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slade 3 invalid executable path


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I tried to make maps in slade 3 and when i click play map and insert path to gzdoom it says "invalid executable path". I use zorinOS

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32 minutes ago, Doomchad said:

I tried to make maps in slade 3 and when i click play map and insert path to gzdoom it says "invalid executable path". I use zorinOS

Obviously we would want to know what that path is, which version of Slade and GZ you are using.


To all: ZorinOS is a Linux flavor.

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i use flatpak (i think) of gzdoom and slade so latest,
for the path i used whereis command and output was:

gzdoom: /usr/games/gzdoom


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If you installed the GZDoom Flatpak it wouldn't be located at /usr/games/gzdoom. Launching GZDoom would be done with the command "flatpak run org.zdoom.GZDoom," but I assume you can't set that as the path in SLADE, so you can instead write a script to launch GZDoom and point SLADE at that script.


I use the following script with ZDL; I haven't tried it with SLADE but I bet it would work the same:

flatpak run --command=gzdoom org.zdoom.GZDoom "$@"

Save that into a text file, make sure that file has executable permissions, and point SLADE to that file.


Also, you'll need to grant the GZDoom Flatpak permission to read the locations where you have your WADs or where SLADE is writing them. There's a command-line way to manage permissions, but I use Flatseal, which can be installed from Flathub like GZDoom and SLADE.

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