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Night Passage

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Had a go... I found it quite scary; nice monster placement round the corner. Got as far as the tele.. didn't see the arachnotrons behind me whilst I was giving the imp's hell with the plasma. died pretty quick, ha 

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Yes, keep em coming. Loved the gloomy/spooky setting and mood going on, as well as the calm bgm (where was it from?) and the fights and setups were all enjoyed. Unfortunately I missed a secret this time - didn't know the switch behind this one arachnotron was gonna end the map, though maybe I overlooked an exit sign somewhere. GG still. 


nghtpssg_FDAbygal.zip (HMP, dsda cl9)



- after clearing up the bright section, you may see that I pointed the fist to an archvile corpse and then punched the air elsewhere.. that would translate to "was I meant to fly over this before killing it?" because I know you put those types of secrets, but the further I look at your screenshot in the OP, the bigger that distant red dot gets... 


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help i can't see.

i played on hntr.  cudos for resisting the urge to use any spectres.  i actually think a license should be required for mappers to put any amount of them in their maps.

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I seem to have a habit of being the 15th liker to something so it gets starred.


but an rd map when autumn arrives? Could think of worse circumstances



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Really fun and intense. After beating UV using lots of loads I decided to check what changed on HMP

and had a less stressed but equally fun time, recorded the victorious saveless run.



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You weren't kidding about UV I guess, because HMP was hard enough as it was! I was joking about Pain Elemental Gaming on Discord because of someone calling himself by the name of another monster but I didn't really expect to see any actual examples of it! Even though it was just one area. I do feel bad probably missing out on Doomcute in at least one of the secrets, but there you go.




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that was intense hahahah


But i like when it's intense but short

you surely know how to be hateful though, the souls were EVERYWHERE!


Played on uv, lot of swearing ofc.


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Just watched @Soulless playthrough. 


I swear I thought you had to platform to the secret switch on the computer panel across from the SSG, not shoot it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Cool demos. Loved the casual chainsaw vs. HK (Galileo), and picking up that the second MM can be used as a meatshields (Soulless). There is no Doomcute in this map. (There are plenty of design styles I like trying out, and I think the model a lot of people have as mappers being producers of One Thing is usually wrong.)


My 1st, messy attempt at a saveless run of UV (recorded shortly after this thread started). This was terrifying. UV is kind of Insane Mode after I realized that, yes, I'd like to make two cybs infight 18 PEs. HMP is closer to what I was originally designing as UV. 



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You know it's a good map when the monster count triples thanks to pain elementals. 😅

I beat it on UV with saves, not a hope in hell I'll be doing that saveless, heh. Good stuff!

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