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Creepiest movie villains/monsters/etc.

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Let's list our personal most terrifying creatures from the history of cinema!


First off, I always thought the way Xenomorphs from Alien reproduce. Just the idea of having a virtually unremoveable parasite inside you which ends up killing you violently is quite horrifying. If I'd live in the franchise universe, I'd propably nuke the living shit out of all Xeno infested areas.


Also Zombies, either the Romero style undead Ghouls or the modern infected type, I don't think getting devoured by them would be any better way to die.


Also, the paradimensional freaks that came to earth in The Mist.


As in human villains, the psychopath family in Hooper's Texas Chainsaw Massacre are so fucked up. I just don't feel the series managed to pull off similar portrayal of insanity later on.


Those two young men in the German film Funny Games.


The antagonist in the first Dirty Harry was also fucked up. I forgot his name, lol.

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7 minutes ago, Tetzlaff said:

The Cenobites from the Hellraiser movies.

I liked the visuals of them, especially the guy with melted face. Shame I have never seen Hellraiser to this day, only one of the crappy sequels.

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48 minutes ago, Sonikkumania said:

First off, I always thought the way Xenomorphs from Alien reproduce. Just the idea of having a virtually unremoveable parasite inside you which ends up killing you violently is quite horrifying. If I'd live in the franchise universe, I'd propably nuke the living shit out of all Xeno infested areas.


Definitely found these guys unnerving when I was younger. Not so much now.


49 minutes ago, Sonikkumania said:

As in human villains, the psychopath family in Hooper's Texas Chainsaw Massacre are so fucked up. I just don't feel the series managed to pull off similar portrayal of insanity later on.


I am very much in the minority who really just do not get this movie. I remember watching it and thinking... is that it? I didn't find it scary. I found it abrasive and annoying. The teenagers got on my nerves and honestly I just found the bad guys so ridiculously caricatured they were more like sick cartoon characters than villains I myself found unnerving or scary. It was just over the top. Trying too hard. I don't give Rob Zombie credit for much, I think overall he's a less than stellar filmmaker, but I think he nailed the villains in the Devil's Rejects. That felt like the Texas Chainsaw idea of a psycho family done right - more grounded, better acted, less caricatured, and far more disturbing as a result.


I am pretty sick of zombie shows and movies, but yes done well by a capable director they can be effective. Hard to go past the original, Night of the Living Dead. Some of the imagery in that, particularly of the zombie daughter, was very potent.

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1 hour ago, Sonikkumania said:

The antagonist in the first Dirty Harry was also fucked up. I forgot his name, lol.


Wasn´t he called Scorpio or was that from some other movie?

Edited by MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai

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The Blair Witch.

Gage, the little kid at the end from the original Pet Sementary. Also Zelda from that movie, and the evil cat.

The twins from The Shining. Also the old hag in the bathtub.

The lepers from The Fog.

Nosferatu from...well, Nosferatu.


And good old Freddy Krueger.


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I will just add one because he's not too well known but he makes for one of the creepiest horror scenes I have ever seen in anything.


Jinmen, the Demon Turtle from Devilman. He appeared of course in the original manga, in the second OVA Demonbird (his best appearance by far and the one I refer to) and in Devilman Crybaby. 





He traps the souls of those he eats into his shell, and their faces appear on it, and the visibly suffer. Jinmen talking about the morality of killing in the Demonbird appearance, about how doing so to eat is natural, but that he doesn't even kill what he eats. It's messed up, and I have long planned to include him in the Devilman Lady (anime) adaptation I've been working on. That scene is easilly in the top 3 horror scenes I've ever seen, it might be no. 1. Devilman has several great villainous characters, and my favourite and probably a favourite of a lot of Devilman fans is Sirene, but, for his introductory scene alone Jinmen is the scariest one quite easily. 

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1 hour ago, Murdoch said:

I am very much in the minority who really just do not get this movie. I remember watching it and thinking... is that it? I didn't find it scary. I found it abrasive and annoying. The teenagers got on my nerves and honestly I just found the bad guys so ridiculously caricatured they were more like sick cartoon characters than villains I myself found unnerving or scary. It was just over the top. Trying too hard. I don't give Rob Zombie credit for much, I think overall he's a less than stellar filmmaker, but I think he nailed the villains in the Devil's Rejects. That felt like the Texas Chainsaw idea of a psycho family done right - more grounded, better acted, less caricatured, and far more disturbing as a result.

