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Looking for short WADs for YouTube projects.

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On 10/3/2022 at 2:38 AM, VisionThing said:

Hi there! I loved your Fire on The Mountain playthrough - highly entertaining. 


A lot of good suggestions have been made already. I second the DPB recommendations - there are a silly amount of them now, but the first one Monuments of Mars is still one of my favourites. 


I'm gonna recommend 10AM Break, which was released fairly recently. 

Heeeey, VisionThing! Loved FOTM, absolutely loved it. Thanks for these recommendations, I’ve heard of 10am break, I think BeefGee zipped through it. Looks really fun. Cheers!

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Bauhaus is a splendid 4-map wad inspired by, as the name suggests, the Bauhaus school of art. The levels are fun and the visuals are not quite like anything else I've seen in Doom.


4 Seasons of Doom is another 4-map wad; as you might expect, each map is themed after a different season. Be advised that the maps are fairly lengthy.

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8 hours ago, Shepardus said:

Bauhaus is a splendid 4-map wad inspired by, as the name suggests, the Bauhaus school of art. The levels are fun and the visuals are not quite like anything else I've seen in Doom.


4 Seasons of Doom is another 4-map wad; as you might expect, each map is themed after a different season. Be advised that the maps are fairly lengthy.

Oh sweet, I forgot about Bauhaus! I meant to play it ages ago since decino played one level for a viewer submission. Thanks for jogging my memory! 4 Seasons sounds absolutely lovely too. I’ll investigate. :)

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2 hours ago, Ravendesk said:

Altars of Madness


Stretching the requirements just a little bit, because it has 12 maps, but they are all really short. The set is really good and has very memorable visuals.


AOM is a gorgeous WAD, I’ve played the first few and loved them. Thanks for reminding me!

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