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10 hours ago, magicsofa said:

@Aku @JustAthel @lokbustam257 thanks for the updates all, planning to do a round of playtesting tonight and maybe even work on E1M1, lol. I also really need to update the master archive and tag the map list with things like "done" and "in review" for sanity purposes

ok, just let you know i havent finished adding enemeies/ammo ext to the entire level of e3m6 yet, but the basis of what can be built upon is there.

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Hi. Second version of the E3M9 is done. Difficulty settings is now been implemented. I was about to upload the map here but then I saw magicsofa's playtesting post. So, I pretty much convert most medkits to stimpacks or straight up made them unavailable in UV. Oh, and I also added some extra rooms in the BFG secret.


Changes (that I remember):

-Difficulty settings

-Lots of textures tweaks and fix

-Extra rooms in the BFG secret

-Medkits and Soulsphere has been made appear less frequently on UV (though stimpacks still made some appearance here and there)


Known issue(s):

There is a savegame overflow that happens in the Cyberdemon duel room. Don't save there if you play on Chocolate Doom or DOSBox.

Savegame overflow may also happens in other parts of the map, so be caution.

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6 hours ago, magicsofa said:



No errors that I found, but I'm not really sold on this one in terms of the combat and theme. It just feels like an E2M8 remake, and the original E2M8 is a pretty lame map to begin with, putting all of its weight on the single crutch that is the coolness of the Cyberdemon itself. The goal was to take an idea (or handful of ideas) from the original map and run with it in a new level, but for this slot (and E3M8) it should be more like "just make a totally new boss map." This is a great opportunity to make people say, "wow, this is way better than the original!"

Hey, thanks for feedback. The map was one of the earlier ones for this project (and also one of my first maps ever published) so I guess this was quite expected. Anyway, E2M8 and E2M9 will be remake like E3M9, hopefully done around July or September (don't ask why that long), so put these maps as incomplete on the OP. 

Edited by lokbustam257

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12 hours ago, JustAthel said:

Hm, enemies being stuck together DEFINITELY isn't intended. I'll see if I can get those issues fixed up and see about those monsters passing door thresholds - I thought I just disabled those with monster blocking linedefs. I'll also sprinkle a couple of lost souls in and chop out a couple barons.

Also, are custom names / midis actually allowed? I couldnt seem to find a consensus on this but I may have missed it.

Oh, was it intentional to have the monsters block the door?


Custom MIDI is ok as long as it feels classic enough :) As for custom names, I think it should be either none at all, or replace all of them with slightly different names that mean the same thing (i.e. Toxin Refinery changes to Sludge Extractor or something)


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In some cases it was intentional, if you're using rockets and the enemies are closing you in in a confined space, it doesn't really leave much room to pick them off. Then again, I could rework that encounter. I have to check to be sure that all these work as intended though

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  • 2 weeks later...



Here's what I have for E1M1 so far. For a long time when I was a kiddo I imagined secret areas in the original game that never existed, like to the point where I would insistently press every wall in the entire map thinking I could get to some area that "looked" like it should be accessible. So, this map is sort of me indulging in those fantasies. No difficulty settings yet... a few spots are real close to visplane overflow so I might have to consolidate some things to be safe:




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On 5/14/2023 at 12:04 PM, Aku said:


ok i updated my level e3m6, could really use some constructive critism on ways i could improve it.


Sweet, I'll give it a shot in a few hours...


I can't really review my own map so if someone else would like to try out E1M1 it would be helpful!

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15 hours ago, magicsofa said:


Sweet, I'll give it a shot in a few hours...


I can't really review my own map so if someone else would like to try out E1M1 it would be helpful!

i liked it, but i would say you need to be a bit more generous with shotgun shells with the the main route, pistal battling imps is never a highlight, i originally discovered the secret way around from jumping up near the end room(not sure if you had jumpin in mind or not when designing this?, but i tried to the level again knowing about the secret emtramce to the outside area and found it a lot of fun, but still wasnt sure how to get to the end doin it that way(even thou i did in reverse lol.

the architecture was pretty good, overall was a very visually stimulating level.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, Andrea Rovenski said:

my map is about 95% complete, I have just been lazy about finishing it off... can try and do it soon!


No worries, just making sure people don't forget! (including myself)

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10 minutes ago, magicsofa said:

Just ticking off the list of who has submitted a map, which leaves 

@mr-around @Mike_C  @LGmaire (E1M4)@Azuris @meiwakuna @Dusty_Rhodes 

@DavidN @Michael Jensen @Uni @spineapple tea @SilverMiner @Yumheart @Use @Noiser @Andrea Rovenski 

@Amiga Angel @NeedHealth @Codename_Delta



How y'all doin?


