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Shooting off Limbs, Locational Damage


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I'm looking for someone who would help making the locational damage system in my mod. What I want is shooting off limbs (except head), I just need some hitbox magic (or something else which will do its work) that after being hit will make the enemy bleed and change their skin to the one with a cut right/left hand or the enemy crawling after hitting the legs.


If someone is interested or can help, reply here or contact me on Discord: adasiok#0010

Edited by adasiok
more precise

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I sincerely doubt this is possible. Not without massive rewrites of the underlying engine code and a collosal amount of sprite work.

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1 hour ago, Murdoch said:

I sincerely doubt this is possible. Not without massive rewrites of the underlying engine code and a collosal amount of sprite work.

from my research, chaning the engine code is not needed. What is needed is a good part of code, hitboxes, or invisible actors.

Edited by adasiok

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42 minutes ago, adasiok said:

from my research, chaning the engine code is not needed. What is needed is a good part of code, hitboxes, or invisible actors.


It would help if you mentioned what your target port is and what your mod actually was. GZDoom apparently can support it, because Brutal Doom does it. But the implementation sounds very inefficient and hacky assuming the information in this thread is accurate. The basic Doom engine at it's core could not support this. It doesn't know where an enemy is hit, only that it was.



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I'm using the GZDoom 4.8.2 and Slade 3, sprites are not a problem for me.


I know all of these, but the fact is the methods in this topic are outdated from what I know. I am still unable to do things like this. I need someone who would be kind enough to contribute.

Edited by adasiok

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If you want to recruit people to work on your mod, at the very least, you should explain what your mod is, and preferably what its goals are, and how much of the mod has been completed already.

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11 hours ago, Stabbey said:

If you want to recruit people to work on your mod, at the very least, you should explain what your mod is, and preferably what its goals are, and how much of the mod has been completed already.

Ok, so...

The mod is supossed to be a historical modification based on real events, precisely Civil War in Russia in the late 1910's. The goal is to continue the historical mods genre, as there are not too many of them. Currently it's an early alpha testing, the weapons are gonna be reworked soon by Enchanter who made Project Brutality and Brutal Doom weapon sprites previously, and is working on his own game at the moment. As soon as I complete the enemy sprites, the locational damage will be needed.

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You might want to check out Hideous Destructor. I believe it uses a system that actually looks to where the attack landed on the entity and bases damage off of how close the center off mass or if it hit the head, rather then Brutal Doom's invisible actor system. with the right tweaking I'm sure HDest's more organized and sensible code can pull off a better limb system.
They have a unofficial discord server with many people who might be able to help.

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4 hours ago, EndHack said:

You might want to check out Hideous Destructor. I believe it uses a system that actually looks to where the attack landed on the entity and bases damage off of how close the center off mass or if it hit the head

I will check, thanks

Edited by adasiok

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4 hours ago, EndHack said:

You might want to check out Hideous Destructor. I believe it uses a system that actually looks to where the attack landed on the entity and bases damage off of how close the center off mass or if it hit the head, rather then Brutal Doom's invisible actor system. with the right tweaking I'm sure HDest's more organized and sensible code can pull off a better limb system.
They have a unofficial discord server with many people who might be able to help.

I have looked, but it did not help, again. I need it to make the enemies have separate animations for shot off limbs.

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For every enemy, you would need animations with the following damaged/missing: 




( Key: La = left arm, ra = right arm, ll = left leg, rl = right leg)

- la
- ra
- ll
- rl
- la + ra
- la + ll
- la + rl
- ra + ll
- ra + rl
- ll + rl
- la + ra + ll
- la + ra + rl
- la + ll + rl
- ra + ll + rl



That's about 3/4 of the monster animations in Doom 2 (and more than in Doom 1) just for one enemy!


A much less time consuming approach than sprites would be to implement your enemies as 3D models, or possibly as voxels.

Edited by NiGHTMARE

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Considering that Things in Doom are just rectangular prisms, making a fully-functional system like you're describing would be a fuckton of work no matter how you slice it. Asking for people to "help" when you really want them to make this complex system from the ground up is simply absurd. If you've got some cash to put down, that would be a great motivator; otherwise, you're probably either going to have to figure out a method yourself or abandon the idea.

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21 hours ago, SMG_Man said:

Considering that Things in Doom are just rectangular prisms, making a fully-functional system like you're describing would be a fuckton of work no matter how you slice it. Asking for people to "help" when you really want them to make this complex system from the ground up is simply absurd. If you've got some cash to put down, that would be a great motivator; otherwise, you're probably either going to have to figure out a method yourself or abandon the idea.

Who said I want it from scratch? It can even be ripped out of some other mods.

Edited by adasiok

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Yeah, being mean to those who would be willing to help will surely make them help you...


You know what? If you know where to take this from, why haven't you already tried?

Edited by ramon.dexter

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Unless you're going to somehow fit the enemies from another mod into your Russian civil war mod, it can't just be ripped from another mod. You would need someone to make the probably more than a thousand sprite frames, or all of the model or voxel variants if you go that route.

Edited by NiGHTMARE

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1 hour ago, NiGHTMARE said:

Unless you're going to somehow fit the enemies from another mod into your Russian civil war mod, it can't just be ripped from another mod. You would need someone to make the probably more than a thousand sprite frames, or all of the model or voxel variants if you go that route.

I don't need anyone to do the sprites, I can do them myself, the fact is the enemies should fall to the ground dead after 10 seconds from losing the limb. This would limit the sprite work.

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Ten seconds is a decently long time in Doom. That's 350 ticks of the game engine. What will those enemies be doing for 10 seconds? Attacking? Moving around, both or neither? If neither, and the enemies won't be attacking or moving, then it just needs to be a death animation which are measured in frames, not seconds.


If enemies can still attack and move for those 10 seconds,  what happens with their attack if their attack normally uses arms, but they've lost both of them? If they can still move, what happens with their movement and hitbox if they've lost one leg? Both legs?

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23 hours ago, Stabbey said:

Ten seconds is a decently long time in Doom. That's 350 ticks of the game engine. What will those enemies be doing for 10 seconds? Attacking? Moving around, both or neither? If neither, and the enemies won't be attacking or moving, then it just needs to be a death animation which are measured in frames, not seconds.


If enemies can still attack and move for those 10 seconds,  what happens with their attack if their attack normally uses arms, but they've lost both of them? If they can still move, what happens with their movement and hitbox if they've lost one leg? Both legs?

When they lose hands, they run around screaming and die not long after, when lose legs, they crawl on the ground and die too.

Edited by adasiok

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