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Stupid Doom Poll, Episode 134582459B

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If you could have any Doom map built into a house/mansion for you to live in, which would it be and why?

I designed a 3D model and blueprint in an architecture class for a house based on Tricks'N'Traps, so I guess that's my pick.

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I wouldn't live in a Doom level....but I WOULD DEFINITELY GET a wooder door with rusted metal corners and blood spilled on it....let's see if anyone dares to ring the bell...

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get rid of that freakin' Swastika in E1M4.

what ? leave the Swastika....it's kinda kool...it impresses your friends...

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hehe not that kind you think...anyway...I have a URSS flag in my room...it's kinda cool....

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yaeh, I mean USSR....my room is green...kinda green slime...
and I have a Black-light neon and a red neon...you figure it out....

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how about a poll to decide on the dumbest poll? this one gets my vote. altho that Angelina Jolie bit sounded all oki.

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I'd also get rid of that freakin' Swastika in E1M4.

id has already done that, they've reshaped that room.

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I'd completely re-model the entire Phobos Base(without all the monsters, weapons, ammo, acid, and toxic waste barrels lying about, of course) and decide to live there for a while.

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I like E1M8. It has a basement, 2 big rooms, a giantic livingroom with windows to your big garden. I'd remove the 2 toilets in the center, tough... :)

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I'd like to live in 'Icon Of Sin'.
Just look at the amount of space you've got.
It would make an excellent place for parties... I would get rid of the Icon of Sin though, and replace it with Flower-wallpaper or something.

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...and an internal waterfall, that's fancy. Altough I would close the "slime" valve and open the one with regular water.

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E1m7 or e1m6.

I'd be a pain in the ass to re-fit and re-design most of the episode 3 levels to be livable, e3m3 would be the only candidate.

First off, all pools of toxic sludge would be drained, extensivly cleaned, and replaced with water (ie, for swimming).

Map13 or map14 might do as well.

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No they don't, silly, that's in Heretic. Doom's don't have any depth at all.

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replace the toxic hellslime with ordinary water, tho.

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Mt. Erebus would make a better theme park than a house. Although it would be cool to have it as a back yard.

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And a little paint job would be welcome too. All that blue and red gives me epilepsy.

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I'd definitely live in e3m2. but.. my downtown area is already shaped a like map 15.. I guess I already live in a doom level so there!

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Hmm, you didn't specify that it had to come from one of the games, so I'd design my own. A mansion with state of the art entertainment systems (music/computer/TV) in every room, a huge swimming pool, personal gym, and an army of half naked, willing female servants to do everything for me :)

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Map 26 The Abandoned Mines would do for me since it sort of has a pretty cool secret hide out area if you get trapped in your own home.

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Bah. Don't put messages in the message title, nobody sees those.

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There's only one thing important, and that is "Last reply by :".

there is one thing more important...the title "moderator"

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Lut? We hope not. for the sake of everyones sanity we hope not.

All the Posts that make sense would get deleted.....

Hang on....... That would make no difference whatsoever!


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