DoomGater Posted October 20, 2022 I guess I'd choose "Blowitoutyourass". 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dark Pulse Posted October 20, 2022 (edited) 1 hour ago, RHhe82 said: Back in the day, in 2009 I think, I had to come up with a gamertag for Xbox Live, and I didn't want to use my teenagey-silly discussion forum aliases. I was taking some beginner-level russian classes at the time, where I learned to type actual name in cyrillic, and coincidentally most of the letters are found in latin alphabet, I just had to mirror the first letter symbol, hence R. The number, 82, is a teenagey-silly short for my birthyear. (I would love a new nickname, anyway, have wanted one long before certain contemporary events. No one can even pronounce if I come across a live stream, and you just gotta already know what it means, if you don't dismiss it as some random string of characters). Oh, and the first H is supposed to be lower-case. I somehow managed to typo it when registering on Doomworld, and I've had to endure that extra pain for a year. I've been here for over a year, so I suppose I could change it... but I'd like to come up with a new nickname altogether more. You can change it once a year, correct. (I'll post my story later. At work now.) Edited October 20, 2022 by Dark Pulse 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Screamapillar Posted October 20, 2022 I remember seeing Scremapillar and thought it was hillarious, so I decided to use it in as my name. It was a pretty short-lived fondness, but that little guy is still the best part about that episode. Lisa: It's sexually attracted to fire. Homer: Are you sure God doesn't want it to be dead? 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Kor Posted October 20, 2022 (edited) I was going to go with my old 90s alias (Moe) but when I tried it was already taken (could have been an old Doomworld account I created, but I have no recollection of creating one and I didn't think of that at the time anyway) so I thought of this picture of a crazy looking Klingon named Kor, so I went with that. It's somewhat similar to how I came up with Moe - on the fly. And no I've never been a Three Stooges fan. Edited October 21, 2022 by Kor 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
DrowzyBomber13 Posted October 20, 2022 I created a Bomberman character that was sleepy all the time. He was my persona at the time. So I named my account after that. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Misty Posted October 20, 2022 My first username was Mysterious Haruko, that I simply took from Starbound name generator for the race I was playing back in the day. I had it shortened here, but later on someone decided to register with same name from anime series, so I decided to change it. One of friends around community called me Misty, so I decided change to it and I don't regret it. Easy to remember it too. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Sneezy McGlassFace Posted October 20, 2022 (edited) I blame @Biodegradable for the new name. The old name "Hrnek Bezucha" is Czech for "mug without a handle" which is the first thing I thought of when making a google account years ago. It was my favourite mug. The mug broke and I coudln't find one like it any more. It shall live on in my usernames and profile pics. Edited October 20, 2022 by Sneezy McGlassFace 5 Quote Share this post Link to post
MrFroz Posted October 20, 2022 (edited) I was in a cybercafe around fourth o fifth grade, and I decided to start calling myself "Frozen" on games I played there. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne was one of my favorite games and that's where the inspiration came from, because I just really liked how the word sounded (non-native English speaker here). Years went by and I got frustrated by the fact that it was a really common nickname and I would always have to add something extra to it. About eight years ago, I saw Reservoir Dogs and I got the idea to shorten it to four letters and add "Mr" before it. Here you have it. 3 hours ago, Cammy said: I was a very cautious child and the dangers of using one's real name online had been sold (maybe a little oversold) to me. I decided to adopt a fake name, and settled on Cameron, from which "Cammy" became a nickname my friends called me all the time. Even after I finally got sick of being paranoid about my real name coming out and just told them myself, Cammy continued to stick. No relation to the Street Fighter character. No relation to the Camarilla from Vampire: The Masquerade as well? Btw, I love @Lippeth's story. Edited October 20, 2022 by MrFroz 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
NuMetalManiak Posted October 20, 2022 I really liked nu metal when I started college and I made an intentional misspelling because that's what a number of nu metal bands did. And my wiki name comes from a sector in X Universe with fun music. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
