Soll Posted November 16, 2022 I've been into Doom PWADS for a while now, and one of the things I love the most is the music . The sheer amount and variety of the music the community has produced over the years is astounding. But with how vast the pool is, it can be hard for someone to find something they might get into, or to find that good midi in a level that they played but can't find on youtube. This is my attempt to address that issue. In this list, I have categorized multiple PWAD midis into multiple categories of genres and characteristics, with a short explanation of what each category means. I mainly focus on community-made midis. I have also set up a youtube channel on which I will upload midis on this list. Link to Channel: Here This list will be expanded upon in the future, and I would also love to have some input on which WADs to be included next, and suggestions on which midi should go where. I also plan to make branch posts for every category in this list, and this will be the hub post. But for now, everything on the list will be here. Thank you, and enjoy! Atmospheric - Epic: Tracks that give a feeling of epicness, an inspiring, fight-for-your-dreams sort of tune Hell Revealed II OST: MAP15 - The Temple of Judgment [Thyrbse] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP12 - Blood Rush [Tristan Clark] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP21 - Ascension of Satan [Varis Alpha] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP29 - The Scarlet Citadel [Hellish Godzilla] PRCP OST: MAP15 - Dread [Xaser] TNT Evilution OST: MAP08, MAP27, MAP30 - Into the Beast's Belly [L.A. Sieben] Atmospheric - Hopeful: Tracks that are inspiring, giving a feeling of being lifted up while you are down Arrival OST : MAP01 - Digital Nomad [AD_79] BTSX E1 OST: MAP01 - Entering [esselfortium] BTSX E1 OST: MAP02 - Phobophobe [esselfortium] BTSX E1 OST: MAP03 - Drilling By Night [Stuart Rynn] BTSX E1 OST: MAP04 - Clonk [esselfortium] BTSX E1 OST: MAP05 - Atmospheric Pressure [James Paddock] BTSX E1 OST: MAP06 - Nanonucleonic Cyborg Summoning [Elric Sullivan] BTSX E1 OST: MAP09 - Untilted [James Paddock] BTSX E1 OST: MAP13 - Escape Velocity [James Paddock] frog.wad OST: MAP06 - Mile High [Yellowjackets] (Sequenced by Francois Laratta) Grove OST [B.P.R.D.] PRCP OST: MAP15 - Dread [Xaser] Atmospheric - Menacing: Tracks that create an aura of intimidation and dread Hell Revealed II OST: MAP13 - Killing Spirit [Metabolist] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP16 - Ambience II [Metabolist] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP29 - When the Sun Won't Rise Anymore [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP30 - The Gateway of Hell [Metabolist] Magnolia OST: MAP03 - bang_extended.mid Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP05 - Sepulchral [Hellish Godzilla] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP19 - Lost in Place [Lippeth] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP27 - Infimum [Ribbiks] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP30 - Plurry [Bucket] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP14 - Sam's the Man [Jamie Robertson] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP20 - End is Nigh [Jamie Robertson] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP26 - Plutopia [James Paddock] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP27 - Outpost of Destiny [Paul Corfiatis] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP29 - The Hunt [Jamie Robertson] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP30 - Cataclysmic Impact [James Paddock] PRCP OST: MAP01 - Jungle - [PRIMEVAL] PRCP OST: MAP04 - Demons on the Prowl [PRIMEVAL] PRCP OST: MAP08 - Garden of Evil [PRIMEVAL] PRCP OST: MAP19 - Outer Darkness [PRIMEVAL] PRCP OST: MAP32 - I Already Know About id [PRIMEVAL] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP04, MAP13, MAP29 - Death's Bells [L.A. Sieben] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP06 - Agony Rhapsody [L.A. Sieben] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP10, MAP18 - Infinite [Tom Mustaine] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP16, MAP26 - Blood Jungle [Jonathan El-Bizri] Atmospheric - Mournful: Tracks that give a feeling of sadness and despair BTSX E1 OST: MAP08 - Waiting [esselfortium] Grove OST [B.P.R.D.] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP20 - Death's Toll [stewboy] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP24 - Pluvious [Bucket] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP31 - Cry of Desperation [Eris Falling] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP08 - A Game Score [Jamie Robertson] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP20 - End is Nigh [Jamie Robertson] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP20 - Horizon [Tom Mustaine] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP31 - Legion of the Lost [L.A. Sieben] Atmospheric - Mystical: Tracks that create an atmosphere of mystique Grove OST [B.P.R.D.] