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Quasar Corp, vanilla-compatible DOOM2 level

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Quasar Corp is a single level for the DOOM2 IWAD that replaces MAP01. Originally designed without vanilla constrictions in mind, in Doom: Doom 2 (Doom format), after some testing and tweaking it seems to run without issue in Chocolate Doom. Jumping and crouching break the map and are not allowed. It was designed without freelook in mind but it should be okay if you want it.


It's been tested in GZDoom, Zandronum, Skulltag, Odamex, Crispy Doom and Chocolate Doom. Difficulty should be comparable with the base game, DOOM 2.




No one said taking that security job at Quasar Corp. would be easy. Now you've got bigger problems to worry about than getting stuck in traffic on the way home - can you clock out before the monsters punch your clock for you?




Backslash for composing the level's MIDI

Liskan for playtesting


Download Link:  quasarcorp.zipFetching info...



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Edited by Qeswic
Corrected .txt file in .zip

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It's a little sparse in terms of demon density and the midi's a little too short, but otherwise this is a nice little map with some straightforward progression and neat visuals. Nicely done, fam.



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Thank you for your reviews (and that smooth speedrun Matacrat,) I had fun making it and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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nice gentle map for me to play half asleep this morning - some interesting stuff in here - good stuff



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  • 1 month later...

I completed Quasar Corp quasarcorp.wad with Crispy-Doom on Ultra-Violence, well designed map, 70/100. I prefer large, and open DOOM maps, but the open areas did feel very empty. There are large areas of unused space outside of the map that should be used inside the map instead of being used as background props. My recommendations, add more details to the areas of the map to improve the graphics. Add more texture variety to each area of the map, because DOOM2 has a large texture library, use the textures. Place enemies in ambush locations instead of out in the open. Add lighting values to areas of the map to improve the appearance of the map.

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  • 1 month later...

Interesting map.

As said before, the open areas are too empty.

I really liked the secrets - no stupid search for walls with a different texture etc.

Dock area is cool.


My playthrough



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It's pretty good. My only real complaint would be the low amount of enemies. You've got all these big, open areas which seem perfect for some large-scale fights, but there's no such fights to be found. Besides that, it's alright.

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