mrthejoshmon Posted October 20, 2022 "joshmon" is taken, try "Thejoshmon" "Thejoshmon" is taken, try "MrThejoshmon" "Hello MrThejoshmon" Thank you, 13 year old me and ancient YouTube naming conventions, wonderful username that I don't regret at all. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post
The_SloVinator Posted October 20, 2022 My main name is The Doominator but since someone was already using it, I was afraid people might confuse me with that person, so since I suck at coming up with names, I decided to use the first four letters of 'Slovenia' & mixed it with... well 'Terminator'. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Doom_Dude Posted October 20, 2022 (edited) In 2000 I was freshly spawned upon the internet using a free online ISP. I heard that there was a possibility of a new doom game (what would eventually be Doom 3) and I searched for new doom and found Upon joining the site, of which there were a total of 2 people using the forum, I pulled 'Doom_Dude' out of my brain and never thought it would stick with me for any length of time. heh. Edited October 20, 2022 by Doom_Dude 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
smeghammer Posted October 20, 2022 I like Red Dwarf. 'Smeg' is used as an expletive widely. There's a scene in one of the early episodes where Lister is 'doing his laundry' by hammering the smeg out of his pants. Therefore, Smeghammer... 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
unerxai Posted October 20, 2022 Just a name I came up with in 2012 I think. Doesn't have any meaning really. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
spineapple tea Posted October 20, 2022 A while ago I saw this video in my recommended on Youtube called "spynapple" or something like that and it was an SFM featuring the Spy from Team Fortress 2. I thought that sounded hilarious and as I was changing my username on Discord to Spineapple Pizza (just changing spy to spine), I mistyped it as Spineapple Tea because my brain is permeable as hell when it comes to random thoughts and the subreddit /r/BoneAppleTea/ suddenly came to mind. Never actually watched the video I got spynapple from though. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
heliumlamb Posted October 20, 2022 (edited) Edited December 25, 2022 by heliumlamb 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
DynamiteKaitorn Posted October 20, 2022 My username will probably make some people cringe but, it's straight up the name of my OC pony when I used to watch My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. At first she was just "Dynamite" but after a while, I just vomited out random possible surnames and came up with "Teardrop", "Alexandra" & "Kaitorn" (Yes I LITERALLY came up with the surname out of my own arse :P). Couldn't decide so I mashed them all together with Kaitorn being her surname and the other two being her middle names. I'm weird... >_> 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
maxmanium Posted October 20, 2022 It's pretty silly. I have this memory when I was like 6 of thinking the word maximum was actually maxmanium. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
fai1025 Posted October 20, 2022 (edited) my nickname is actually pronounce like Failure without Lure, hence Fai Fai is an inaccurate pinyin (cause I'm Taiwanese, so I have 0 knowledge on pinyin) of the word 廢 which has a lot of meaning but it all came down to mean something like waste or rubbish, or combine with another word 物 (stuff) to mean what an Asian parent would call their son on a daily basis: Failure, aka myself. anyway, the name Fai started as a replacement name to my youtube channel that was called something like rawfish, so I end it up changing all the name across my account, from Facebook to Twitter, from Line to Discord, they all use Fai with number 1025 behind it now. what about 1025? Oh, it's just the date I change the name, nothing deep behind it Edited October 20, 2022 by fai1025 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
