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Shareware Vats Speedmapping Session: FRESH -- /idgames release

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quick comments for quick maps:


Slimedog Millionaire 

Additions to the underrated "casual BFG" map genre are always welcomed, as well as combining it with the damaging floor traversal genre. Would love to see a more developed version of this one.


The Demons' Public Pool

Betrays a certain inexperience (for mapping or for speedmapping i can't say) in visual apperance and the developed-ness of concepts, although plasma-ing through hordes is fun.


Grill Basket

Highlight of the set so far. It's incredible just how many ideas are packed in here in just 2 hours, both visually and gameplay-wise; I'm not sure I can cover them all right here. I'll settle for "pretty shadows" for now.


Vats All Folks

Texture vomit in a different direction, relying on subtle reddish/pinkish hues of busy m&m textures (bricks, flowers, etc.), rather than the usual "door & windows as structure" approach. Pretty neat. Combat is an experiment in using canyon shaped layouts as cover and as hindrance, adding a wrinkle to the variety of challenge-lite fights presented. My favorite fight was when the AVs were lowered in the chasm; quickly assessing where the cover was without the usual pillars was refreshing (edit:derp, I missed the pillars somehow. oh well). Second favorite fight was the one with the bull and his flunkies, where safety lies in turning enemies into friends. Really fun.


Music is all on point, except the stewboy track is too normal, i guess :D

Edited by Catpho

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