DooMBoy Posted July 27, 2001 Lut=Your words don't rhyme Fraggle'=NO NOW GO AWAY pizzaboi=gotgo eat popsi cle brb lololeokk CacodemonLeader=HARD ON! Shotgun Bill="I am going to attempt something no (wo)man has ever attempted. deathwarrior=because it's kat bigbadgangsta=There's something about Mary's vagina(?!) Me=Fnord. Doesn't make much sense does it? Therefore, I move that we should have a....wait.... SPAMMER FORUM Think about it, folks. It would be the perfect place for people like pizzaboi, Chourico, guys who like to start verbal fights, me when I'm bored, etc., etc. How about it, Ling? 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted July 27, 2001 I really hope you're kidding...this doesn't deserves Post Hell, but Post Humilliation, Post Torture, Post Gas Chamber, Post Electric Chair, Post Execution, Post Burning and Post MySQL-database-crash-Telefragged-HDs-collapse-and-building-burns-forever. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted July 27, 2001 You ninnyhammer. Weren't you around a few months back when it was asked for a "personal" forum where people could just talk about anything, like what's going on in life and all that stuff? Ling says: NO. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted July 27, 2001 Rants&Raves are dangerous addition to your forums... 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted July 28, 2001 This is more fit to Post-Castration, Post-Immolation, Post-Violation or Post-Insurrection. 0 Share this post Link to post
Arioch Posted July 28, 2001 Or, in the case of pizzaboi, Post-Genocide. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted July 28, 2001 You guys have all the fun. There are no crazy spammers on DooM 3. Move some of those posts there so I can delete them :D 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted July 28, 2001 Or, in the case of pizzaboi, Post-Genocide.Or, in the case of pizzaboi's post count, Post-Suicide. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted July 28, 2001 It wasn't a really interesting postcount, real loss there. Many childs die at their birth. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted July 28, 2001 Many English speaking countries of the world call the process 'stillbirth'. The baby born dead is 'stillborn'. In China they eat stillborn babies and if they're girls they usually just kill them after birth, alive or otherwise. I wish they woulda figured that out sooner, that damn country has half of the world's population in it! I guess that's why they eat rats over there. 0 Share this post Link to post
stphrz Posted July 28, 2001 deadnail, just where do you get your information? Cannibalism is *not* a common practice in China. The killing of female babies is also *not* a common practice in China. In India it occurs more often because of cultural reasons (I'm not defending the practice, just stating the facts). Does it happen? I'm certain it does. But then again, newborns have been known to have tossed in dumpsters and left to die in the U.S. and Canada. That's illegal here of course, just as it is there. The laws in China allow only one child per couple. The abortion rate is therefore extremely high because families with more than one child are heavily taxed. There is also a high rate of third trimester (late term) abortions. So in China, children are killed because of an evil oppressive communist government. So are people who are fighting for political and religeous freedom. Good thing they figured that out eh? :P 0 Share this post Link to post
Psyonisis Posted July 29, 2001 "Half the world's population"? Uh no, China has about 1.1 billion people in it, and the world's population is now over 6 billion. You could say that China has 18.3% of the world's people in it. Same with India, which also has over a billion people now. 0 Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted July 30, 2001 SEE WHAT I MEAN WHEN I SAY WE NEED A SPAMMER FORUM?!?!?!?!&**^%&%*&%^ Somehow, the topic took a detour and now we're talking about killing babies in China, or some such bull. 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted July 30, 2001 Fuck India and fuck China, just about all of Asia while I'm at it. There are more Chinese than any other group of people on the fucking planet. Those fuckers and India are shoulder to shoulder, hence the fact that they eat just about anything. When a cat is a good meal that you have to work hard for something's just wrong. There's only one thing I like about China, and that's how they execute criminals. One bullet to the head and they bill the family for it. Just about everything else, especially their entire 'justice' system is completely b0rked. Oh, and I read that Chinese doctors like to eat the brain stems of fetuses 'cuz they think it makes them smarter or some shit, I don't remember. I read that right next to where I read this huge fucking article about how xenophobic the government keeps the population. Somewhere around when their jet nailed our spy plane. Either way I'm positive our government is lying to us too in one way or another. =) Six billion people in the world..... Jesus. We need another plague or something. Oh wait, half of all the teenagers in Africa have AIDS so that'll do. Well, according to the idiot box anyway. It's funny because it's not me. =) 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted July 30, 2001 Six billion people in the world..... Jesus. We need another plague or something. Well, I read the newspaper yesterday (yeah, I did..), and it said something about a great possibility of another plague-outbreak anytime soon. =) 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted July 31, 2001 Well, I read the newspaper yesterday (yeah, I did..), and it said something about a great possibility of another plague-outbreak anytime soon. =)Well that's cool, and I'm very glad that we're not at ends with China at the moment. Making people inable to breed for a generation would do wonders for the terrible population problem we have... but nuclear is just a bit too much for my tastes. Hell, there are kids being born in Hiroshima that are still b0rked from that bomb we dropped on 'em sixty years ago. That's just fucked up. I prefer people just fucking without breeding, that's a lot more fun and you don't have to live through giving birth to a creature with three arms and no head or anything. =( 0 Share this post Link to post
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