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Most frustrating gameplay moment in Doom


Most frustrating gameplay moment  

156 members have voted

  1. 1. Most frustrating gameplay moment

    • Imp not getting oneshotted from your berserk punch
    • Lost Soul blocking your rocket making it explode in your face
    • Damaged by leaky radiation suit
    • Maps so cryptic, you find every secret before figuring out where to actually go to progress
    • Revenant missile RNG damage taking most of your health
    • Accidentally wasting a large item (health/ammo pack) when your hp/ammo is almost maxed out
    • Platforming segments that require precise diagonal running for extra speed
    • Timing the Archvile attack wrong
    • Chaingunners getting you before you even see where they are
    • Trying to backpedal in combat but that door you opened earlier just closed behind you
    • Other

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Cryptic progression for sure, doubly so since I mostly record my Doom gameplay for videos and running around aimlessly is not the best video content lol.  I at least pause the video if it gets really bad, but I dislike it anyway.  Part of why I despise Eternal Doom, because that's all it is.

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I think all of these are part of the "joy" of Dooming. A little sour with the sweet, so to say. That said, thanks leaky radiation suit, I really could have used that 20 health.

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- Shotgun guys.

- Imps not dying with a point blank shotgun blast.

- Accidentally strafing into a fireball when trying to avoid it.

- Waiting forever for the bars to lower after been trapped in a room following ambush. (A terrible mapping habit in my opinion)

- Wasting SSG on 1 hitpoint monsters.

- Finding a key, but looking everywhere for that keydoor.

Edited by pcorf

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I voted Revenant missile but was amused to see the most frustrating thing for most players isn't any inherit quirk of the game design but when mappers just refuse to stop biting off more than they can chew or think it's fun to force you to be stuck. I think I could insert a similar mapping related frustration or two myself: Useless automap inclusion when the author won't tag secrets, that's a big pet-peeve and takes me right out of the experience and forces me to go look up a video, especially if it's MAP15 and I want to find the secret maps, and maps that aren't necessarily cryptic, but just overly long to the point of being tedious and boring. A recent example that comes to mind is Back to Saturn X Episode 2. This is already a fully fledged megawad, why does every map need to be as big and long as possible out the gate so it can be even more padded out making the pacing relentlessly painful? I felt exhaustion by MAP15 and have yet to go back and this is coming from someone who beat Eternal Doom, an infinitely longer and more cryptic experience. Actually I have another mapping related pet-peeve, it's not so much locking you in a room forcing you to make do with what you have, which usually sucks due to movement restriction in most cases, but locking you off from the rest of the map when you get to the exit, cancelling out any chance to go back and get things you missed.

Revenant missiles are still really bad though, as they're a total arbitrary difficulty inflator.


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When you have been playing your way through a vanilla map for an hour, and suddenly..."All of ur visiplanes r belong to us."


Hello desktop, my old friend.

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"Maps so cryptic, you find every secret before figuring out where to actually go to progress."


Cause of fustration? nah. That's peak mapping meant for a chosen few connoisseurs. 

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Man, there are several good ones to pick, but I did go with the high damage rolls from Revenant attacks. I swear it's always the homing missiles that you thought you disposed of but didn't that are automatically programmed to deal 80 damage. Even with MegaArmor I cringe if I get hit and lose 40% health, knowing it would have been 80 without any armor.


As for the rest of the options, my thoughts on them:



Imp not getting oneshotted from your berserk punch


For me, it's when an Imp doesn't get one-shotted from a Shotgun, I know the odds are a lot lower than with a Berserk but if I get a good shot on an Imp with a Shotgun and don't kill it, I finish it off with a Pistol or Chaingun tap. When it comes to enemies not dying from a Berserk, I'd say a Demon taking more than 3 punches to die is definitely frustrating.



Lost Soul blocking your rocket making it explode in your face


Don't think this happens often, I'd say Demons and Spectres have acted more as meat shields on my Rockets than Lost Souls, especially on Nightmare.



Damaged by leaky radiation suit


If it happens several times is when it gets on my nerves, I can handle one.



Maps so cryptic, you find every secret before figuring out where to actually go to progress


Don't think I've had experiences like that, normally it's the other way (a super cryptic secret stopping me from finishing the map 100%).



