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Do you have any experience on meditation?

Any good technique advices?

What is the reason you have tried?

What is the 3rd eye?


I'll post my own view soon.

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I tried to do what I understood as meditation back in 2018 for the 1st time. I didn't really feel too much into it, but suddenly I wanted to learn more about it.

I didn't really do any meditation poses like to clichee sitting position, basically what I did was lie on bed and try to let my thoughts enter and leave as they pleased.

I guess that is the whole point, to let thoughts be and vanish and remain still in the present moment.

I started to feel more relaxed and confident after a while I had done it, but unfortunately it gradually became less and less part of my daily routines.

Lately I've been trying to get into it a little more. Not necessarily daily, but whenever I feel like it.


There's also talks about how martial arts professionals talk about the benefits of meditation and how it improves your control of body movement, an skill very essential in martial arts. That's another aspect I'm interested about regarding meditation.


The third eye concept is very interesting, too. But would like to return into it as I've woken up better, it's still morning.

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I used to meditate in a semi-religious fashion, and am currently trying to get back into it after nearly half a decade of a break, but it's proving difficult because I don't have the same mindset anymore. This one is going to be a bit long, and I will go point by point:

A. Meditation experience:

In my case, I typically meditate according to Luciferianism principles. There are three things to keep in mind if you're going to follow along that path (no, you don't have to be a Satanist/Luciferianist. And no, you don't have to worship demons and sacrifice goats): The Body, The Mind and The Soul (also known as  The Heart if you're not theistic).

The Body is defined as your control and understanding of your physical form. Typically, this is the ability to control pain, feel blood pressure, control breathing ...
The Mind is defined as your conscious though process. So, this would be your control over conscious emotion, the amount of knowledge and wisdom you accumulate, as well as your observation and communication skill with animate beings and inanimate objects. If the Body allows you to actually exist, the Mind is your understanding of existence.
The Soul is defined as your unconscious and irrational thoughts and emotions. This is the things that you don't have an immediate and scientific answer to, such as your morality (what do you consider "good"? What do you consider "bad"? Does the concept of good/bad even apply to you? Do you experience love or hate towards a specific person or subject, based on irrational attachment as opposed to "for profit" or logical attachment?)

The three are intimately connected. Despite being distinct concepts, each of them needs the other two to truly make sense. For example, you need your Mind if you want to exercise your Body and have the force of will to improve your physical condition. You need the Soul to guide your Mind in order to find your own purpose and desires in life. And you need the Mind in order to prevent the Soul from running rampant and corrupting your Body via over-indulgence in irrational desires. And of course, you need the Body to house your Mind and Soul. If you're dead, then it's going to be difficult for your Mind to continue to observe the universe around you.

B. Meditation techniques:

Those depend on which of t he three principles you wish to work on. Typically, it's best to work on a single principle at a time, because Body, Mind and Soul are capable of affecting each other and as such can corrupt or lock out your focus. If you are not experienced, it will be difficult to focus on a specific goal if you start combining principles while meditating. More on that later.

For the Body: You typically have to ways to meditate upon the Body. Passive and Active. Passive meditation tends to focus on relaxation, harmony and the ability to "disconnect" from your Body in order to focus on the Mind or the Soul. Typically, this is done via relaxation, stretching, extremely deep and slow breathing. Your goal here is for your body to be as stable and as harmonious as possible, so you can focus on your inner self.

My personal preference for this is to begin by drinking a strong cup of tea, this typically helps my blood pressure. I will then do very light stretches, while breathing very deep. Typically, inhale slowly during 4 seconds. Exhale slowly during 4 seconds. The important part here is not to put your body in a position where it feels like actual exercise. Don't over-extent your stretches. Your goal is to relax your joints to the point where you will feel them as little as possible, not to do physical exercise. Deep breathing will eventually oxygenate your brain. If you start feeling lightheaded, euphoric or somewhat docile, this is exactly what you want.

Once you're in this relaxed state, close your eyes. You can use music if you so desire. Ambient music, religious music is best. Avoid aggressive or overly melodic music. It needs to be a background. Your Mind must not waver into the music itself, unless your goal IS to create/analyze music. Typically, this passive form of Body meditation is mostly a pre-requisite for Mind or Soul meditation.

Then, there's active Body meditation. It's not quite the opposite of passive meditation, as it still requires your Mind and Soul. But it's focus is different. Active meditation is what you do if your goal is to develop your body. Typically, this is done by slowly training your body to accept adverse conditions. My personal favorites are, deep breaths, basic calisthenics and cardio, at which point I close my eyes and expose my body to cold. The goal then becomes to try and feel the bodily heat that I developed from exercise, and do my best to retain this bodily heat, forcing my body to resist the cold. Unlike Passive meditation, you can put tension through your muscles, but make sure not to do so abruptly. Don't jump directly into the cold. Let your body heat-up naturally, and expose it to only light amounts of cold at first.

