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help with prboom+


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i recently installed prboom+ for the first time, with the intention of playing freedoom along with a few other custom map packs. i set it all up with the ultimate doom and doom 2 iwads, and then got the freedoom iwads in there as well. when i try to play freedoom phase 1, its just doom 2 maps, but with all the custom assets from freedoom. but when i play freedoom phase 2, it seems to load the custom maps properly. has anyone had issues similar to this? if so, what can i do about it?

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I don't think anyone here can help you, if you give such a vague description.


What's your OS? What version of prboom+ did you install? What installation method did you use? How did you configure it?


If you wrote or edited a configuration file, post it here. If you configured it with a GUI post some screenshots.


Then I think you might have a decent chance of getting a helpful reply.


Just to be clear: This isn't meant as some form of attack on you. If you want help, you really need to give more information.


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It sounds like it may not be using doom 1 phase 1 as an iwad and just loading phase 1 as a pwad over doom 2? Don't know if you're using a launcher, command lines or whatever to launch it so can't help further than that.


EDIT: Phase 1 as the iwad not Doom 1.

Edited by StodgyAyatollah

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some more details, sorry lmao (in my defense, im an illiterate luddite thats chronically bad with software)

im running prboom+ 2.6.2 on windows 10, installed using the zip drive at the bottom of this page here. i installed the doom 2 iwad here and the ultimate doom iwad here.


i just dropped the freedoom 0.12.1 phase 1 n 2 iwads (here) into the same folder as prboom+ and the original doom iwads, and just clicked on freedoom1 to open it with prboom-plus.exe, didnt do anything with configuration files.

i have no clue how to use command lines/configuration files, if theres something like a rundown on how those work that would probably help a lot lmao

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I'm a Linuxer so take my advice with a grain of salt, but I don't see why the command-line would be any different.



prboom-plus -iwad freedoom1.wad

from the directory where you've installed the files. For running mods on top of it try:

prboom-plus -iwad freedoom1.wad -file mod.wad

I hope this helps a little. If not, I'm sure someone with more knowledge of Windows will stop by soon.

Good luck!

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alright when i mentioned idk how command lines work, i mean, i have no idea where i would write that. like what file, where in that file. i am clueless about most of this

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In the PrBoom+ settings, the 2nd page of general settings under Miscellaneous there's an option for "in-game launcher". set it to "always" and you can pick your game there once you close the program and re-launch PrBoom+


If you so decide to try the command line route, in the folder where your prboom is you can shift+right click and do "powershell here", type "cmd" in that window and use the commands luckypunk said. Otherwise just use the launcher i mentioned above.

Edited by DuckReconMajor

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If you're double-clicking on a wad to open it with PrBoom+ and relying on file associations to take care of the rest, you're loading it as a PWAD, while the IWAD (base game) defaults to Doom 2 if the source port can find it. Since you're not familiar with the command line, I would recommend downloading a launcher such as ZDL and setting up each Freedoom as an IWAD in the launcher and PrBoom+ as a source port, then use the launcher to start the game.

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Last two posts answer you're question OP but it's also worth noting that if you want to play custom maps using command lines can be important since certain wads are dependent on using the appropriate complevel (basically specifying which variation of the doom engine to use) to function properly. It will usually say which in the readme of the wad. ZDL has been my go to launcher for a long time and it has a space to enter command line arguments. Since it sounds like you're new to this you just enter -complevel followed by the appropriate number as the command line. More can be found here: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/PrBoom%2B#Compatibility_modes 

The only ones you really need to know are 2,3,4,9 and 11. Maybe 21 if/when prBoom+ support has been added.


EDIT: Noticed a png of the prboom+ launcher on the wiki and it looks like it has a drop down for complevels so that is probably the easier solution.

Edited by StodgyAyatollah

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thank you all for your help! im able to get things working just fine now, looking forward to finally playing freedoom! (and plenty of others)

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