7Mahonin Posted October 21, 2022 Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) Asher Mahonin, "Sarge", is the leader of the Rapid Response Tactical Squad in the Doom movie from 2005. The RRTS under his command consisted of 7 marines. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Rykzeon Posted October 21, 2022 Rykz (Rycuz) is an impromptu name that comes from butchering and punning out one of my old nickname because some racist people in another game envy people that is better than them and always impede people who isn't same race as them. 35 minutes ago, fai1025 said: Fai is an inaccurate pinyin (cause I'm Taiwanese, so I have 0 knowledge on pinyin) of the word 廢 which has a lot of meaning but it all came down to mean something like waste or rubbish, or combine with another word 物 (stuff) to mean what an Asian parent would call their son on a daily basis: Failure, aka myself. In pleco (PinYin) its fèi and JP (Cantonese Jyupting) is fai3 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Devalaous Posted October 21, 2022 Once upon a time, to cope with the drudgery of the late years of high school going nowhere with utterly useless topics that served literally noone and taught me nothing I would need in adult life, I resorted to writing, inspired by many of the PS1 RPGs of the time. In one such story, the primary villain created a demonic monster, inspired by Final Fantasy 8's ridiculously awesome demon summon, and it would grow and evolve into increasingly horrific forms. Its second evolution was 'Devalaous' and I took its name randomly for some site somewhere as a username and it stuck, been using it ever since. The character itself never went anywhere once I was out of high school, due to the reality of adult life beating all creativity and life out of me. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
LadyMistDragon Posted October 21, 2022 (edited) It's my Discord name. But more specfically, it has a couple of different parts to it. "Mist Dragon" is the name of the first boss in Final Fantasy IV and also to a degree how I view myself in relation to the rest of the world ultimately, (like a shadow and a dragon). "Lady" was sort of an addition but also kind of a self-effacing joke on part of my personality core: basically, that I can seem grating and superior at times. Edited October 21, 2022 by LadyMistDragon 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zero Master's Clone Posted October 21, 2022 (edited) Well, it was a long time ago when Zero Master decided to clone himself and I thought that I was worthy to use the Zero Master name when I started playing DOOM with my eyes shut and played the game completely with my memory. for anyone who is wondering the part about playing with my eyes shut is true. Edited October 21, 2022 by Zero Master's Clone 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zero Master's Clone Posted October 21, 2022 (edited) 6 hours ago, Sneezy McGlassFace said: The old name "Hrnek Bezucha" is Czech for "mug without a handle" which is the first thing I thought of when making a google account years ago. It was my favourite mug. The mug broke and I coudln't find one like it any more. It shall live on in my usernames and profile pics. may the mug rest in peace that mug will not be forgotten. Edited October 21, 2022 by Zero Master's Clone 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dweller Dark Posted October 21, 2022 I think my first Doomworld username was "Dangerous Dave" because I knew about the prototype game id Software made and because it's the shorthand of my actual name. I think I then changed it to "Eddie 2077", which is kinda what I see the Eddie mascot from Iron Maiden's "Somewhere In Time" as, like a futuristic/cyberpunk version of him. "Dweller" is short for the DUSK level "The Dweller In Darkness" because it's my favorite level from the game, my username in other places, and it's easier to just say Dweller than the whole level name. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
xX_Lol6_Xx Posted October 21, 2022 Before I got a Xiaomi Redmi 9A for my birthday, I was an iPhone user. iPhone 5 to be specific, and one day I was setting my Game Center profile and was thinking about some short nickname to use. And I just thought "Lol", I can't remember why I added the 6 and the ":" and "[ ]" characters though, maybe it was a requirement for the nick or because plain "Lol 6" was already occupied. Recently I changed those characters to just "xX_ _Xx" cuz why not, and here we are :-) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
HorseJockey Posted October 21, 2022 I'm 6' 7" and constantly get asked if I play basketball. A friend of mine years ago suggested that I respond with "No, I'm a horse jockey" and I have been using it ever since. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Death Bear Posted October 21, 2022 In case you don't recognize my profile picture, Death Bear is a one-off character from Regular Show. But I like Bears and that's my favorite show. Also, Death Bear is "just a myth", which I suppose is fitting for a screenname with no real name attached (yet?). When I started (as well as social media usernames), it's stylized as Death Bear of Death. The redundancy, I thought, was funny. But it's also another reference to Regular Show...some of the moves of "Death Kwon Do" end in "of Death" (i.e. "The Death Punch of Death"). Death Bear (of Death). I like it. I think I'll keep it and remain an urban legend. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
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