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Your favorite video game character quotes


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"He who controls the past commands the future.

He who commands the future conquers the past"


- Kane [C&C Red Alert (1996) ] 



Actually it's a quote by George Orwell, but whatever


Edited by ReaperAA

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I'll let you in on a little something.  The yakuza game, it's not like boxing.

The man who gets beaten down isn't the loser.

The guy who can't tough it out to the end, he's the one who loses.

Eh?  Don't you think?

In the yakuza life, there are no KOs.

I'll tell you what, Kiryu.  To me, a finger or two don't mean shit.

Having Awano or Shibusawa beat me to the Captain's spot?  Couldn't give a fuck...

As long as I'm alive, I'll keep getting back up for more.

Which is why you...

A half-ass like you's the one thing I can't stand.

Now DIE, you little shit!



Do you consider this a victory?  It's a fantasy, Jimmy.  Just like the rest of this world. 

Go ahead.  Pretend to defeat me.

You can do it again.

And again. 

And again.

And each time, I'll just come back.

The next time you see me, my form will have changed, but I'll just be stronger.

You think you've won, Jimmy, but there is no end to me.

-Chancellor Pulsating Mass


Howdy, motherfucker.

-Chris Columbo

Edited by ZethXM

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"What the fuck is this .... Quake!" - Postal Dude in Braindamaged on entering a brown and rusty industrial type area inside the Mexican/US wall.


"Do I look like I have any fucking ammo, asshole." - Jupiter Hell guy when I pressed reload with no spare ammo

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"Hmm, fresh victims for the ever-growing army of the undead."


Caleb is still my favorite video game character.

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Virtually everything from Shadow Warrior. That game alone probably makes up 3/4 of all video game quotes I remember but the one that will forever stand out is

"Do you wanna wash Wang or do you wanna watch Wang wash Wang?"


Caleb is a bit too cynical for my taste so most of his quotes just don't stick.



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21 minutes ago, Graf Zahl said:

Virtually everything from Shadow Warrior. That game alone probably makes up 3/4 of all video game quotes I remember but the one that will forever stand out is

"Do you wanna wash Wang or do you wanna watch Wang wash Wang?"


Caleb is a bit too cynical for my taste so most of his quotes just don't stick.




I'll never forget my dad cracking up at "Whooooooooooo wanta some Wang?"

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1 hour ago, Graf Zahl said:

Virtually everything from Shadow Warrior. That game alone probably makes up 3/4 of all video game quotes I remember but the one that will forever stand out is

"Do you wanna wash Wang or do you wanna watch Wang wash Wang?"


Caleb is a bit too cynical for my taste so most of his quotes just don't stick.




1 hour ago, dasho said:


I'll never forget my dad cracking up at "Whooooooooooo wanta some Wang?"


"You look like a stupid!"

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"Usually, the good Lord works in mysterious ways. But not today! This here is 66 tons of straight-up, H.E-spewing dee-vine intervention! If God is love, then you can call me 'Cupid'!”


- Sargent Avery Johnson, Halo 2, Legendary difficulty. 

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"In my talons I shape clay, crafting life forms as I please. Around me is a burgeoning empire of steel. From my throne room, lines of power careen into the skies of Earth. My whims will become lightning bolts that devastate the mounds of humanity. Out of the chaos, they will run and whimper, praying for me to end their tedious anarchy. I am drunk with this vision. God: the title suits me well."


- Waluigi

Edited by MIDIchlorine

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I still remember the pork bun vendor in Sleeping Dogs, he has a few funny quotes:


"A man who never eats pork bun is never a whole man!" / "You look like you could use a pork bun!" / "Why don't you have a pork bun in your hand?"




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6 hours ago, Graf Zahl said:

Virtually everything from Shadow Warrior. That game alone probably makes up 3/4 of all video game quotes I remember but the one that will forever stand out is

"Do you wanna wash Wang or do you wanna watch Wang wash Wang?"


Caleb is a bit too cynical for my taste so most of his quotes just don't stick.



I can understand that, I've always loved Caleb's sarcastic, nihilistic attitude and his sardonic laugh. It doesn't mean he's a good person/zombie, he's just bitter. I forgot about it, but I think my favorite quote of Caleb's was from Blood 2 after getting into CabalCo's building and riding the elevator up he says "It's Howdy Doody time kiddies. The bad man is here."


I've never really cared for Lo Wang's jokes myself. They were almost all dick jokes, and they were so obvious. It was akin to someone pounding a railroad spike into your head and saying "DO YOU GET THE POINT?"


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"Remember: Music is the weapon."
-Steven Tyler, Revolution X

"From the halls of the Vatican to the Runways of Truth, we are there. At the place called Climax, and the time called NOW. When it's done, let the gods sort it out!"
-Dude Sr., Postal/Postal Redux/Postal 4: No Regerts


"I don't like this arrangement any more than my troops do. They may not look like much, but they run like friggin' clockwork out in the field, and I won't stand for anything or anyone that compromises my team. Comprende?"
-Colonel Ely, Crusader: No Remorse

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Blood 2 when Caleb enters the dodgy hotel and presses the buzzer to talk.


"What's the password?"

"Everybody dies!"

"Ohhh really?... Cool. I'm buzzing you in" - Bzzzz


Can't find a clip, nobody likes Blood 2.


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2 hours ago, Chezza said:

Blood 2 when Caleb enters the dodgy hotel and presses the buzzer to talk.


"What's the password?"

"Everybody dies!"

"Ohhh really?... Cool. I'm buzzing you in" - Bzzzz


Can't find a clip, nobody likes Blood 2.


I found it when I was looking for a video clip for "It's Howdy Doody time..." in my above post.



And nobody likes Blood 2 because it was an unfinished, buggy mess of a game. That doesn't mean that it's a bad game in theory, and I do love what I've played of it (I've never finished it over the course of 20 years due to bugs and crashes), but in practice it's a terrible game. And it probably didn't help that Half-Life and Unreal came out around the same time. 

Edited by Jello

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@Jello haha yeah I understand there are good reasons why the game isn't popular.


Back in those times as a child I only played games with cheats so the horrible balancing wasn't even a factor. I just soaked in the dark crazy world, music and enemies. Bugs were a problem albeit fortunately it didn't crash on our system much. SLI Voodoo 2s I think.


If the game was allowed to be completed I reckon it would have been a classic for many. Soundtrack and atmosphere was something else.


Edited by Chezza

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3 minutes ago, Chezza said:

If the game was allowed to be completed I reckon it would have been a classic for many. Soundtrack and atmosphere was something else.

I agree completely, the foundations for a good game were there. Blood was originally kind of a niche title to begin with, but the effort was there, and it could've been great.


And I don't know if I can really blame Unreal or Half-Life for sinking Blood 2, because Half-Life and Unreal were completely new franchises at that point. Blood 2, and Monolith dug their own grave with it I guess. Which is a shame, because Monolith also went on to make NOLF, FEAR, and Condemned, and they're really damned good games; but they seem to always lose the rights to them.

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33 minutes ago, Piper Maru said:


Damn... After playing Resident Evil remake for so many times it's double-painful to hear the original dialogues. 😂

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