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[ DONE ] DOOMIUM: A Community Project for Short and Explosive maps (Boom Compatible)

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I think I'll try my hand at this, albeit my skillz are fairly rusty... @fai1025 Seeing that suspicious gap, I'll go ahead and take MAP18.

And due to that placement, I'd like to inquire with @StarSpun5000 and @SharkyChip as well, the map prior and after respectively: what do you say to organizing things a little? I'll admit I enjoy that idea of mini-episode breaks suggested earlier, but since thematic correlation doesn't appear intended it wouldn't hurt to consider gameplay factors to smooth things over in continuous play - how intense things are in difficulty and monster count, primary weapons and demon types, etc?


Anyway, hope things go smoothly! We can probably have that be a quiet exchange in PMs to help keep this thread clean.

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1 hour ago, gamevoin said:

how intense things are in difficulty and monster count, primary weapons and demon types, etc?

Honestly I have no particular rules for that, so do whatever you want, as long as it fit into the theme

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1 hour ago, epicyolomaster420 said:

@fai1025 would I need to do an icon of sin map if I claimed map30 (I'd much prefer not to as I have something different in mind...)?

Preferably not icon of sin, but the usage of Romero is ok 

So are you claiming Map30?

Edited by fai1025

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36 minutes ago, fai1025 said:

Preferably not icon of sin, but the usage of Romero is ok 

So are you claiming Map30?

Yes, because as I said making an IOS map was never part of the plan. I'll be making something else. 

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On 10/20/2022 at 10:25 AM, gamevoin said:

I'd like to inquire with @StarSpun5000 and @SharkyChip as well, the map prior and after respectively: what do you say to organizing things a little?

I'm down to try that and see how things go. I've never participated in a CP so it'll be interesting to see what we can do if we organize ourselves

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don't afraid to post some progress, also get some feedback beforehand


so yeah I also silently claimed Map11, here some progress


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im going to do a volcanic underground theme >> it will be also a tyson map, you only will rely on your fists, upgraded pistol and infighting




Edited by Higo Doragon

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Here are a few screnshots of map29, I would say it's about 50% done. I'm making some good progress at the moment and i'm really happy how it's turning out so far!




Edited by RedBoule

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hi Fai here

I updated the custom weapon sprite and Dehacked for the project, just some visual and animation changes, nothing new.

oh yeah for those who didn't check the Dehacked lump, lost soul only have 20 hitpoint with this, so keep that in mind when designing a fight



download (OG post also updated)


gonna update MAP01, give me a sec

edit: I updated MAP01 also, some texture changes and new skybox

Edited by fai1025

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Map Name: Sulfur in colour

Music: Tactique A by FAI

Info & notes: a very small map but still a lot of action going on. I'm thinking about the story... meh who cares


P.S. the map is in map11, and I updated the arsenal wad again because I found out I forgot to put the code that make lost soul having 20 hitpoint!!! oh yeah chainsaw also a little faster now.


<stand by for screenshot>

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Here's my submission for this community project - Darkworld. It's an ominous place located in a void between dimensions, which is being invaded by lots of monsters for you to destroy. It should take around 20-25 minutes to complete. (The map is in the MAP01 slot for easy access, though it's meant to be MAP32.)


The map's music is Culture Shock from Fortress 2 Blue.




Screenshots (mostly recycled from my previous post):










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