldn’t at all be worth it.

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1 minute ago, Faceman2000 said:

I imagine that finding the legal next of kin for a Doom morder who passed “years back” would be an absolute logistical nightmare that wouldn’t at all be worth it.

Probably, but I'm asking hypothetically more than anything.

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14 minutes ago, ChopBlock223 said:

I nag this a lot, but are there any plans to add the ability to customize your control scheme for the console versions?

This would be nice, but for now, remember that at least on Switch and Xbox (no idea if in PlayStation) you can remap your controller's inputs in the system menu and switch different layouts on the fly.

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A few folks mentioning the HUD, when you leave the game to go to demo mode from the title screen the HUD is very bare bones. Would this be possible to implement? 

Please don't tell me it already is and I've blindly missed it somehow.

Edited by Eurisko

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On 3/27/2021 at 5:35 PM, NieMaMordy said:

Do you guys plan on adding the option of replacing the classic HUD bar with more modern HUD icons?
Also, is there any progress with the issue with main menu getting displayed during gameplay in switch port? If not, I can attempt to find 100% reproduction steps and record a proper video.

The easiest they could do is make an option to use the splitscreen HUD in singleplayer too

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what could possibly be wrong about adding wads from dead authors? will he drag the legal team's feet at night and haunt them till the cows go home or something?

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30 minutes ago, Nekr0s1s said:

what could possibly be wrong about adding wads from dead authors? will he drag the legal team's feet at night and haunt them till the cows go home or something?

It's called an estate. It's also called extremely bad form.

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16 hours ago, Edward850 said:

It's called an estate. It's also called extremely bad form.


care to explain me why? assuming there is no such thing as a next to kin.

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17 hours ago, Nekr0s1s said:

what could possibly be wrong about adding wads from dead authors? will he drag the legal team's feet at night and haunt them till the cows go home or something?


Maybe something as simple as them perhaps not wanting their work uploaded/distributed via different means, especially if that would also imply having to modify parts of it, such as the textures if they're used from other games, in order to even make it possible at all?


If they're not around in any form anymore, just leave their work in peace.

Edited by seed

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38 minutes ago, Nekr0s1s said:


care to explain me why? assuming there is no such thing as a next to kin.

Why would you assume that? Most people have a next of kin. Even if they don't, that's not the same thing as an estate, which can still say no after all the time and money gone into finding and entering negotiations with them. If there's no estate or next of kin, then there's no grounds for legal permission.

That's not even getting into the potential to cause personal upset. Just not worth it.

Edited by NoXion

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Just to add to the topic of famous .wad but deceased author.

If the .wad it's popular, then will be played the way the original author make it, as a .wad that need to be downloaded in idgames, forum topic, moddb, etc. Players will keep the wad alive with they commentary of them, reviews and comparations, it's not need to be in the official port to be worth play. Almost all wads that's keep talking in various topics are worthplaying, even olders.

I'm glad that the Unity Port also it's making focus on newers wads, that's seem to grab what's worked in olders wads, and make a new twist or mechanic to the game, still going Vainilla. That's why im glad to ports of .wads like Doom Zero and Deathless.

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I was wondering if anyone on the development team have considered an option to use the Switch's internal gyroscope to aim? I bring this up because I've found myself using the Hori Split Pad Pro quite often. Said controller doesn't have a gyroscope. I know some of Nightdive's Switch ports can do this, such as Strife and Turok 2.

Also, it's been a while since we've gotten any new Add-ons. I know sponge can't reveal anything, but I'm assuming another one is in the works?

Edited by Agent Slacker
Forgot to clarify that the split pad pro did not have a gyroscope

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