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Doomworld has been compromised.

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22 minutes ago, Ludi said:

Do ya think the FBI had to wade through a sea of empty coke cans and instant noodle cups to reach his "battle station"?


Judging by this guy, probably empty Monster energy cans.

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On 10/13/2022 at 11:18 AM, Man of Doom said:

Change your passwords ASAP.

Lol @ the brony avatar.


anyway, I use what I call the "keychain" strategy for passwords -- I have several passwords memorized, and cycle through them for most logins, with 1 or 2 unique passwords.

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>god user
>7 posts
>5 threads
>Joined 6 months before the leak
I think this is a testament to how sad and lonely that place must have been, jeez. I almost want to say that's like making 10 posts on here and you're handed the keys to the super secret epic cool kid's club subforum that only radical doom gamers can access.
Hey do we have a super secret epic cool kid's club subforum that only radical doom gamers can access?

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10 hours ago, HeatedChocolate said:

Hey do we have a super secret epic cool kid's club subforum that only radical doom gamers can access?


sorry bud they removed hell


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