Have to test out a "little" Thing about Combat i came up with, before i can upload it.

I am alive :)

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16 minutes ago, magicsofa said:

Just ticking off the list of who has submitted a map, which leaves 

@mr-around @Mike_C  @LGmaire (E1M4)@Azuris @meiwakuna @Dusty_Rhodes 

@DavidN @Michael Jensen @Uni @spineapple tea @SilverMiner @Yumheart @Use @Noiser @Andrea Rovenski 

@Amiga Angel @NeedHealth @Codename_Delta



How y'all doin?

I remember about this project

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3 hours ago, magicsofa said:


Mine is still in progress. I'm working on E1M4.


On 2/25/2023 at 12:53 AM, magicsofa said:
On 2/24/2023 at 1:28 AM, Azuris said:

What is the Deadline? 

Some Time This Year (tm)

aka Dec 10, 2023


Just to note, if the deadline is really the Doom's birthday

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5 hours ago, magicsofa said:

How y'all doin?

E2M7 still has work do be done but a good chunk of the layout is complete (there's still quite a bit of work to be done though). I haven't worked on it in a while because of other projects taking priority.

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6 hours ago, magicsofa said:

How y'all doin?






I was doing well, I think.

I kinda abandoned this one for a moment due to some other projects i needed to finish my contributions for but this is a good reminder that, i should probably blow the dust off of it and continue work on it at some point, i'll get to it in a few days hopefully, still got some things to sort out.

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On 5/24/2023 at 7:42 PM, magicsofa said:

Just ticking off the list of who has submitted a map, which leaves 

@mr-around @Mike_C  @LGmaire (E1M4)@Azuris @meiwakuna @Dusty_Rhodes 

@DavidN @Michael Jensen @Uni @spineapple tea @SilverMiner @Yumheart @Use @Noiser @Andrea Rovenski 

@Amiga Angel @NeedHealth @Codename_Delta



How y'all doin?

I did submit a map. I just need to find time to make a fixed version of it.

It wont be for a long time though and as I understand the deadline is 7 months away or something?

Edited by Amiga Angel

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3 hours ago, Amiga Angel said:

I did submit a map. I just need to find time to make a fixed version of it.

It wont be for a long time though and as I understand the deadline is 7 months away or something?


Whoops, I had intended to erase your name and forgot.

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On 5/24/2023 at 7:42 PM, magicsofa said:

Just ticking off the list of who has submitted a map, which leaves 

@mr-around @Mike_C  @LGmaire (E1M4)@Azuris @meiwakuna @Dusty_Rhodes 

@DavidN @Michael Jensen @Uni @spineapple tea @SilverMiner @Yumheart @Use @Noiser @Andrea Rovenski 

@Amiga Angel @NeedHealth @Codename_Delta



How y'all doin?

Haven't been working on the stuff lately, but I'll set aside some time today, I'm not planning on abandoning my slots.

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Here you go, a E3M3 remake / reimagining! When I think of Pandemonium, I think of the weird and abstract texture usage and the chaotic, overwhelming start by Doom 1 standards. I tried recreating that sense of never being safe while casting aside the labyrinthine layout and I'm happy with the result. This was tested in ChocoRenderLimits and I wasn't able to find any instances of visplane or drawsegs overflows.
Enjoy :)



Also @magicsofa I wanna redo E4M2 and I'm serious about it this time. I already mapped out a layout and the map should be done over the next few days.

Edited by Yumheart

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Thanks for the updates everyone, that's 20 maps submitted so far! If it's been a while since I played your map, I haven't forgotten you! Haven't had much time for testing but I'm planning to do a macro-run through all the maps soon...


Here's an updated version of the main archive with (hopefully) all the newest submissions/revisions included:



Edited by magicsofa

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I'm here! Sorry work has kept me very busy the last few months. I'm roughly in the same spot with my map, structure is close to complete, then it's onto monster placement and such. :)

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I like the second picture: I think that Baron is very angry. Apparently a barrel has exploded in his face, infighting is coming..

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Cool stuff, I love the atmospheric lighting and natural, twisted aesthetic with the craggy cliffs and crumbling hell bases. The interconnectivity is great, though the combat feels more relaxed overall than in the original E3M2 and I feel like the ammo distribution is too generous (I was flushed with rockets after picking up the key by the wooden pillars and I never felt like I had to use them). I like the combination of open spaces and cramped passages and the huge clumps of foes are entertaining to blow apart :)

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