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crispy doom demos


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so i wanted to record some demos to show e1m4 skip to a friend but when i finished recording the demo plays e1m9 withbthe movements id use in the level is there an specific reason/solution for this ocurrance?



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Not sure I can help as this sounds very odd to me. Not much info in your post about use of launchers or commands used. Seeing the details for how it was recorded and then played may help. See the examples below - I believe these will work. First records the demo of playing Doom on Ultra Violence (-skill 4) starting on map E1M4 (-warp 1 4) to a file my_demo.lmp. The second command plays it (note you don't need all the detail to play it back).


Recording Demo:

crispy-doom.exe -iwad /path/to/doom.wad -skill 4 -warp 1 4 -record my_demo

Playing Demo:

crispy-doom.exe -iwad /path/to/doom.wad -playdemo my_demo.lmp


If the issue is that it plays back the recorded inputs on the wrong map then I have no idea why, unless you have simply selected the wrong demo file to play back.

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Hello,thanks for the answer! that isthe exact same command im using tho this is weird since if the demo i play is the only one in the folder then it does work it still annoying since i planned on doing full game runs and taht basically means that i have to reset the game and delete the demo every single time.

Ive also tried playing the demos with prboom but it does the exact same thing ill do a e1m1 run to show as an example so hopefully i can fix it thanks for the answer tho

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1 hour ago, holy said:

e1m1 bugged.rar

thats the proof


1 hour ago, holy said:


thats when theres only one demo on my crispy doom folder

What are you trying to show with these two demos? I just see two E1M1 demos, the first of which completes the level in 14.80 seconds and the other of which stops in the middle of the level.

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Same here. I can play these back on DSDA-Doom and get the behaviour that @Shepardus describes - they work fine.


@holy I have lost track a bit of what the issue is. At the start it seemed like it was that playing back the demo you recorded of E1M1 was weird as it played back the correct inputs but on Map E1M9. Now it sounds like it only works if no other demo file is in the folder. Can you clarify: 1) what you would like to achieve and 2) what specific issue you are facing? It would also be really helpful if you provide the commands/inputs you use to record and play back the demo as this is the most likely cause of issues for you. Thanks.


Edit: These are the commands I used to play back each demo, executed from the command line in the folder containing dsda-doom.exe:

dsda-doom.exe -iwad d:\Doom\WADs\DOOM.WAD -playdemo nb

dsda-doom.exe -iwad d:\Doom\WADs\DOOM.WAD -playdemo e1m1_bugged


You can replace the dsda-doom.exe with the one you wish to launch with (e.g., crispy-doom.exe), point the folder after -iwad to where you keep your DOOM.WAD and the -playdemo file can have the .lmp extension or not (note I did not put in a directory location here as it was in the same folder as the .exe).

Edited by ImproversGaming
Added the commands I used to playback the demo for clarity

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On 11/11/2022 at 9:48 PM, Shepardus said:


What are you trying to show with these two demos? I just see two E1M1 demos, the first of which completes the level in 14.80 seconds and the other of which stops in the middle of the level.

Thats the weird thing when I play the demos with prboom+ or crispy doom it just shows my movement but played in E1M9 (the e1m1 bugged file)

but the nb file shows the actual e1m1 footage


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On 11/12/2022 at 9:00 AM, ImproversGaming said:

Same here. I can play these back on DSDA-Doom and get the behaviour that @Shepardus describes - they work fine.


@holy I have lost track a bit of what the issue is. At the start it seemed like it was that playing back the demo you recorded of E1M1 was weird as it played back the correct inputs but on Map E1M9. Now it sounds like it only works if no other demo file is in the folder. Can you clarify: 1) what you would like to achieve and 2) what specific issue you are facing? It would also be really helpful if you provide the commands/inputs you use to record and play back the demo as this is the most likely cause of issues for you. Thanks.


Edit: These are the commands I used to play back each demo, executed from the command line in the folder containing dsda-doom.exe:

dsda-doom.exe -iwad d:\Doom\WADs\DOOM.WAD -playdemo nb

dsda-doom.exe -iwad d:\Doom\WADs\DOOM.WAD -playdemo e1m1_bugged


You can replace the dsda-doom.exe with the one you wish to launch with (e.g., crispy-doom.exe), point the folder after -iwad to where you keep your DOOM.WAD and the -playdemo file can have the .lmp extension or not (note I did not put in a directory location here as it was in the same folder as the .exe).


