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Any graphically impressive Doom 2 WADs to impress nephew who refuses to play games that have "bad" graphics?


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My 10 year old nephew was looking at trailers for Xbox Game Pass and actually said something to the effect of "this game has great gameplay, look at the graphics!" when he was only into the first 5 seconds of trailers for various games. He actually thinks that good graphics means a game will have good gameplay. He actually thinks that Call of Duty is a good game. Jesus Christ. Sadly Doom didn't have a trailer but he looked at the screenshots and wasn't impressed. He liked the trailer for Doom Eternal though. God help him.


Can anyone suggest some graphically impressive Doom 2 wads that might impress him enough for him to play them? I'll be playing it with the original Doom II enemies but with the pixel smoothed look and the voxel mod to make enemies and objects 3D instead of sprites. But other than that, let me know if there's any Wads with graphically impressive maps or weapons. This could be a nice art style or realistic graphics such as PBR materials and if that wad had large groups of enemies then I think that would impress him as well since modern FPS games can't do that.

Edited by Havok

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Elementalism would be a good place to start, E4 in particular has a good combination of impressive locales and large-scale fights that get bigger the further you get in the level. Also check out Bridgeburner's work such as Bastion of Chaos.

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Also Back to the Saturn X E1 and E2 are great options, not only for his impressive visuals but aslo that they are Vanilla Compatible, making it more impressive.

SIGIL too, although it doesn't have "ultra impressive" visual as the above, is a episode made by the One and Only John Romero, so it has the Quality Seal on it B)


3 hours ago, Havok said:

He actually thinks that Call of Duty is a good game.

TBH not all COD games are bad (The last I played was Black Ops 1 and was good), but the explotation from Activision damaged badly the franchise.

EDIT: I forgot to say that @Batandy Mods/Games, are a good to showcase what GZDoom is capable to do https://batandy.itch.io

Edited by Herr Dethnout

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man, your nephew sound like my uncle lol,

I know it sound weird but my uncle hate retro games even though he grew up in the era of it

he also rate how good a game is on graphics, although when he actually get to play the game he often disappointed.


I guess it make sense since he's not a good fan of FPS in general and Open World are mostly his goto

Edited by fai1025

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8 minutes ago, NaliSeed said:

Poor kid, he missed the best times in videogame history. 

We cannae blame the kid, y'know, being young.
As for the topic at hand, I'd say Trenchfoot, it's just the one level (and also a prequel level) but it is some of the most atmospheric dooming I've experienced.

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Probably the only way you'd impress him with Doom over Call of Duty is with Doom Eternal (just don't tell his mum!)

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15 minutes ago, Noiser said:

If you need to use a "graphically impressive" wad to convice him that good graphics =/= good gameplay, you are missing your own point.


I thought I was pretty clear. I said my nephew thinks good graphics means a game has good gameplay so I asked for graphically impressive wads. Obviously they should have good gameplay (I didn't say that but it was obvious to everyone except you).


Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

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32 minutes ago, Wyrmwood said:

Probably the only way you'd impress him with Doom over Call of Duty is with Doom Eternal (just don't tell his mum!)


Yeah but I can't bring myself to have him play that game. It's better than other FPS games but Doom II is still better than it. The Doom Eternal enemies look like them bloody live action transformers movies, there's so much detail in their faces and bodies that they don't even look like humanoids. I much prefer the art style of the Doom II enemies. They don't look as realistic but they actually look like real enemies. You also don't get large groups of enemies like you do in Doom II.

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38 minutes ago, Havok said:

I thought I was pretty clear. I said my nephew thinks good graphics means a game has good gameplay so I asked for graphically impressive wads. Obviously they should have good gameplay (I didn't say that but it was obvious to everyone except you).

I think you are the one who didn't understood what I said. Anyway, good luck on your task.

Edited by Noiser

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1 hour ago, Noiser said:

If you need to use a "graphically impressive" wad to convice him that good graphics =/= good gameplay, you are missing your own point.

I don't think he's trying to change his nephew's mindset, he's just trying to get him to play some Doom.

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6 hours ago, Havok said:

but with the pixel smoothed look


I thought the solution was to make it look better not worse.


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Doom was designed to be played on CRT monitors. CRT monitors have natural smoothing which smoothed out the pixels. When you play it on a modern LCD monitor it's not smoothing out the pixels so technically it's you who's making it look worse by keeping the chunky pixels. I'm just talking about the pixels here not the colours. 

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6 hours ago, Havok said:

He actually thinks that good graphics means a game will have good gameplay. He actually thinks that Call of Duty is a good game. Jesus Christ. Sadly Doom didn't have a trailer but he looked at the screenshots and wasn't impressed. He liked the trailer for Doom Eternal though. God help him.


Maybe drop this childish attitude, stop trying to force your tastes on someone else, indulge in some of the things he likes, and in time he might be willing to play stuff that you're interested in.

