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If you are too young to have played Doom when it was released, and your dad/mum/brother didn't play it, how did you get into Doom?

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I've noticed most people got into Doom because:


(a) They played it in the 90s, when it was released/popular (I fall into this category).

(b) When they were a child, their older relatives played it.


I'd be really interested to hear from young people who got into it another way.


What was your first experience with the game?

Why did you enjoy it?

What keeps you playing it?



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I believe the first time I got into Doom was through watching... I believe it was either Nerd3's or TotalBiscuit's videos on Brutal Doom, around 2014 or 2017. I also believe that it was also during that time that I got into a lot of GZ mods, too. Guncaster, Trailblazer, Hideous Destructor, all of that jazz. I still generally do play mods here and there, but I'm currently just focusing on playing maps first, mods later. 


I enjoyed playing just Brutal Doom at the time because of the gunplay and, yeah, the blood effects and particles. I don't believe I ever tried to play pure Doom during that time—I probably just saw it as dull. This was before I properly got into boomer shooters, as the youngsters (aka my generation) calls them, watching Civvie, IcarusLives and Decino, the latter being the one who finally got me interested in playing proper Doom with his submissions and Italo-Doom videos.


I think what keeps me playing Doom is how, even after almost 30 years since KDitD was released, people still keep making conceptual and visually inspired levels that never feel or look the same, and always bring something interesting to the table. The same goes for the number of mods for GZ, too. That ageless element, I think, is what keeps me playing Doom.

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I had been interested in Doom for the longest time beforehand, wanting to be different from the middle school crowd and all. My first tidbit of actual gameplay was this damn roblox game by the name of Room, which was a semi-faithful recreation of Doom, or at least, it felt that way to 14-year old me. Eventually, I was in a CAD class and was bored out of my mind, that led me to some bootleg italian flash game website I forgot the name of, they had a flash version of Doom 1, and that's where it really all began.

One sketchy github download later, and I had gotten myself both Ultimate Doom, a french copy of Doom 2, both of which I still have n' use.

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I watched a review about 2016 and thought the game was interesting.
I played it and loved it. Typically whenever I try something  and enjoy it I then try the rest of the franchise. 

This happened with Doom and it just stuck. 

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When I was 10, I got into emulation, and grabbed as many ROMs and emulators as I could. One of those games just happened to be the 32X port. At the time impressed by its unique display for a console at its era, I decided to look for more info about the game, and found out that it also has an SNES port, which I later also dabbled in. The rest is history.

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Fuck, well my mum did play it, but decino was the thing that properly got me interested in the games themselves, no matter how much my mum says that she was how I got into doom.

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I didn't really play Doom back then except maybe for once at a friend's house on the Jaguar version.


In hindsight, I knew someone who owned a Jaguar. Wow.


But... on the N64 I played my share of Duke Nukem 3D and Quake, and Blood was a game that looked amazing to me in magazines that I only played years later when I finally got a PC but it says a lot that it was one of the first games I went straight to to play. 


So eventually checking out Doom happened at for me, and I kinda went from toying around with the source ports and mods to just appreciating the original experience a lot.


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I definitely remember emulating the SNES version when I was messing around with roms as a kid, but I think my first experience with the PC version was coming across the shareware demo converted to Flash on Kongregate. Wild that Flash is barely around anymore.

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On 10/5/2022 at 11:06 AM, MemeMind said:

I watched a review about 2016 and thought the game was interesting.
I played it and loved it. Typically whenever I try something  and enjoy it I then try the rest of the franchise. 

This happened with Doom and it just stuck. 

I would like to continue a bit. 


I have ADHD and Autism, so I typically go through phases of hyper interest of one topic. 

I typically go through a rotation of focusing on a "wheel" of topics, for example I have been replaying the Dishonored franchise lately, so its really the only thing I can think of. 

Doom is one of the only game franchises that could transend this constant cycle. 

The simplicity of modding and the sheer infinite content of Classic Doom makes it so I dont get burnt out like other games and topics.

In fact Doom modding made me realize that Im genuinely interested in game design and I enjoy it. This has also made it so I see Doom modding as a genuine hobby and not just an entertainment that is optional. 


Too make a long story short, Doom cures ADHD.

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It was on Steam sale for $1-2 a few years ago, same with Quake. Now they're my most played games on Steam. Nowadays I usually don't play Doom past episode 1, but I play Quake to its entirety quite often. I spend more of my time on Doom playing mods

Edited by Serum

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I had a close schoolmate in primary school that was obsessed with it, and it was contagious so after enough time I got sick as well. Thing is, it was a good type of sickness.

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I played doom 3 when i was about 9 years old on the OG Xbox. I got scared enough that I had to turn the volume down to zero. eventually I just went into the special features of doom 3 and played doom 1 and 2 as those didn't scare me at all. 

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Im Asian and Doom(and PC gaming in general) wasn't big off a deal there, so I never seen anyone played it when I was young never mind playing it.

