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The Vilecore demos [-complevel 2]

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VILECORE1.0 by Doom_Dude (the 2003 version), with optional vilecore.deh (level names only)

idgames: link

DSDA: https://dsdarchive.com/wads/vilcore


This is a vanilla WAD, a spiritual predecessor to Armadosia. Its placement in the /ports subdir of idgames was most likely thanks to a decision to err on the side of caution. The initial release (2000) had some issues, too, which probably explains why the demos for it were recorded with Boom, the demo port of choice for limit-removing maps at the time. Nevertheless, all maps can be played in vanilla and Choco, with two reservations:

  • MAP22 has a linedef (#524) with a W1 Door Open Stay special but without the required sector tag. In the south-east of the map if you walk north between the western brown column and the wall to the left the level goes haywire and you get stuck
  • MAP32: it's possible to get a visplane overflow in the north-west corner room of the map while facing the long passage to the east and looking south-east.



Since the demos for the WAD were split into two pages according to the release version that left a lot of gaps in the current UV Max table. The demos below (recorded long before in anticipation of such a split) seek to remedy that.

 map   | kills | secrets | time
 MAP01 |  100% |    100% |  6:15
 MAP05 |  100% |    100% |  8:42
 MAP06 |  101% |    100% |  8:05
 MAP08 |  101% |    100% | 10:25
 MAP09 |  106% |    100% |  8:44
 MAP11 |  101% |    100% | 10:33
 MAP14 |  102% |    100% |  8:55
 MAP16 |  100% |    100% |  9:30
 MAP17 |  100% |    100% |  7:49
 MAP18 |  100% |    100% |  9:40
 MAP29 |  104% |    100% |  8:27



A shout-out goes to @Revved, who did most of the rest of the maps. Some of them could stand to be redone in the vanilla format:

02 07 10 12 15 19 20 22 23 25-27 31 32

Edited by Never_Again

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