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I apologize

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Today, at around 4 in the morning, I had posted a MEGAWAD to the Doomworld WADs & Maps Forum. It had been generated, but I had thought that it had been a harmless joke for anyone, BUT, now after the map was posted, I deeply regret my actions in posting a level like that. It was foolish of me to make such a thing and share it like I had been making an actual MEGAWAD from scratch. 


I, in all seriousness, deeply regret my actions in which I wasted your time on a WAD. I can assure you that it will never happen again, and I vow to never post another SLIGE map onto Doomworld, and to just keep them to myself when I'm bored. I hope you accept my apology and things like this will never happen again, even though I have permanently destroyed my reputation as a Doom mapper.

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You released a set of levels automatically created through a map generator. Some people have done far worse things than this.


Hopefully that taught you the importance of not rushing things out for the public or to not doubt in the intelligence or knowledge of your audience. You'll do better next time.

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The fact that you're taking responsibility for your actions puts you far above most of the other ne'er-do-wells I can think of. You can keep making legit maps and do a comeback story, or you could not map anymore, and you'll be fine either way. 20 years ago you might have gotten more reaction with a SLIGE jokewad, even though the term coom didn't really exist back then.


Honestly, the worst thing you did was waste the title you chose. "Ultimate Coom" is funny, I don't give a shit.

Edited by Trar

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16 minutes ago, BigBoy91 said:

We all know what generated maps look like, homie. SLIGE has been around for over 20 years.

i literally just found out about SLIGE generators yesterday

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Eh, I thought it was funny, nothing harmful at the end of the day, just a quick chuckle and I moved on.

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I'd like to take this opportunity to advertise Obsidian for your future jokewad needs. We have integrated SLUMP, which is a fork of SLIGE. We've enhanced it with features like the ability to have a completely linear Call of Duty style progression through the map and special "Oops, All Nazis!" mode.





Edited by dasho

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On 11/14/2022 at 6:01 PM, HalfLife9000 said:

even though I have permanently destroyed my reputation as a Doom mapper.

Pretty dramatic my man. You're still new in mapping (judging your previous works), so there's still room for improvement.

You know, people likes great Comeback story, now this is your opportunity. :P

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You apologised, that's a good start. Don't worry about it. Just remember your audience. Many of us have been doing this for a long time. We will all happily support and encourage new mappers who are willing to learn from their mistakes and put in actual effort.

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5 hours ago, dasho said:

I'd like to take this opportunity to advertise Obsidian for your future jokewad needs. We have integrated SLUMP, which is a fork of SLIGE. We've enhanced it with features like the ability to have a completely linear Call of Duty style progression through the map and special "Oops, All Nazis!" mode.





i used obsidian for the megawad


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7 minutes ago, dasho said:

Another satisfied customer.

also, since you're here, I suppose, I can tell you about something with Obsidian:


When trying to make Id Tech 0 Maps (Wolf3d, Super Noah's Ark), and selecting an output directory, it tells me this:


"Error (create file)", and I don't know what that means, probably because I'm dumb lol

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If you could PM me and attach the LOGS.txt from the run where this occurred, I can look into it. The id Tech 0 option will try to create MAPHEAD and GAMEMAPS with the game-appropriate extension in the directory that you select. Perhaps there is a permissions issue at play. 

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46 minutes ago, dasho said:

If you could PM me and attach the LOGS.txt from the run where this occurred, I can look into it. The id Tech 0 option will try to create MAPHEAD and GAMEMAPS with the game-appropriate extension in the directory that you select. Perhaps there is a permissions issue at play. 

I however will give Obsidian a 7/10.

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On 11/15/2022 at 3:46 AM, HalfLife9000 said:

I however will give Obsidian a 7/10.


I'm pretty sure Obsidian with id tech 1 far surpasses that, even as a personal opinion of mine as a dev/contributor of the program.

Edited by Armaetus

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6 hours ago, Armaetus said:


I'm pretty sure Obsidian with id tech 1 far surpasses that, even as a personal opinion of mine as a dev/contributor of the program.

it is good, however, most of the maps are the same (from the tons of WADs i have seen), which are just full of open hallways. Maybe an 8 though

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Apologies are good. Not making posts you need to apologize for is better. If you're going to post maps, please put actual effort into them, like almost all other authors here do.

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On 11/14/2022 at 2:01 PM, HalfLife9000 said:

I, in all seriousness, deeply regret my actions in which I wasted your time on a WAD. I can assure you that it will never happen again

This aged well.

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