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP17 - Risen from the Dead [Thyrbse] Magnolia OST: MAP01 - dfd7_d.mid Magnolia OST: MAP02 - iwt.mid Magnolia OST: MAP31 - Next [CheesyMozarella] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP02 - Trigger [Mr. Freeze, Bucket] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP03 - Jade Empire [stewboy] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP08 - Tower of Fire [James Paddock] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP11 - Always Watching [Lippeth] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP18 - Fire Hive [James Paddock] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP28 - Dead Plumber's Song [ClumsyDoomer] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP01 - Pyrarinth [James Paddock] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP02 - Bloody Hell [Jamie Robertson] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP11 - Become the Hunted [James Paddock] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP12 - Under a Crimson Moon [Eric Baker] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP25 - Sanctified [James Paddock] PRCP OST: MAP06 - Stone Halls [PRIMEVAL] PRCP OST: MAP08 - Garden of Evil [PRIMEVAL] PRCP OST: MAP11 - U R my NME [Darkwave0000] PRCP OST: MAP20 - Ballad of the Demons [PRIMEVAL] PRCP OST: MAP25 - After All is Gone [Elric Sullivan] PRCP OST: Text Screen - Wicked Serenity [PRIMEVAL] Atmospheric - Relaxing: Tracks that are chill, relaxing, something you can listen to while doing homework/ lying on your bed/ going for a night drive/ etc. Arrival OST : MAP01 - Digital Nomad [AD_79] BTSX E1 OST: MAP01 - Entering [esselfortium] BTSX E1 OST: MAP04 - Clonk [esselfortium] BTSX E1 OST: MAP05 - Atmospheric Pressure [James Paddock] BTSX E1 OST: MAP07 - Conductor [James Paddock] BTSX E1 OST: MAP08 - Waiting [esselfortium] BTSX E1 OST: MAP14 - 24 [Stuart Rynn] DWANGO5 OST: Dance Party (DWANGO5 Version) [Tracy Hurst] frog.wad OST: MAP01 - Arrangement by Bennie Gunn Copyright 1 [Bennie Gunn] frog.wad OST: MAP02 - African Flower [Josef Huber] frog.wad OST: MAP03 - Light Years [Chick Corea Elektric Band] (Sequenced by Devian) frog.wad OST: MAP04 - Low Down [Sam Sketty] frog.wad OST: MAP05 - Morocco [The Rippingtons] (Sequenced by Bob Baker) frog.wad OST: MAP06 - Mile High [Yellowjackets] (Sequenced by Francois Laratta) frog.wad OST: MAP07 - Samb-Adagio [Safri Duo] frog.wad OST: MAP08 - Night Love [Jeff Lorber] (Sequenced by Iman Tjahjono) frog.wad OST: MAP09 - Tranquility [Peter 'Jazdout' Weis] (Unclear track name/composer) (1) Magnolia OST: MAP01 - dfd7_d.mid Magnolia OST: MAP02 - iwt.mid Atmospheric - Other: Tracks that belong in the Atmospheric class but do not fit in any specification Hell Revealed II OST: MAP04 - Nyctophobia [Metabolist] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP05 - Insatanity [Metabolist] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP06 - Dance of Death [Metabolist] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP10 - Base Blaze [Metabolist] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP21 - DDT Rides Again [Metabolist] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP14 - Plugged In [Bucket] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP05, MAP17 - More [Tom Mustaine] Bass-driven: Tracks with a distinct, bouncy bass riff, and does not go all-out hard rock or heavy metal Hell Revealed II OST: MAP03 - Old Bones [Metabolist] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP06 - Dance of Death [Metabolist] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP21 - DDT Rides Again [Metabolist] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP22 - The Dark (Techno Mix) [Metabolist] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP01 - Death Mask [Lippeth] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP02 - Trigger [Mr. Freeze, Bucket] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP04 - Claustrophobia [ClumsyDoomer] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP09 - Plutocrat [Bucket] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP25 - Contemplate [Hellish Godzilla] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP26 - HOSILFU [yakfak] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP28 - Dead Plumber's Song [ClumsyDoomer] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP19 - Slime Dweller [James Paddock] PRCP OST: MAP06 - Stone Halls [PRIMEVAL] TNT Evilution OST: MAP07 - Soldier of Chaos [Jonathan El-Bizri] Dance: Tracks that can be danced to DWANGO5 OST: MAP01 - Hitfloor.mid [Music Media Design] DWANGO5 OST: Dance Party (DWANGO5 Version) [Tracy Hurst] frog.wad OST: MAP03 - Light Years [Chick Corea Elektric Band] (Sequenced