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Duke Nukem Forever 2001 Restoration Project [WE WANT YOU!]

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25 minutes ago, Caffeine Freak said:

@segfaultSmall suggestion: the Level Design form should have a 'Neither' option for the 'Experience with Unreal 1/2 editor or DukeEd?'


I'm pretty sure you can just leave it blank. Not the most straightforward thing but if you have neither that's perfectly fine.

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1 hour ago, Murdoch said:

Yeah. The Duke IP is, if not dead, then definitely comatose. Using Bombshell would upgrade this project from "slightly tempting fate" to "kicking fate in the balls and daring it to chase you".

But as I said, Alien Armaggedon heavily features its own take on the Bombshell character and as far as I am aware, it did not get in trouble because of it. It seems like it would be highly hypocritical of 3D Realms to have a project shut down over the character's presence, given the circumstances that led to the very creation of the Bombshell IP in the first place. 


Also, is Bombshell not already present in some fashion in the leaked build? I mean, the whole point of the Restoration Project is to finish the 2001 build; if it cannot use the character at all, then what is going to happen to the parts that were going to feature her? From what I have read on the subject, I was under the impression that she was intended to act as Duke's non-playable sidekick, kind of like Alyx in Half-Life 2.

Edited by Rudolph

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On 10/2/2022 at 5:56 PM, Murdoch said:

Yes, they are going to need it. I hope it makes it to fruition but the Sword of Cease and Desist will always be over their heads

I imagine if they cared, we would know already.

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16 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

But as I said, Alien Armaggedon heavily features its own take on the Bombshell character and as far as I am aware, it did not get in trouble because of it. It seems like it would be highly hypocritical of 3D Realms to have a project shut down over the character's presence, given the circumstances that led to the very creation of the Bombshell IP in the first place.


Ah yes, I forgot about that. At any rate, hopefully this comes to fruition and the Powers That Be either somehow do not notice or do not care.

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@Murdoch Or maybe they can just rename the character to "Atom Babe" or something, I suppose.


After all, the official Bombshell is not canonically Duke Nukem's sidekick.

Edited by Rudolph

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Gonna keep a real close eye on this project, I've been hoping for years to see the 2001 version of Duke Nukem in a finished state.

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Bombshell is absolutely planned for the resto at this point in time. we've even cast a voice actress for her! 

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I also hope that this project will be successfull. But didn't Gearbox already kill the Duke Nukem 3D Unreal Engine Remake? It's been almost a decade.

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4 hours ago, Kyle07 said:

I also hope that this project will be successfull. But didn't Gearbox already kill the Duke Nukem 3D Unreal Engine Remake? It's been almost a decade.


that was a different set of circumstances, for sure 

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10 hours ago, Kyle07 said:

I also hope that this project will be successfull. But didn't Gearbox already kill the Duke Nukem 3D Unreal Engine Remake? It's been almost a decade.

The difference is that the remake was a full planned game by what is now Interceptor. They didn't have the rights to do a complete remake.


This on the other hand is a restoration project based on a leaked build of a broken mess of an unfinished product that can't make money and only a thin slice of the gaming market is even aware of. If this got leaked years ago closer to the 2011 DNF release, it would most definitely be a different situation. Then the leak would be turning people away from buying the Gearbox release. The dust has settled now from DNF release and the leak is everywhere as well. Pointless endeavor and likely would cost Gearbox more money than to ignore it.

Edited by Nevander

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On 10/3/2022 at 9:16 PM, Caffeine Freak said:

Ah, ok. I figured since it had a red asterisk next to it, it was required to fill out, so I just checked 'Unreal 1/2'. Anyway, submitted.

Same, I just checked one of the options thinking it was obligatory thantk to the red asterisk.

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55 minutes ago, Ghostly_Pops said:

It's time to kick bubblegum and chew ass, and im all out of ass.

Or rather "It's Time To Reuse Assets and Chew Bubblegum, and We Got Our Hands Full of Assets"! :P

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4 hours ago, Ghostly_Pops said:

It's time to kick bubblegum and chew ass, and im all out of ass.

Groovy! (?)



Also a great month to watch/rewatch They Live if you haven’t already done so.


Edited by BGrieber

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  • 2 weeks later...



We're hosting the very first Duke Nukem Forever 2001 Mapping Contest! We're looking for snow/ice themed multiplayer levels, and prizes will be awarded for First and Second Place entries!




But you'll need a working map editor and patched up engine for the contest, so we're also releasing the Bikini Atoll Test version! While this doesn't contain any of the improved or completed levels that we have so far for the Restoration Project, it does include many of the fixes we have made to the game engine and editor since the leak originally dropped last May. This also serves as a nice version for people to use for Multiplayer DNF!




If you're interested in participating in the mapping contest or just checking out the entries I highly recommend joining our Community Discord Server:





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hate to double post but we've just dropped our October Update! We have more screenshots of the campaign, as well as a list of voice actors you can expect to hear in the First Slice.




We also released an update to the Bikini Atoll standalone multiplayer-focused build of the DNFRP!





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10 hours ago, Rudolph said:

Interesting. So there will be female EDF troopers? I certainly was not expecting gender parity from Duke Nukem! :P


The 2001 build has female EDF snipers so it'd make sense for there to be standard female ground troops as well. We're working on massively diversifying the collection of NPC models we have across the board to fit DNF's scope.

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due to the way we are developing this (ie. the council model) we have numerous barriers to scope creep and we routinely check the scope to make sure things aren't getting out of hand

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On 11/3/2022 at 7:08 AM, Pirx said:

that game would have been so glorious if it had not died of feature creep.

I can imagine that DOOM 3 and Half-Life 2 were some of the reasons why the direction "to keep up" was followed. But its only my guess. Thought about that when I saw recently some Making Of material from id Software on YouTube. I can imagine that back then bringing an game with outdated graphics would mean potential failure.


I know that we today admire the graphics of 2001 DNF. But in the mid 2000s I can imagine that this was not so nice.

I don't know, I played in 2005 games like Battlefront II and GTA San Andreas and even these games were running not so good on my old PC. I think my PC couldn't even handle back then D3 and HL2.

Edited by Kyle07

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charlie weiderhold once told me that post 2002, the mood around the office became 'Doom 3 Uber Alles'. which is weird to me because broussard and miller *had* to have been briefed in 2001 on doom 3 because id was showing that shit to anyone in the DFW and i guess he just thought they could release before doom 3? 

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18 hours ago, ETPC said:

charlie weiderhold once told me that post 2002, the mood around the office became 'Doom 3 Uber Alles'. which is weird to me because broussard and miller *had* to have been briefed in 2001 on doom 3 because id was showing that shit to anyone in the DFW and i guess he just thought they could release before doom 3? 

Or whoever knows how Doom 3 did look like in 2001? In 2002 Doom 3 had already the "sick" lighting. But in 2001? I could imagine that Doom 3 was in an early state in 2001, which is not comparable with the alpha from E3 2002.


But it's again only a guess.

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22 hours ago, ETPC said:

due to the way we are developing this (ie. the council model) we have numerous barriers to scope creep and we routinely check the scope to make sure things aren't getting out of hand


wow already deviating from 3DRealms' vision smh

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