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Story behind your nickname?

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Do you have a story of the nickname you've chosen or is it just a product of random creativity?


Mine is self explanotory: it's just how Sonic is spelled in Japanese combined with reference to the game Sonic Mania. It originates from my most recent Youtube channel that I created when I wanted to be a poor man's Cybershell, lol.

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Oh boy, time to pull a Maes and use an old post on the subject:


On 11/4/2020 at 10:29 PM, Biodegradable said:

When I studied professional writing back in 2013-2015, one of the consequences is becoming a huge nerd for how words look and sound. When I made my Steam account in 2014, I started playing Gmod online in random servers and figured just using my real name wasn't a good idea on the internet. "Biodegradable" is the result of these two factors and I've been using it ever since.

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many moons ago i was in a discord server with my friends and i was LARPing as Osmosis Jones (from the hit movie of same name) and then one day someone randomly said to me "Osmosis Jones more like Osmosis Bones 💀"

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I cannot, for the life of me remember where "HeatedChocolate" came from. All I remember is that it was the name of my now-abandoned reddit account and then everything else.

An alternate name of me online, Dean (The name of the (totally not) rattlesnake in my custom title) comes from Dean Domino, of FNV's Dead Money.

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SPG are my initials, and I also liked making a joke on myself being the opposite of the BFG9000 as a "small puny gun" when it comes to Doom skill.

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Well, this is what I named myself in gz in ye olden days of me playing doom on my phone.


Then in 2020 ofc I made a DW account, and used to source my shit from the Internet.

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1 minute ago, Sonikkumania said:


Tie-pose is a silly homophone for the word "typos", since the alias of vyruss is an intentional misspelling of virus.

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1 minute ago, vyruss said:

Tie-pose is a silly homophone for the word "typos", since the alias of vyruss is an intentional misspelling of virus.

Oh, now I get it.

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My high school physics teacher explained conservation of momentum with the example of putting a firecracker inside a rotten komquat and detonating it, and that the sum of the momentum vectors of all the debris would be 0. I thought that was funny, and that evening happened to be when I finally registered for XBox LIVE so I used it as a gamertag. It's been my main gaming handle ever since.

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I used to play on Minecraft servers and there was a certain user on a server I played on named 0x22. Now I liked the guys cool name and decided to copy it in my own little way. I simply took a random number generator and Generated the numbers 7, and 43. 7x43 did not sound as nice as I would've liked it to, so I changed it to 7x47.

Occasionally, I use v7x47 if 7x47 is taken.

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9 minutes ago, aRottenKomquat said:

My high school physics teacher explained conservation of momentum with the example of putting a firecracker inside a rotten komquat and detonating it, and that the sum of the momentum vectors of all the debris would be 0. I thought that was funny, and that evening happened to be when I finally registered for XBox LIVE so I used it as a gamertag. It's been my main gaming handle ever since.

Your name reminds me of Johnny Rotten or the SS rank Rottenführer, just wanted to say that lol.

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Looking around the room for username ideas while creating my first hotmail account in the 90s, I had a Nirvana biography on the desk, and on the cover was a photo of Kurt Cobain wearing a Flipper t shirt partially covered by an overshirt. Every time I looked at the cover, my brain would pronounce "lippeth" instead of Flipper so I typed that in and now I tend to use it for nearly everything because the username is never taken. By no means am I a megafan of Nirvana or Flipper, but that's my name, don't wear it out huehh.



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I was a very cautious child and the dangers of using one's real name online had been sold (maybe a little oversold) to me. I decided to adopt a fake name, and settled on Cameron, from which "Cammy" became a nickname my friends called me all the time. Even after I finally got sick of being paranoid about my real name coming out and just told them myself, Cammy continued to stick. No relation to the Street Fighter character.

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so I chose DOOMGATER, which also makes sense, because doomgate.de is my small doom-related site.

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3 minutes ago, DoomGater said:

so I chose DOOMGATER, which also makes sense, because doomgate.de is my small doom-related site.

You have a nice site. (Y)

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haha dewm level name phunie


but seriously, i've always thought that name was cool (i previously went with Map11has2names, which doesn't have the same ring to it) and it goes with my pfp pretty well.

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I may have told this "story" before, but 16 year old me thought crashing vanilla Doom was the most entertaining thing in the world. I go by this username practically nowhere else these days though.

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13 minutes ago, Sonikkumania said:

You have a nice site. (Y)

Thanks! But unfortunately, no time to maintain it properly....
Big cleanup and english translation is overdue since aeons....

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Back in the day (2005) it was the hip thing to finish everything with a Z no matter what. As i was heavily into electronic music at the time, i came with this now absolutely moronic name that is my username.


I tend to shorten it to just Red because it feels more natural me that way.

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Back in the day, in 2009 I think, I had to come up with a gamertag for Xbox Live, and I didn't want to use my teenagey-silly discussion forum aliases. I was taking some beginner-level russian classes at the time, where I learned to type actual name in cyrillic, and coincidentally most of the letters are found in latin alphabet, I just had to mirror the first letter symbol, hence R. The number, 82, is a teenagey-silly short for my birthyear.


(I would love a new nickname, anyway, have wanted one long before certain contemporary events. No one can even pronounce if I come across a live stream, and you just gotta already know what it means, if you don't dismiss it as some random string of characters).


Oh, and the first H is supposed to be lower-case. I somehow managed to typo it when registering on Doomworld, and I've had to endure that extra pain for a year. I've been here for over a year, so I suppose I could change it... but I'd like to come up with a new nickname altogether more.

Edited by RHhe82

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Confession: I'm not that big, only moderately old (39), and not actually named Billy!


...however, back when I first signed up for Something Awful in 2005-6 I knew that my username just had to be the HILARIOUS canine character that my roommate came up with one night (you, uh, had to be there) and it's been with me ever since...

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I don't remember how I came up with my nickname but when I did, I thought it's kinda funny that the capital letters are swapped and people might get confused because of that.

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i liked mirror's edge, i needed a random name

thecarsedge (the car's edge)

some of my past nicknames were me taking random latin words and adding extra vowels

Edited by TheCarsEdge

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I needed a screen name for a Halo tournament a friend set up. I've never been big into Halo or competitive play so was far from serious about things. A line from an old Dead Kennedy's song was stuck in my head at the time. Stuck with it since then.


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