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[OUT NOW on idGames] Breakneck Rampage!!

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Breakneck Rampage!! is a hefty one-map WAD. You must explore a sprawling base with many hellspawn who are waiting to ruin your day. Godspeed!


LINK: Breakneck Rampage!! on iDGames



PWAD brkrmpg.wad

PORTS prBoom+ 2.6.1 (-complevel 9), GZDoom g4.8.2, any other Boom-compatible port

GAMEPLAY Single and Co-op Play

Generally Vanilla Gameplay (No Freelook/Jump/Crouch) freelook, jump and crouch and mods are fine with me though, i accounted for it


Addt'l Credits

@Tormentor667 for the 2mbrown Texture WAD
@Doomkid for the MIDI rendition of Damage, Inc.









Older Versions:


Original Description:


Breakneck Rampage!! is a hefty one-map WAD for Doom 2 made in the Boom format. Hopefully it conveys the experience of exploring a massive space and you all take advantage of the legroom for some combat. There's also plenty of secrets and hidden goodies here. Good luck and enjoy!


I've been working on this for the past few weeks, feedback is much appreciated!




PWAD breakram-v2.zip will change on final release

PORTS prBoom+ 2.6.1 (-complevel 9), GZDoom g4.8.2, any other Boom-compatible port let me know if there are bugs!

Single and Co-op Play

Generally Vanilla Gameplay (No Freelook/Jump/Crouch) freelook, jump and crouch and mods are fine with me though, i accounted for it

Old Screenshots:














Edited by clamgor

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Just outta curiosity. Is this a reference to Redneck Rampage or am I mistaken?


But otherwise. It looks impressive, I'll definitely give it a fair test. Video will show up when the test is finished.




This level is a little too hard, so, I can't give it a fair playthrough. I don't know why, but the video will have to wait.

Edited by AlphaSoraKun

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12 hours ago, AlphaSoraKun said:

Just outta curiosity. Is this a reference to Redneck Rampage or am I mistaken?


But otherwise. It looks impressive, I'll definitely give it a fair test. Video will show up when the test is finished.




This level is a little too hard, so, I can't give it a fair playthrough. I don't know why, but the video will have to wait.


oh yeah, it's only a coincidence, but i suppose "redneck rampage" was in the back of my mind when I was spitballing the title


as for the difficulty, I might need to dial down the monsters and make the progression more balanced, would love to see how other players tackle the map though so I'll wait for that video!

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9 hours ago, clamgor said:


oh yeah, it's only a coincidence, but i suppose "redneck rampage" was in the back of my mind when I was spitballing the title


as for the difficulty, I might need to dial down the monsters and make the progression more balanced, would love to see how other players tackle the map though so I'll wait for that video!


Thank you for both the info and listening to my little nitpick.

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If you want people to play your maps and give you feedback, you really need to make smaller maps. I would have to almost write a book of notes on this map to cover all of it. I was unable to finish because the progression of this map is so obtuse I spent a lot of time wandering around trying to figure out where I'm supposed to go and after getting the blue key(which you have to open a secret wall to get, why?) there didn't seem to be anywhere to go.

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22 minutes ago, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

If you want people to play your maps and give you feedback, you really need to make smaller maps. I would have to almost write a book of notes on this map to cover all of it. I was unable to finish because the progression of this map is so obtuse I spent a lot of time wandering around trying to figure out where I'm supposed to go and after getting the blue key(which you have to open a secret wall to get, why?) there didn't seem to be anywhere to go.


I see. It's not necessary to uncover a secret wall in order to get the blue key. The stairs off the side of the northern hall lead up to the elevation where the blue key room can be found. In the large area where the two rooms that unlock the blue key can be found, I placed a teleporter there that lowers immediately when you press the button that lowers the bars that block off the blue key as an anti-frustration measure.


I designed this map to have a lot of zigzagging in mind, and I've played it too many times that I didn't consider that a player with fresh eyes will get lost and frustrated at the encounters with demons, I deliberately made it so that multiple paths and side rooms with extra ammunition, power-ups and weapons would be available to the player. Your observations are already a great help, I'm going to consider blocking off some areas and nerfing the monster encounters for the next version of this map to avoid overwhelming and frustrating the player. I actually traced the paths that lead to the blue key, and you're right, it's a doozy.



Tracing of Path on Automap





(The dotted line in this image denotes that the switch in that room lowers the bars of the first main teleporter which takes the player to the caged-off area that contains the rooms that unlock the blue key.)


In-Game Screenshots of the Concerned Areas


1. If the player went to the area with the blue key before accessing the first main teleport, they would see that there are bars blocking it out.




2. This elevation with the blue door key overlooks the atrium with the caged revenants, which is mainly accessed through the door behind the starting area of the map, but the atrium has 3 entrances overall. I'm going to add more cues that this is where the player is supposed to go.




3. This button lowers the bars and the teleporter that zips the player right back to the platform that leads to the blue key door to avoid needless backtracking.




4. The blue key bars lowered, player is now free to open up the blue bars to the left of the starting area.





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Well, I had just about ammo for everything. Here's an FDA. The sequence at the end was quite confusing because of how similar the two different doors are, and the amount of switches you're required to press almost needlessly. At least you didn't put in "Shawn's got the shotgun" this time!


Edited by LadyMistDragon

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Took me some time, but here it is. Long and difficult map, but well balanced. I forgot some monsters at the end, but didn't want to record again. It can be done in less than 20 mins, maybe even 15. Pretty sure that there is a better path.


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  • 2 weeks later...

News: Breakneck Rampage!! v2 Release


breakneck rampage v2.zip



  • Significantly reduced the total amount of monsters by 300 (lol)
  • Re-balanced the combat and gameplay difficulty on all skill levels
  • Locked off some areas and converted them into secrets in order to fix the navigation problem
  • Added several markers to clarify areas and to "light the way" ;)
  • Made the final area switch-and-platform puzzle more convenient and less confusing

Screenshots of Updates













Thank you all so much for your feedback! They helped me fix some problems I overlooked!

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  • 2 weeks later...

News: Breakneck Rampage!! out now on IDGAMES!

Updated the OP and added new screenshots


LINK: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/brkrmpg



  • Implemented a fast-travel system for speedrunners.
  • Finalized and added final touches in map design.
  • Slightly rebalanced items and monsters, fine-tuned Difficulty settings.
Edited by clamgor

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