Well fuck me, I was just typing a reply for you and then an electricity blackout occured. Oh well;


I understand your point. Maybe it is that the movie has dated by now. I guess the mad family were written to be psychologically terrifying, as in later heavy amounts of gore were considered the horror stable. Maybe I should give the movie a rewatch one day but I still recall the dinner scene and ending chase to be pressuring scenes. The later instalments in the franchise were what I'd call "trying too hard".

1 hour ago, Murdoch said:

I am pretty sick of zombie shows and movies, but yes done well by a capable director they can be effective. Hard to go past the original, Night of the Living Dead. Some of the imagery in that, particularly of the zombie daughter, was very potent.

I've never watched Walking Dead and I've heard that I haven't lost much. You can't go wrong with the Romero's Dead trilogy, but Return of the Living Dead was nice, too.

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33 minutes ago, MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai said:


Wasn´t he called Scorpio or was that from some other movie?

Scorpio it was, yeah. The actor did a good job portraying a creep.

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Also the blob from the 1988 movie. Creepy as hell concept, especially since it is actually rooted in science.

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29 minutes ago, Gregor said:

Also the blob from the 1988 movie. Creepy as hell concept, especially since it is actually rooted in science.

How so? You mean to tell me that we can make a deadly living jello with curent tech?

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10 minutes ago, MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai said:

How so? You mean to tell me that we can make a deadly living jello with curent tech?

Not current. But the idea of a gray goo through out-of-control self-replicating nanomachines is theoretically very much achievable in the not-so-distant future. Check out the wikipedia article on it.

Edited by Gregor

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4 hours ago, Sonikkumania said:

First off, I always thought the way Xenomorphs from Alien reproduce. Just the idea of having a virtually unremoveable parasite inside you which ends up killing you violently is quite horrifying. If I'd live in the franchise universe, I'd propably nuke the living shit out of all Xeno infested areas.

Yeah, the Facehugger is definitely the creature that still creeps me out the most in both the movies and the games.


1 hour ago, Gregor said:

Not current. But the idea of a gray goo through out-of-control self-replicating nanomachines is theoretically very much achievable in the not-so-distant future.

Petroglyph also mad Grey Goo, a half-decent StarCraft II clone - with the obligatory amazing Frank Klepacki soundtrack - based on that very premise.



Incidentally, the Grey Goo in the game turns out to be the good guys. Sort of.


Edited by Rudolph

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I always found the dinosaurs in the very first Jurassic Park movie to be very unsettling, and the fact that they once existed (if maybe not exactly as how they were depicted back then):



Also, the fly-human hybrids from both The Fly and The Fly II (the remakes) are pretty unsettling.

Edited by MrFroz

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The genetically engineered mako sharks from Deep Blue Sea give me the creeps, too.


5 hours ago, Gregor said:

Not current. But the idea of a gray goo through out-of-control self-replicating nanomachines is theoretically very much achievable in the not-so-distant future. Check out the wikipedia article on it.


For some reason, the mention of nanomachines from the future here reminded me of Jason in Jason X, when he gets turned into the movie poster's cyborg. That also was creepy as hell for me, because Jason already without those enhancements was damn near indestructible and fearsome.

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It was probably Pinhead from Hellraiser, although I was also incredibly enraptured. Probably just another  way of discovering I liked BDSM as a young age, lol.

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Even though it's a comedy, Beetlejuice (the movie) was pretty scary for me as a 3 year old. Especially the parents when they transform into those pointy faced creatures.


I think at one point I was also scared of the Scream mask (kinda ashamed of this one).

Edited by unerxai

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17 hours ago, Tetzlaff said:

The Cenobites from the Hellraiser movies.


If I recall correctly, they were the inspiration for the design of Resident Evil's Nemesis.

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The delusional religious lady in the Mist again, the way she's able to win majority of the people over.


Capt. Rhodes from Day of the Dead obviously. He's just lost it and everytime he's onscreen he's about to explode.


And also I agree that the alien from the Thing is creepy asf. I wanted to go in depth regarding these characters but another time.

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The Creeper (from Jeepers Creepers):




Also, I really liked when they borrowed his hat for Mr. T in Resident Evil 2 REmake.

Edited by MrFroz

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The creepy hitman from No Country for Old Men, that's the last person I'd want chasing me, seriously scary bastard. Watched an interview with the actor that made me doubly appreciate his acting, he seems such a nice, not scary at all guy in reality.

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I feel like I always mention John Carpenter's The Thing in every monster and Halloween thread for the past few years haha. But it's still legitimately my top pick. Really freaky way it attacks victims and how it disguises itself causes massive paranoia. Definitely my top pick for most creepy monster.


A close second is the Cenobites in Hellraiser.

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