Accidentally wasting a large item (health/ammo pack) when your hp/ammo is almost maxed out


I've taken care to avoid this, it's more frustrating when one of these items is in your way and you have to pick it up to progress, and even more frustrating if I forgot there's a forced item pickup and I picked up similar items just a moment ago that I could have saved instead.



Platforming segments that require precise diagonal running for extra speed


Platforming in general, yes, especially when the punishment is dropping into a 20% damaging pit.



Timing the Archvile attack wrong


My frustrating Arch-vile moments come from if it's in the middle of its attack and I'm trying to run for cover, and either I'm entangled in a group of enemies or get caught in a doorway/opening.



Chaingunners getting you before you even see where they are


It's when they have sniper accuracy from a long distance and the bulk of their shots hit that does it for me.



Trying to backpedal in combat but that door you opened earlier just closed behind you


Might have happened once or twice, can't remember a time where it truly cost me.

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Accidentally wasting a large item (health/ammo pack) when your hp/ammo is almost maxed out


What's more frustrating is quick saving after picking up a soulsphere when low on health, only to then start coming across medikits and stimpacks that you can't use.

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15 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:


Oddly enough, my navigation issues have probably become much worst as I've got older. Mostly because it's too easy to overlook something stupidly obvious that's still not quite in front of the player's face. Doom wads, with some exceptions, have mostly left that cryptic style of gameplay behind to become more focused on t3h killin', but someone will still have unconventional progression for who knows what reason...it's so annoying!


I think the worst offenders are custom texture sets where they do a much poorer job of visually telegraphing buttons and switches. Many a time have I gotten stuck way longer than necessary because of what turns out to be a mundane door switch hidden in plain sight that you can barely distinguish from the surrounding wall textures.

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I don't really understand why leaky-suit is so high in votes, there is a small chance (6/256 ≈ 2.3%) that the damage will penetrate the protective suit during a given second and reduce health (or health and armor combined) by 20%, it's too small of a chance and not that big of a loss.

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Well it's because the leaky suit defeats the entire purpose of the powerup. How would you like it if the invuln had a 2% chance of not working for a second? Or if armor only reduced damage most of the time? It doesn't feel good when an important strategic choice, completely necessary for many maps, is unreliable for no good reason and punishes the player without regard for skill.


A lot of this stuff is the player's fault or the mapper's fault. But having something like that controlled by pure rng, especially when many maps are tight on health, is very frustrating. I'd rather have it work where you take 1% damage every cycle consistently for the same average damage in superslime, at least then there's skill behind getting in and out quickly and it's obviously an intended mechanic. I'd bet many people think the suit makes them completely safe until they somehow die from unexplained damage.


Personally I'd like suits to be untimed and save a set amount of damage instead, so you never waste them and you can explore in any order you want. But the way they are isn't a huge dealbreaker, it's just stupid and pointless where a lot of the other mechanics are justifiable.

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3 hours ago, tanapo said:

I don't really understand why leaky-suit is so high in votes, there is a small chance (6/256 ≈ 2.3%) that the damage will penetrate the protective suit during a given second and reduce health (or health and armor combined) by 20%, it's too small of a chance and not that big of a loss.

To me it's an annoying mechanic because the chance is just large enough to ruin your day when you least expect it, but too small to reasonably plan around, either as a player or as a mapper. That it is so inconsequential makes it all the more frustrating because it makes one wonder why it's there in the first place.

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I'm quite shocked by Cryptic Map Progression being number 1 by a landslide! Oh well..I guess I quite enjoy getting lost in a map and finding that elusive switch or red key...unless the progression involves a 1994 wad trope like keys being hidden away in secrets which are nearly impossible to find because it's a random wall texture or something, that's grade A bs.

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22 hours ago, tanapo said:

I don't really understand why leaky-suit is so high in votes, there is a small chance (6/256 ≈ 2.3%) that the damage will penetrate the protective suit during a given second and reduce health (or health and armor combined) by 20%, it's too small of a chance and not that big of a loss.

I mean, 2.3% per tic approaches 100% the longer a map makes you wade in the 20 damaging goop, and then sometimes the stars and planets align and you take 40 or 60 damage during a short jaunt in the muck. It's part of the delightful randomness that makes Doom Doom but there's just something about the arbitrariness despite the fact that you went out of your way to put on a radsuit that makes me want to write a sternly worded letter to the engine.

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