Alternatively, you can do pushed stretches and strength training. But again, this needs to be harmonious, not abrupt. No quick movements. So no push-ups. My personal choice for example, is assuming the plank position after my breathing and stretching is done. Then closing my eyes and remaining motionless. The results are that I can remain in the plank position for longer than if I was not meditating. Exercising like this allows me to continue to push my body, despite feeling pain. If normally, my muscles hurt and collapse at 1 minute 30 of plank ... I can continue pushing myself up to three minutes like this. But similar to passive Body meditation, do NOT go overboard. You're essentially forcing your mind and soul to trick your body into ignoring pain. Into ignoring your limits. You can push yourself past your limits slightly, but doing so too much WILL break your body. Especially if it's relaxed enough to the point where your joints can bend in ways they normally shouldn't. You can hurt your spine if you push yourself too hard, for example.

For the Mind: You want to achieve Passive Body meditation usually. This allows you to get rid of irrational emotion (not allow the Soul/Heart to interfere), while also getting rid of immediate physical distractions (light pain, hunger, sexual excitement ... Basically whatever your body wants, can distract your mind. Don't allow it to). From here, figure out what the goal for your mind is. Be it science, be it social understanding, be it music, or simple concentration.

The way I typically exercise my Mind is allowing it to suppress my Heart when I have phobias. I, for example, have an irrational fear of insects as well as heights. Deep breathing and taking a few minutes to use my mind to understand that this fear is irrational, allows me to understand the facts: I might be afraid of height, but it will only hurt me if I do fall. I might lose balance if I am high up, but if I understand that I'm walking on a flat surface, regardless of how high this flat surface is, I have no reason to lose my balance. If I fear an insect irrationally, I must then analyze the insect and know exactly what will happen if I touch it. If it is not venomous and can not bite me or hurt my body in any shape or form ... Even if I fear it, it is powerless before me. As such, I can put away my fear, because I KNOW nothing can happen to me.

For the Soul: Again, you typically want to achieve Passive Body meditation. But unlike the mind, you do NOT want to analyze anything. Avoid any complex thoughts. Ideally, you should avoid thinking any coherent thoughts at all. Focus on how your body feels if you need to. Because you've reached Passive Body meditation, focusing on that same body will help you achieve the necessary emptiness. From here, you want to evaluate your feelings and emotion. Not to a specific event, not as a reaction to the outside world, but in general. Typically, this is the philosophical state of mind. I like to reach into my Soul when I am depressed, for instance. I try to remember the way my body feels when in presence of the person I love (avoid sexual or playful thoughts. Focus on the very concept of the presence of a loved one itself. Focus on that irrational, unexplainable feeling of being complete when in their presence).

Alternatively ... This can also be used for dangerous purposes. Similar to how Japanese Bushido works. If you need to put yourself in danger ... Or worse, if you are hurt and dieing ... You can force your mind to stop panicking. And force your body to accept pain and destruction. Focus on your purpose. Focus on what feels "right". It might be scary to put yourself on the line ... But there are reasons to do so. If you want to be in the right state of mind to risk your life to rescue others, for example, be you a soldier, a firefighter, a diver ... Focus on the feeling of being the person who matters. Saving a life, if that is important to you out of your morality, will give you the same sense of fulfillment as with the above example, being with a loved one. But be careful. This IS dangerous. This can lead you to accept your own destruction if it means achieving your purpose. I once nearly committed suicide like this. I jumped into a river to rescue a drowning girl ... And she started drowning me due to panic. At that time, I realized ... I'm going to die. So I had a choice to make. Do we both die? Or do I try my best to swim while she's on top of me, so that I can drag her to the shore, even if I drown? So I swam. Eventually, people noticed us and rescued us both. But by the time they rescued me, my body and mind have been completely defeated. I had no more strength left to even  put my head above the water. They had to pull me out before I drowned. Ultimately, both of us survived thanks to that.

C. Reasons for meditation:

As said, my personal stance is Luciferianism. There are many different variations of Luciferianism. The two most common ones are theistic and non-theistic. The theistic version views Lucifer, Satan, as a deity to be worshipped. Typically, Lucifer is revered as the being that was before he became Satan. He's viewed as the bearer of light, knowledge, wisdom and strength. Said to possess beauty unrivaled, strength endless, mind unbroken, all of these need to be maintained and constantly honed if you are to get closer to Lucifer and be in his image. This is not my style of Luciferianism. I'm not a theist myself.