by Devian) frog.wad OST: MAP04 - Low Down [Sam Sketty] frog.wad OST: MAP07 - Samb-Adagio [Safri Duo] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP22 - The Dark (Techno Mix) [Metabolist] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP32 - Nobody told me about Plutonia [James Paddock] Rock - Metal: Tracks that are metal or have riffs that lean towards metal Hell Revealed II OST: MAP02 - The Saver of the World [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP07 - Zombi Rises From His Grave [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP08 - Lost Soul [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP14 - Thorny Wall [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP15 - The Temple of Judgment [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP19 - Stormy Volcano [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP20 - Winds of the Destiny [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP23 - Remains of War [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP24 - Last Wish [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP25 - Dance with a Skeleton [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP26 - Nightmares of the Slaves [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP27 - Inner Fear [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP28 - The Pyramid [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP29 - When the Sun Won't Rise Anymore [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP31 - Damned Spirits [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP32 - Gutknot [Thyrbse] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP07 - Seasons of Insanity [Jimmy] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP10 - Denied [Doomkid] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP12 - Blood Rush [Eris Falling] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP15 - Plummeting [Bucket] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP17 - Massacre Machine [Lippeth] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP21 - Ascension of Satan [Varis Alpha] PRCP OST: MAP07 - Overload [PRIMEVAL] PRCP OST: MAP16 - Kitchen Names (And Taking Ace) [PRIMEVAL] PRCP OST: MAP10 - Symbiotic [PRIMEVAL] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP01, MAP09 - Sadistic [L.A. Sieben] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP02, MAP15 - Smells Like Burning Corpse [L.A. Sieben] Rock - Punk: Tracks with simple, distinctive riffs, does not have to be exactly punk per-se Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP04 - Claustrophobia [ClumsyDoomer] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP05 - Sepulchral [Hellish Godzilla] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP06 - Plusfort [Bucket] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP10 - Denied [Doomkid] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP13 - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier [Mr. Freeze] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP16 - Run 'Em, Gun 'Em, Kill 'Em [James Paddock] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP23 - Plug Ugly [Bucket] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP26 - HOSILFU [yakfak] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP03 - Gateway [Stuart Rynn] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP16 - Come Out Fighting [Eric Baker] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP24 - Against God's Will [Eric Baker] PRCP OST: MAP10 - Symbiotic [PRIMEVAL] PRCP OST: MAP16 - Kitchen Names (And Taking Ace) [PRIMEVAL] PRCP OST: MAP22 - Mission Possible [PRIMEVAL] PRCP OST: MAP24 - un42 [4mer] PRCP OST: MAP27 - Reginald [Stuart Rynn] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP01, MAP09 - Sadistic [L.A. Sieben] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP02, MAP15 - Smells Like Burning Corpse [L.A. Sieben] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP05, MAP17 - More [Tom Mustaine] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP08, MAP27, MAP30 - Into the Beast's Belly [L.A. Sieben] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP20, MAP28 - AimShootKill [Tom Mustaine] Rock - Fast: Rock/Metal tracks that are fast in tempo, creating a feeling of an adrenaline rush Hell Revealed II OST: MAP15 - The Temple of Judgment [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP23 - Remains of War [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP27 - Inner Fear [Thyrbse] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP32 - Gutknot [Thyrbse] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP04 - Claustrophobia [ClumsyDoomer] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP06 - Plusfort [Bucket] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP12 - Blood Rush [Eris Falling] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP15 - Plummeting [Bucket] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP16 - Run 'Em, Gun 'Em, Kill 'Em [James Paddock] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP17 - Massacre Machine [Lippeth] PRCP OST: MAP07 - Overload [PRIMEVAL] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP01, MAP09 - Sadistic [L.A. Sieben] Rock - Slow: Rock/Metal tracks that are slow in tempo, creating a grinding feeling Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP10 - Denied [Doomkid] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP24 - Against God's Will [Eric Baker] PRCP OST: MAP24 - un42 [4mer] PRCP OST: MAP10 - Symbiotic [PRIMEVAL] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP20, MAP28 - AimShootKill [Tom Mustaine] Rock - Other: Tracks that are rock but do not fit in any specification Hell Revealed II OST: MAP01 - Push on the Gas [Metabolist] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP27 - Infimum [Ribbiks] Plutonia MIDI Pack: Plunge Saw [Bucket] PRCP OST: MAP32 - I Already Know About id [PRIMEVAL] Synth/Electro: Electronic/Synth-driven tracks Arrival OST : MAP01 - Digital Nomad [AD_79] BTSX E1 OST: MAP03 - Drilling By Night [Stuart Rynn] BTSX E1 OST: MAP04 - Clonk [esselfortium] BTSX E1 OST: MAP07 - Conductor [James Paddock] BTSX E1 OST: MAP15 - Quicksilver [James Paddock] frog.wad OST: MAP03 - Light Years [Chick Corea Elektric Band] (Sequenced by Devian) frog.wad OST: MAP04 - Low Down [Sam Sketty] frog.wad OST: MAP05 - Morocco [The Rippingtons] (Sequenced by Bob Baker) frog.wad OST: MAP07 - Samb-Adagio [Safri Duo] frog.wad OST: MAP10 - unknown title Hell Revealed II OST: MAP09 - Short Circuit [Metabolist] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP11 - Raw Hatred [Metabolist] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP12 - Sweaty Mancubus Armpits [Metabolist] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP18 - Excess Meat [Metabolist] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP10 - Astral Dreadnought [James Paddock] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP15 - Starting Out [Stuart Rynn] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP17 - Night Run [Stuart Rynn] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP18 - Silicone Dust [James Paddock] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP25 - Sanctified [James Paddock] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP26 - Plutopia [James Paddock] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP32 - Nobody told me about Plutonia [James Paddock] PRCP OST: MAP14 - Sewer Slide [Stuart Rynn] Synth Rock: Rock tracks that make extensive use of synths BTSX E1 OST: MAP01 - Entering [esselfortium] BTSX E1 OST: MAP02 - Phobophobe [esselfortium] BTSX E1 OST: MAP05 - Atmospheric Pressure [James Paddock] BTSX E1 OST: MAP06 - Nanonucleonic Cyborg Summoning [Elric Sullivan] BTSX E1 OST: MAP09 - Untilted [James Paddock] BTSX E1 OST: MAP10 - Coal [James Paddock] BTSX E1 OST: MAP11 - Yaw [James Paddock] BTSX E1 OST: MAP12 - Liquid Luck [James Paddock] BTSX E1 OST: MAP13 - Escape Velocity [James Paddock] Hell Revealed II OST: MAP24 - Last Wish [Thyrbse] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP06 - Plusfort [Bucket] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP22 - Stealth Mode [James Paddock] Plutonia MIDI Pack: MAP23 - Plug Ugly [Bucket] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP05 - Deadly Town [James Paddock] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP07 - Rock The Building [Jamie Robertson] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP09 - Battle Strategy [James Paddock] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP21 - I will chop Mariah Carey's head off with a chainsaw [Paul Corfiatis] Plutonia 2 OST: MAP30 - Cataclysmic Impact [James Paddock] TNT Evilution OST: MAP07 - Soldier of Chaos [Jonathan El-Bizri] TNT: Evilution OST: MAP08, MAP27, MAP30 - Into the Beast's Belly [L.A. Sieben] TNT Evilution OST: MAP11 - Let's Kill at Will [Jonathan El-Bizri] (1): There was no information about the track title or the composer for this track when I opened the wad on Slade, but I got an email and producer so I went digging around. I found a “Peter ‘Jazdout’ Weis” with a Youtube Topic and Spotify account. I went through their catalogue but didn’t find any track resembling the midi. There was also a page called which hosts midi music. I found a track called “Tranquility”, made by a “Jazdout”. It’s the same midi as the one in frog.wad, but as per the listing, the people behind the page don’t seem to be sure if Jazdout is Peter Weis either. I’m pretty sure Peter is the composer and this page was where ribbiks got the midi from, but since I can’t find concrete proof who the composer is or what the track name is, I’m putting this note up. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
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