I got into Doom when I start watching English youtube videos and a doom mod video pop up in my recommandation, quite the chances huh.

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I'm actually not sure exactly how I first heard about Doom. I know that I knew of it as a kid in the 2000s, but as far as actually playing any of the games, that didn't happen until the 2010s. I was too young for the original 90s game, obviously, and as a kid I lacked the gaming PC to play Doom 3 when that was new (plus I've always been a pansy about scary games).


I first got into playing it around 2012-2013, around the time Brutal Doom started getting popular. That was the moment I knew that I wanted to actually play Doom; I saw the mod and thought it was really cool looking, and wanted to learn how to run it. So I did, and the rest was history after that.

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the xbox 360 version of Doom 3 bfg edition around 2013-2014 

( late 2014 or so I got doom on PC with zandronum  gzdoom didn't work for some reason so I stuck with it till about 1.5 years ago till going to GZ )

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I always knew doom was a thing and just regarded it as one of those fundamental shooty games, but just never played it. Around like 2019, was playing a lot of emulated games mostly SNES and gameboy/gameboy advance. Also around that time I saw some of Decino's analysis videos. I watch just a lot of analysis videos of games I've just never played and in most cases have no interest in playing I dont know why i just like em. And around the same time I figured out that doom has a snes port, so that was a free way to play it, and was hooked from there, and someone gifted me the wads for 1 and 2 and I went from there.

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I learned about Doom when it was advertised in a shareware game by id -- Commander Keen I think it wasn’t.


Then I downloaded the Doom shareware from the BBS, which took several days. Of course, I interrupted the phone line and my parents were happy that no one finally called.


Since I was the only one in my environment who had the hardware to play Doom without borders and with a sound-card, many visits of my school friends followed. It was indeed a hype for us all.

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i played Doom from a DOS-Box emulator on a homebrew PSP i got for Christmas.


i'm the only person on Earth that was exposed to Doom this way.

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I am a big Sonic fan and while searching for fangames I noticed a game being called one of the best sonic fangames. It was Sonic Robo Blast 2. I played the game for a long time and even completed it. I even tried Zone Builder (but that didn't went far because I am dumb) and I played a lot of mods from the forums. Then I got curious on the source game of SRB2 and that is how I discovered Doom. I now know how to use UDB and I think I might retry making a map for SRB2.

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I think that Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch brought me around 2010 to the Doom Engine (Source Port Skulltag).


Then videos like "When Quake was done today" and "When DOOM was done today" started to make me interested into DOOM. Then I played the "When DOOM was done today" wads.


But it was 2014 when I started to play the classic Doom games. I finished Doom 3 and it's expansion then in 2016 before DOOM 4 / 2016 was released. It was a nice time.

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i bought a used windows vista that still had a couple files left by the old owner, it was nothing personal i think just a bunch of junk, it was mostly pdf files so i looked through them until i found a zip file that had it... a freshly pirated copy of doom 2. i enjoyed it cause i never seen a game so gorey so insane and so addictive i just couldnt look away now i feel like every single game gets better and better so i keep sticking up to the series. and till this day doom 2 still remains as my favorite doom game in the series

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On 10/20/2022 at 7:56 PM, TheFocus said:

i played Doom from a DOS-Box emulator on a homebrew PSP i got for Christmas.


i'm the only person on Earth that was exposed to Doom this way.

I played a Counter-Strike based mod for Doom in my NDS.

Now thats a rarity heh.

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Back in 2016, I'd been playing a lot of The Elder Scrolls I: Arena, and I found its graphical style incredibly charming.  I looked around for games that used similar rendering techniques, and so forth.  I saw that, of such games, DOOM was by far the most popular, and that I could get it on Steam for less than the price of a cup of coffee.  So, I gave it a try -- and instantly fell in love.  I was (and, frankly, still am) amazed that a game from 1994 could feel so smooth and finely-tuned.  And imagine my delight when I learnt that a brand-new sequel was just a few months away!

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On 10/3/2022 at 4:57 PM, Steveb1000 said:

What was your first experience with the game?

Why did you enjoy it?

What keeps you playing it?




Well, i am not longer really young, but it was about 1997.

Me and my Cousin got it from one of our Uncles, it was on a CD with many other DOS Games.


We tested many Episodes in Doom 1 in random Difficulties, as we had no Idea what was written there in english.


In Doom 2 we couldn't pass the second Level, as we weren't able to find the Jump Button on the Keyboard.

We tried so long that this Memory is burned into my Head... I mean, this is so a strange Idea, run to have enough Momentum to get over the Gap.


I think young People nowadays get into Doom because it has its Reputation and they test it.

The Mixture of good Gun Gameplay and Maze like Levels with Secrets to find is very well done.


It can be compared to Super Mario World.


Other old Games play very lously.

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born in 2004, i remember i got into it when i was 6 or 7 by finding a shareware mobile version on the blackberry store when i used to have a blackberry tablet

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