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Don't try and impress him if he's still at the stage where his brain is mostly concerned about graphical fidelity than actually playing the game. Wait a few years and if he doesn't grow out of it, he's a lost cause. Especially if he has a sentiment akin to "Minecraft sucks, the graphics are so bad". 



3 minutes ago, dasho said:


Maybe drop this childish attitude, stop trying to force your tastes on someone else, indulge in some of the things he likes, and in time he might be willing to play stuff that you're interested in.

Oh please, you say that OP's the kid's father. He's not trying force anything on him, he just wants to share a bit of culture. And no, indulging in Call of Duty and Fortnite is not culture, that's reaffirming the mindset of "better graphics=better game," not to mention keeping them boxed in the mainstream. I could write a damn essay on why this isn't a good idea, but I'll spare you the details. Maybe you should drop the sellout talk ;)

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9 minutes ago, OpenRift said:

Oh please, you say that OP's the kid's father. He's not trying force anything on him, he just wants to share a bit of culture. And no, indulging in Call of Duty and Fortnite is not culture, that's reaffirming the mindset of "better graphics=better game," not to mention keeping them boxed in the mainstream. I could write a damn essay on why this isn't a good idea, but I'll spare you the details. Maybe you should drop the sellout talk ;)


Sellout? What the hell are you smoking? I'm suggesting a simple give and take dynamic, not endorsing "muh mainstream games." And yes, it is childish to spout stuff like "Jesus Christ" and "God help him" in response to simply liking something that he doesn't.

Edited by dasho

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1 minute ago, dasho said:


Sellout? What the hell are you smoking? I'm suggesting a simple give and take dynamic, not endorsing "muh mainstream games." And yes, it is childish to spout stuff like "Jesus Christ" and "God help him" in response to simply liking something that he doesn't.

Well let's not sugar coat this: kids are pretty fucking stupid (and so are a lot of boomers to be fair), they have absolutely no concept of a give and take dynamic. OP could put up with all his nephew's CoD BS forever and that kid would still be the little snob he was before. I grew up with kids like him back when CoD was first getting big and I can tell you right now the ones who had that sort of mindset were insufferable to say the least and remained so as we got older too. I was giving the kid the benefit of the doubt when I suggested wait a few years for him to grow out of it.

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1 hour ago, OpenRift said:

Oh please, you say that OP's the kid's father. 


Literally the very first thing the OP says is "my 10 year old nephew", so for the sake of avoiding massive inter-family conflict I would hope the OP is not actually the father.


Anyway, if the point were to change the kid's mind that good graphics = good gameplay, a much better method would be to get him to play some modern games that look amazing but play like crap - The Order 1886 is one which springs to mind, but not an example I'd use since it's rated 15-17+ and is last gen now.


Edit: Doom 1 & 2 are generally rated 13-15 around the world, so I wouldn't recommend them for a 10 year old even with their pixelated graphics. An exception would be for mods like Adventures of Square.


I think part of the problem is that a large percentage of games that actually have good gameplay are intended for adults and kids a lot older than 10.

Edited by NiGHTMARE

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Keep it on topic thanks. Starting to think some of the people posting here are younger than OP's nephew.

Oh, and in response to the original question: Lullaby by Danlex, Coma Moonlight by Stormcatcher

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I agree with Dasho. It'd be better to meet the kid half-way and maybe explore the kind of games he likes first and connect with him via a shared love of games in general, @Havok. As you bond over that shared love of games and you show him what a wide and colourful history the medium has and how games can be more than just "super-ultra realistic graphics", he'll likely be more open to exploring games of many different stripes.

Edited by Biodegradable

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I don't know about Doom maps, but I know one that'd be perfect for the kid's parents:



One that leads to the nearest orphanage



I'm joking, I'd probably second BTSX E1, Eviternity and Sunder, maybe some Skillsaw stuff too.



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I have to aggree with Biodegradable and dasho. You should not force him to play anything. My dad always played Eye of the Beholder 2 and Dune 2 and now I have such nostalgia for these games. But are these even passable today? No way. I forced myself to at least finish Dune because I love the music, but gameplay wise... ehh.


So keep enjoying Doom and maybe he'll see your fun and you may share that love. But maybe you have to take off your pink glasses and actually compare OG Doom and Doom Ethernal. His a kid. You are much better at compromises, try to enjoy what he himself likes.

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yeah let him play what he wants, call of duty games aren't automatically bad, especially if you haven't seen them for the last 15 years.  But if you want to share your passion, the new Doom games are probably a great gateway to classic doom.  It gets them interested in the franchise, weapons, enemies etc.  I also bet Brutal Doom is popular with the kids since it's so over the top, though not sure if some would consider it too violent for a 10 year old.  There are plenty of doom wads that look really good for Doom like Lost Civilization, but probably won't impress a kid next to modern games.  Perhaps some stuff with crazy amounts of enemies could be fun to check out like Nuts.wad assuming you can run it well.  I think sharing a passion for videogames in general is probably a better spirit to have though.

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