1)id like to be able to record demos without having to reset the game and delete the files


2) the issue im facing is that the demos will play in e1m9 if i have an .imp file in my crispy doom folder and thats the main issue since its really uncomfortable closing my game and deleting my files every single time



e1m1 bugged.imp was recorded after having the nb.imp file on my folder

so in crispy doom it plays in e1m9



commands used: crispydoom.exe doom.wad -wad doom.wad -skill 4 -record holy -warp 1

Edited by holy
i forgot to put the commands xdd

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Walk us through step by step how you created these two demo files including the exact commands that you're using to record and play back the demos.

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31 minutes ago, holy said:


1)id like to be able to record demos without having to reset the game and delete the files


2) the issue im facing is that the demos will play in e1m9 if i have an .imp file in my crispy doom folder and thats the main issue since its really uncomfortable closing my game and deleting my files every single time



e1m1 bugged.imp was recorded after having the nb.imp file on my folder

so in crispy doom it plays in e1m9



commands used: crispydoom.exe doom.wad -wad doom.wad -skill 4 -record holy -warp 1

doom.wad -wad playdemo holy(name of the demo)


Edited by holy
forgot the playdemo command

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8 minutes ago, holy said:

doom.wad -wad playdemo holy(name of the demo)


Well that doesn't look right at all... You only need to specify doom.wad once, and that's done with the -iwad parameter (note that it's -iwad, not -wad). If you add custom WADs on top of the base game, that's done with -file. "-wad" isn't even a valid parameter.


If you want to play back e1m1 bugged.lmp, the command would look like:

crispy-doom.exe -iwad doom.wad -playdemo "e1m1 bugged.lmp"

(The quotes around the filename are necessary if the filename has spaces in it.)


By the way, when recording for Ultimate Doom, the -warp parameter should have two numbers after it, e.g. -warp 2 1 for E2M1.

So a record command would look like:

crispy-doom.exe -iwad doom.wad -skill 4 -warp 1 1 -record holy

Edited by Shepardus

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Keep in mind also that if you try to record to a file that already exists then the game will use the specified name with a string of numbers appended to it. (holy-00000.lmp, holy-00001.lmp, etc) It will not overwrite your original file.

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As @Shepardus pointed out we can play the demos fine so no issue with recording, though please note the corrections that have been provided to the commands for launching and recording a demo.


These are the commands that Shepardus provided:

Command for Recording a Demo:

crispy-doom.exe -iwad doom.wad -skill 4 -warp 1 1 -record holy

This command says launch the crispy-doom.exe port and load doom.wad on ultraviolence on map E1M1 and record a demo of the inputs to a file starting with holy and ending with .lmp.

This assumes that crispy-doom.exe, doom.wad and the final recorded demo will be in the same directory. Note the timestamps on the demo files (in your OS file explorer) to make sure you are not just playing back an old demo file in the folder and not the new ones you were expecting. As @mikeday has said the if you keep using this command above to record a demo it will increment the filename so as not to override previously recorded demos, for you it will be something like: holy.lmp, holy-00002.lmp, holy-00003.lmp, and so on. The highest number is the one you recorded most recently and not holy.lmp.


Command for Playing a Demo:

crispy-doom.exe -iwad doom.wad -playdemo holy-00003.lmp

This command says launch the crispy-doom.exe port and load doom.wad and play back the recorded demo in the file holy-00003.lmp. As mentioned if there are gaps in the filename uses the quotes, otherwise they are not needed.


If I was to guess I would think that you are most likely to have recorded newer demos but are playing back the same old one each time. Best to use the commands as shown directly. Try and save a new demo and see if you can play them back and note how the filenames change as you record successive demos. Let us know if this helps.

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Also rest assured that the behaviour you describe in your message below is not needed. You can record as many demos as you like and play back any select one in a folder that contains many others. Specific responses:

1) If you are recording demos I often find it useful to hit the "home" key (which is a standard key binding) to restart a map I am playing, i.e., you do not need to exit crispy-doom and restart to do the next demo recording - try it, it is very handy. Also it is never required that you delete any files.


2) As mentioned it seems likely you are replaying the same demo that is not the one you are expecting. Again, file deletion is not needed but be careful the files are what you think they are!


2 hours ago, holy said:


1)id like to be able to record demos without having to reset the game and delete the files


2) the issue im facing is that the demos will play in e1m9 if i have an .imp file in my crispy doom folder and thats the main issue since its really uncomfortable closing my game and deleting my files every single time



e1m1 bugged.imp was recorded after having the nb.imp file on my folder

so in crispy doom it plays in e1m9



commands used: crispydoom.exe doom.wad -wad doom.wad -skill 4 -record holy -warp 1


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