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what is the best mod you have played?


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i wanna know what is the best mod for doom 1 and 2 have you played. plus you cant say Brutal Doom, Smooth Doom, Beautiful Doom and project brutality.

give me a fairly unknown mod for the original doom games

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Tbh I've yet to find an Doom mod that would genuinely be enjoyable. I appreciate the talent and effort that goes to modding but they all seem very generic to me. Operation Bodycount looks interesting but then again it feels like a poor man's COD..


I'd love to play a Doom engine remastered Blake Stone mod which wouldn't suck.

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Final Doomer, I just love it. It feels close to original game, but adds a lot of variety.


There are also other mods, that I load for fun sometimes:


Trailblazer = Makes you feel like a Terminator


Doom RLArsenal = Lot of customisation, can even play whole megawad with focus on shotguns, for example.


Meta doom = not perfect, but main menu is just badass and reminds me of all good memories I had playing all the doom games


High Noon Drifter = I use it for egyptian wads to feel like Indiana Jones, or just western wads.


Thanks everyone for these and other doom mods, this community is awesome.

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My taste with mods is so variated that I cannot Pick a Single Mod over other.
But My favorites in no particular order are
Project Brutality
High Noon Drifter
Live Through Doom
Beautiful Doom
Death Foretold (D4T)
Embers of Armageddon
Final Doomer

Edited by BerserkerNoir
Small Typo Fix

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I have been on a major "vanilla" kick lately, but I really like Doom Expanded, Meta Doom and Walpurgis when I feel like switching it up

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19 minutes ago, nickxcom said:

I have been on a major "vanilla" kick lately, but I really like Doom Expanded, Meta Doom and Walpurgis when I feel like switching it up

Thanks for the mention! Incidently, there's a new trailer today:


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Thats a loaded question so I'll have to do numbers and group genres.


Full GamePlay but Still based on Doom( Basically TC with no maps)---

  1. Project MSX. This was a tough call since there are so many.
  2. JAD3-ADV--- Fun mashup of modified Xim's Doom 3 v1.0 guns, upgraded Doom-Like monsters that mixing in an atmosphere of F.E.A.R. style, Updated textures and decorations, and liquid physics


Full Gameplay not based on Doom--- Multiple

  1.   Doomed Over Zelda (DOZ), once called Link To The Doom--- This is one of my own, but also one of my longest running projects.
  2. Project Re-Blood--- Great Blood weapons and monster redo that runs super well


Full TC Based on Doom---

  1. Doom Tribute Project. This is a super easy choice. Great campaign and very well done.
  2. Doom FreeRoam--- This awesome whether you play the "TC" or the mod friendly version. Simple and very well applied in its presentation for what it is.
  3. Doom One--- Most just really well made reimagining of Doom1 campaign. It is mod friendly


Full TC NOT based on Doom-- Going with multiple choices here because theres just so many good ones.

  1.   Castlevania 3 for Simons Destiny ---- One I made for Castlevania Simon's Destiny
  2. Legend of Doom-- I did advisory work on this amazing TC
  3. Lycanthorn 2-- Freaking amazing if you like CastleVania Doom engine idea
  4. Ashes Afterglow--- Good lord to this monstrosity
  5. Golden Souls 1 & 2
  6. Batman Coldheart--- Basically Batman Doom but with more levels and Batman centric equipment. Super fun one.


Weapons and Monsters based on Doom

  1. Code Zleek Doom--- A smooth Doom clone I made that is 100% text code only. Extra gore, animation smoothing, water splashes and so much more but still 100% vanilla timed for guns and enemy action timing.
  2. Doom THOHT and its fork THOHT-ADV---- A competitor style Monster pack to Brutal Doom and Project brutality but offering a completely different style and feeling to said combat encounter.
  3. Hellrider v0.9c--- By far and away by favorite weapons and player mod for when I just want pure fun while using doom style weapons. the movement enhancements are off the charts and so fun without being completely game breaking.
  4. Highway Acceleroid Booster--- Great for if you want Megaman X feels
  5. Metroid Dreadnought--- Great for when you want to play Doom as Samus.
  6. Mario Doom.--- The hilarity is awesome. Great and simple mod.
  7. NTMAI-- Nobody Told Me about ID---  basically a concept of Doom but if it was made in Build Engine
  8. D64ifier--- A cool mod that makes Doom look more like Doom64 for weapons, textures and monsters
  9. Brutal FreeDoom GZD v3-4x---- The full name is a mouthful but yup its the analog to what it sounds like. I've been the primary editor and launcher of this project that has multiple awesome contributions. Its also a project that I have plundered to death as well. While it may not be as well polished as Brutal Doom, it still does the job of being deadly, bloody and very fun. 
  10. Doom But More Build(DBMB)--- Another project of mine that is designed on the premise of tiny file size, good eye candy, and Doom with reloading weapons vs vanilla monsters. 


----end list----


These mentions are mainly based on my gameplay time or with technical aspects I enjoy; mostly gameplay time.

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I agree with most of the mentions in this thread, but am flabbergasted that Combined Arms & Combined Arms: Gaiden by Combine_Kegan has not been mentioned yet. They are both insanely good and "memorable". These are dark days indeed.

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Brutal Doom by mr Sergeant Mark IV. The best mod hands down that kept doom afloat during its crysis and was loved by people so much that it seems to me Bethesda made their replicas - Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal.

Now I've got extremely tired of this mod and back to playing classic doom, too hard to beat it.


Now it's for smooth doom for me. Those carefully made smooth animations open the game from the new perspective.

Edited by Vadim

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