The second most common view of Luciferianism is Luficer as a symbol. Unlike Satanism, Lucifer is not worth of worship here. Occasionally, he's not even a deity. He's more like a concept. He who refused God. He who refused to be told about the world and preferred to discover it himself. He who refused the chains of smothering love and instead seeks his own fulfillment. He who is hungry for knowledge and will go to any length to understand himself and the universe around him. He who is ultimately his own master. His only master. Lucifer's goals are those that he sets before himself. His purpose is the one he chooses. This is my view of Luciferianism. I am an extremely nihilistic person, normally. I believe humanity is corrupt, vile, ugly and evil. But it is not enough to observe that. For I too, am Human. I do not seek to change the world, nor change humanity. At least, not before I myself improve. For I too, am greedy. For I too, have weakness. Understanding that and acknowledging that, I seek out wisdom to tame my irrational desires. I seek out knowledge to eradicate my ignorance. I seek out strength to weed out my weakness.

D. 3rd Eye:

The closest concept I can think of in Luciferianist philosophy would be understanding of existence itself. Essentially, knowing the meaning of life. Unfortunately, I can not tell you what it means. Way I see it, the meaning is different for each person. My meaning is not only not going to help you, but is actively toxic to you, because only you can truly know yourself. Only you know how your mind and soul works. Only you can answer the questions that are key to your existence. As cliche as it sounds, but I can not tell you how to live. I can not tell you what you live for. I can only tell those things to myself. And even then ... It is a constant search. For so long as I exist, I will continue seeking the meaning of my existence. It is once I am certain of my place in the universe, can I begin to map the rest of existence based on knowledge of my own "coordinates".

Hope this helps. Have a good session, if you're going to meditate.

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1 hour ago, CFWMagic said:

Hope this helps. Have a good session, if you're going to meditate.

Thanks. I don't feel a need to dive in the Luciferian approach but were able to suit the principle well with words.

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8 minutes ago, Sonikkumania said:

Thanks. I don't feel a need to dive in the Luciferian approach but were able to suit the principle well with words.

Yep. It's exactly that. You don't need to practice Luciferianism in order to apply meditation and the concepts of Body, Mind, Soul. Just like with finding the meaning of existence, there's little I can do for you. Or anybody else for that matter. Including Lucifer. That's why Lucifer isn't a deity for me and why I don't worship him, despite studying and applying the philosophy. Ultimately, Lucifer isn't me. Lucifer doesn't feel exactly how I feel. Doesn't have the same combination of knowledge and ignorance, strength and weakness as I do. I can learn from his supposed history, because the goal is ultimately the same: Learning to know myself and through myself, learn to observe and know the universe around me. How you get to that point, however, is entirely up to you. And the results, similarly, are going to be different for everyone.

One person might chose to exist in order to proliferate all life around them. That person may be ready to sacrifice their resources, their well being. They might be willing to use their strength in order to help others. They may believe that all life, ultimately, originates and ends at the same point. When another person might decide that their own well being is paramount. And at that point, they will use any means necessary to achieve their own knowledge, wisdom and strength first. Even if it means taking from others, using violence and abusing others. It is still a way to achieve purpose.

Ultimately, even such concepts as "good" and "evil" are defined by the person who observes them. What you consider good might be evil to me and vice versa. You do not need to follow in my path, nor do I need to follow you. But we can always learn from each other. Be it via conversation, via learning on our own mistakes or on the mistakes of the other, or via struggle, where we learn about our own weakness by having an enemy exploit it. Take care man. And no matter what happens, don't lose yourself.

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  • 1 month later...

Step 1 - Eat the mushroom


Step 2 - Have pseudo-intellectual thoughts


Step 3 - Masturbate to pseudo-intellectual thoughts


Step 4 - Jerk off


Step 5 - Go to bed


Step 6 - Wake up and laugh at how dumb your pseudo-intellectual thoughts are


Step 7 (optional) - Describe your dumb pseudo-intellectual thoughts to those around you


Step 8 (if you completed step 7) - "Why doesn't the world understand me, man? I even entered the eighth chakra-thing!"

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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On 10/24/2022 at 11:47 AM, Sonikkumania said:

Any good technique advices?

What's your goal? I've heard some people are trying to go for spiritual enlightenment, but that's not very interesting to me.


