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Websites you can share your wads?

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I'm asking some experienced members knowledge on wherever I could be able to share a .wad / TC I've just released?

This is not a question about websites to upload wads, since that's already answered.


I felt this thread might be of use since I might not be able alone with these questions 8)


So far places I could think of are:

Doomworld Wads & Mods section

ZDoom forums, maybe?

r/Doom? Any experience of this, I don't use Reddit.

Any Facebook pages, maybe? I've found ones called Doom wad repository and Doom wad archive.


I'm mostly asking because I don't want to keep the eggs in one basket so to speak!

Edited by Sonikkumania

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I don't know any places that you have not already listed but I just wanted to say that you shouldn't bother with r/Doom: This subreddit isn't interested in classic Doom beyond some memes about Plutonia having a lot of chaingunners.

Edited by AdNauseam

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2 minutes ago, AdNauseam said:

I don't know any places that you have not already listed but I just wanted to say that you shouldn't bother with r/Doom: This subreddit isn't interested in classic Doom beyond some memes about Plutonia having a lot of chaingunners.

So we'll count Reddit off the list (Y)

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I'm also interested in this as I want to start uploading some maps. I've mapped on and off for years but never released anything. I always set a goal of creating, say 8-10 maps to upload somewhere. I create 2 or 3 decent ones and then lose focus. Of course, I've never had feedback - good or bad - to encourage me, or give me something to aim towards. So, I'm about half way through a new, small map. I'm happy with the look and gameplay so far and want to get it out there as soon as it's done!

Edited by aboyes1989

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14 hours ago, smeghammer said:

Have you got a github account? It's free, and you can store whatever you like there (within certain size limits).


It's what I use anyway.

Not yet, thanks for the tip.

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The WADs & Mods section has a pinned post which specifically answers this very question:



Edited by NiGHTMARE

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2 minutes ago, NiGHTMARE said:

The WADs & Mods section has a pinned post which specifically answers this very question:



Yeah that link is already avaiable on the first post...

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Sorry about that, I just read the topic title and subsequent posts and kind of skimmed the OP.


Doomshack has a list of all the major Doom websites, https://doomshack.org/doomsites.html. Many of these have forums of their own - a notable forum not mentioned so far is Doomer Boards. If your project is multiplayer orientated (or at least has multiplayer elements) and is compatible with the relevant ports, I would also consider the forums for Odamex, ZDaemon, and Zanondrum.

Edited by NiGHTMARE

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