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Euroboros Community Sessions - Week #16


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Euroboros Community Sessions - Week #16: Alphatius Deathmatch [Q-Zandronum]


Greetings! This week's Euroboros Community Session will be special, because it is held in the Q-Zandronum fork sourceport of Zandronum! We will be playing deathmatch in the latest version of Alphatius Deathmatch!


The session will commence tomorrow on Saturday, October 1st 2022, at 8PM CET / 2PM EST!


Q-Zandronum is a fork of Zandronum 3.0 developed by @geNia, which features netcode improvements and additional code for modding player movement. It was mainly intended for the development of Quake Champions: Doom Edition to make custom movement code similar to different Quake games, which is where the Q comes from in the name. Euroboros uses the latest beta of Q-Zandronum 1.3, which features clientside prediction as an adjustable server netcode setting.



1. Go to http://qzandronum.com and select the Windows beta (with Doomseeker) download option to download the latest beta.

2. Unzip the contents of the downloaded zip file to your desired location. This location will be your Q-Zandronum installation folder.

3. Go to the Doomseeker folder of Q-Zandronum and open doomseeker.exe. This is your Q-Zandronum server browser.

4. When the session starts, search for the server name (found in Euroboros Discord, link below) in Q-Zandronum's Doomseeker.




Alphatius Deathmatch is an Arena FPS styled gameplay mod for Q-Zandronum developed by @hiimaura. It features a big high-skill arsenal inspired by the Quake and Unreal Tournament series, as well as movement and combat abilities that can all be combined in many different ways! There are no ammo pickups, but instead ammo regenerates back after a couple seconds of trigger pause. The same applies for the abilities when not constantly used.

The skill ceiling of Alphatius is very high, so mastering the weapons and abilities will take time and effort, but combining them in different ways should still make a fun run for a first timer!




Join the Euroboros Discord server to participate in this week's Euroboros Community Session, AND if you want to leave YOUR suggestion for a future session!

Register now at Euroboros.net to host your own FREE European Doom multiplayer servers on Zandronum and Q-Zandronum!

See you on the session this weekend!


Edited by Kaapeli47

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