Recently I've been reading more about meditation as a way to improve mental abilities. Stories about people who are really good at meditation, and when they are hooked up to testing machines, they have super fast reflex-response times, or being able to consciously see individual frames at ridiculously high FPS

Edited by RDETalus

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48 minutes ago, RDETalus said:

Stories about people who are really good at meditation, and when they are hooked up to testing machines, they have super fast reflex-response times, or being able to consciously see individual frames at ridiculously high FPS

There are studies about how meditation improves memory, concentration, lowers anxiety, and such but, these stories about unlocking dormant mental potential sounds bogus, although the last part sounds like 'hyperawareness' which happens during really intense fight-or-flight responses, stories about people seeing the world slowdown to a crawl when recalling about a near fatal car crash, however that level of awareness can't be replicated on command.

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On 12/13/2022 at 12:47 AM, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Step 1 - Eat the mushroom


Step 2 - Have pseudo-intellectual thoughts


Step 3 - Masturbate to pseudo-intellectual thoughts


Step 4 - Jerk off


Step 5 - Go to bed


Step 6 - Wake up and laugh at how dumb your pseudo-intellectual thoughts are


Step 7 (optional) - Describe your dumb pseudo-intellectual thoughts to those around you


Step 8 (if you completed step 7) - "Why doesn't the world understand me, man? I even entered the eighth chakra-thing!"

I can relate to "Step 1", heh.

On 12/13/2022 at 12:17 PM, RDETalus said:

What's your goal? I've heard some people are trying to go for spiritual enlightenment, but that's not very interesting to me.

Pure curiousity. I want to see the results of doing "meditation". I never do those guided meditation thingies that are popular in Youtube, but I like those ambient sounding BGM tracks they upload.

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I got into Headspace a few years ago, and eventually got my 365-day streak in the app.

I don't have any high-minded ideas about it; after doing a year of short meditation exercises in the app i'm much better at 'disengaging' from an oncoming anxiety spiral which helps a lot.

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From a young age I was interested in meditation and mystical stuff, about seven years ago on my "journey" I finally decided to receive some kind of formal instruction. So, I found someone certified to teach me the Transcendental Meditation technique and ponied up the money for it. Seven years later and I'm still meditating and have attended a couple of retreats and learned more techniques. Aside from it being pretty expensive and me having to ignore what I deem as some woo woo new age stuff it's been a really positive experience, and well worth it IMO.

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On 10/24/2022 at 12:47 AM, Sonikkumania said:

What is the 3rd eye? 


For me, a song from a Tool album that I used to listen to a lot about ten years ago:



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Ehh whatever happened to having some quiet time to yourself in the morning and in the evening? Don't need to overthink it, unless you're adept at overthinking :D

In which case you just need some quiet time to clear your head and think gratitude or whatever the fuck makes tomorrow better. Don't overcomplicate something relaxing with woo woo shit.

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On 10/23/2022 at 10:47 PM, Sonikkumania said:

Do you have any experience on meditation?

Any good technique advices?

What is the reason you have tried?

What is the 3rd eye?


I'll post my own view soon.


As of late, I use the mantras of the Buddhist Wisdom Goddess and bodhisattva Tārā. Due to her innumerable aspects, there is a different one available for nearly any valid purpose. Even just hearing them has positive benefits according to those who believe, and she is said to aid all sentient beings regardless of their knowledge or beliefs. Focusing on them properly and combining with other typical meditation practices (posture, breathing, mudra, etc) will bring more benefit and are necessary for a devoted practice. Eyes can be closed, open, or focusing on something (such as a thangka). Recitation is usually repeated numerous times using auspicious numbers, often 108 due to traditions related to Shaktism (be prepared for at least an hour of time if doing that), but whatever is comfortable for the practitioner is ultimately best. Unlike some more austere practices, there is a deep tradition of use of these mantras in combination with music.


My reasonings are deeply personal and I'll refrain from discussing them in a profane environment.


The third eye, in Buddhism, is symbolic of spiritual awakening and seeing the path to enlightenment. The Buddhas are usually depicted with it as an ūrṇā. Tārā may be depicted with one, two, three, seven, or even more eyes depending on her emanation. When in multitude, they generally depict her dedication to observing and aiding all beings with swift action.


You can find a lot of recorded recitations on this YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@StarfireMeditation/videos

Edited by Quasar

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On 10/24/2022 at 5:47 AM, Sonikkumania said:

Do you have any experience on meditation?

Any good technique advices?

What is the reason you have tried?

No, I have not.

My wife does, but with neither religious, neither psychedelic, nor mystical bullshit: she meditates with auto-hypnosis.

On 10/24/2022 at 5:47 AM, Sonikkumania said:

What is the 3rd eye?

A fraud.

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There are a lot of reasons to meditate. I meditate because it feels nice and it helps to clear my mind. I'd recommend you to meditate for one to two minutes your first time and then add a couple of minutes everyday to your tomorrow's meditation session. 

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